Chapter 11 Flashcards
An object from a culture
An individual’s possible success and adapting to a new culture
Adaptation potential
A person who influences innovation decisions
Change agent
Concern for the unanticipated consequences of introducing a new idea or product into a culture
Change agent ethics
The space in which geographically and historically separately peoples come into contact, usually establishing relations involving coercion, radical any quality, and intractable conflict
Contact zone
A process in which information is shared by individuals who come together overtime to a greater degree of agreement
The spread of the nations into a culture
Labeling of the group as a dehumanizer such as “other,” which facilitates actions taken against it
Discursive imperialism
Predominant to influence by one culture over another
A popular symbol that represents a culture
Individuals who can influence others attitudes and behaviors
Opinion leadership
An employee group working to improve quality during the production process
Quality circle
Something in the culture that can be compared to the Gospel and hence makes the unknown knowable to the culture
Redemptive analogy
Single largest export industry for the United States is not aircraft; it is _.
Refers to global governance that protects the existing power structure at the expense of poor countries
The belief that a receding culture becomes accustomed to cars from Japan or movies and TV from Great Britain and the United States, and that it’s natural that they come from there, thus discouraging local businesses.
Cultural dependency
Which of the following is not a predictor of innovators
Financial independence
True or false
The language used by Europeans to describe Hawaiians as “savage” and “heathen” is an example of discursive imperialism