chapter 8 Flashcards
“the beast had teeth…
and big black eyes” (Ralph)
“he’s a coward…
himself” (Jack to Ralph)
“he just gives orders…
and expects people to obey for nothing” (Jack to Ralph)
“Jack turned….
red in the face”
“all right then…
he said in tones of deep meaning and menace” (Jack to Ralph being chief)
“hands up, said Jack strongly…
whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?”
“the silence continued….
breathless and heavy and full of shame”
“slowly the red drained from Jack’s cheeks…
then came back with a painful rush”
“so that his gaze avoided…
the embarrassment of linking with another’s eye”
“the hands that held the conch…
“the humiliating tears…
were running from the corner of each eye”
“I’m not going to play any longer…
not with you”
“I’m going off by myself…
Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too” (Jack)
“Only Piggy could have the intellectual…
daring to suggest moving the fire from the mountain”
“so full of pride in his contribution…
to the good of society” (Piggy)
“He’s cracked…
Piggy says about Simon
“the pigs lay, bloated…
bags of fat, sensuously enjoying the shadows under the trees”
“practise had made Jack
silent as the shadows”
“each of them wore the remains…
of a black cap and ages ago they had stood in two demure rows and their voices had been the song of angels”
“he was happy and wore…
the damp darkness of the forest like his old clothes” (Jack)
“sunk in deep maternal bliss…
lay the largest sow of the lot”
“the great bladder of her belly…
was fringed with a row of piglets that slept or burrowed and squeaked”
“the wooden spears with fire-hardened…
points flew toward the chosen pig”
“one piglet, with a demented shriek…
rushed into the sea trailing Roger’s spear behind it”
“the sow gave a gasping squeal…
and staggered up, with two spears sticking in her fat flank”
“the sow got away…
with the sting of another spear in her flank”
“the drops of…
wild blood”
“the sow staggered her way ahead of them…
bleeding and mad”
“wedded to her…
in lust”
“the hunters hurled…
themselves at her”
“this dreadful eruption from an unknown world…
made her frantic; she squealed and bucked and the air was full of sweat and noise and blood and terror”
“Jack was on top of the sow…
stabbing downward with his knife”
“Roger found a lodgment for his point…
and began to push till he was leaning with his whole weight”
“the terrified squealing…
became a highpitched scream”
“then Jack found the throat…
and the hot blood spouted over his hands” “=
“he giggled..
and flicked them while the boys laughed” (Jack)
“Right up…
her ass!”
“he started work on the sow…
and paunched her, lugging out the hot bags of coloured guts”
“sharpen a stick…
at both ends” (Jack)
“holding the dripping sow’s…
head in his hands” (Jack)
“Jack held up the head…
and jammed the soft throat down on the pointed end of the stick which pierced through into the mouth”
“a little blood dribbling…
down the stick”
“blood blackening…
between the teeth”
“you got to treat Samnenc…
as one turn”
“demoniac figures…
with faces of white and red and green rushed out howling, so that the littluns fled screaming”
“perhaps I’ll let you join…
Perhaps not” (Jack)
“he was safe from shame or self-consciousness…
behind the mask of his paint” (Jack)
“the two savages looked at eachother…
raised their spears together and spoke in time. “the chief has spoken”
“the group of boys looked at the white shell…
with affectionate respect”
“I’d like to put on war-paint…
and be a savage. But we must keep the fire burning” (Ralph)
“I’m part of you…
Close, close close!” (the LotF speaking to Simon)