chapter 7 Flashcards
“he would like to have a pair of scissors…
and cut this hair- cut this filthy hair” (Ralph)
“he would like to have a bath…
a proper wallow with soap” (Ralph)
“hair, much too long…
tangled here and there” (littluns)
“he discovered with a little fall of the heart…
that these were the conditions he took as normal” (Ralph)
“You’ll get back…
to where you came from” (Simon)
“You’ll get back all right…
I think so anyway” (Simon to Ralph)
“You’re batty…
Simon shook his head violently till the coarse black hair flew backwards and forwards across his face”
“everything was all right…
everything was good-humored and friendly” (Ralph)
“he sunned himself in their new respect….
and felt that hunting was good after all” (Ralph)
“I hit him all right. The spear…
stuck in. I wounded him! (Ralph)
“Robert squealed in mock terror…
then in real pain”
“Ralph, carried away…
by a sudden thick excitement, grabbed Eric’s spear and jabbed at Robert with it”
“all at once, Robert was screaming…
and struggling with the strength of frenzy”
“Jack had him by the hair…
and was brandishing his knife”
“The chant rose ritually…
as at the last moment of a dance or a hunt”
“Ralph too was fighting to get near…
to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering”
“the heaving circle cheered…
and made pig-dying noises”
“then they lay quiet…
panting, listening to Robert’s frightened snivels”
“that was a good…
game” (Jack)
“Just a game….
Ralph said uneasily”
“you could get someone to dress up as a pig…
and then he could act- you know, pretend to knock me over and all that”
“because you’ve got to kill him…
“Use a littlun, said Jack, and everyone laughed”
“not scared so much…
as paralysed” (Ralph)
“something like a great ape…
was sitting asleep with its head between its knees”