chapter 10 Flashcards
“there’s some littluns… (Piggy)
they don’t count”(Ralph)
“the coarse grass was still worn away…
where the assembly used to sit”
“the fragile white conch…
still gleamed by the polished seat”
Piggy said nothing but nodded, solemnly”
“he took the shell…
caressingly with both hands” (Ralph)
“That was Simon (Ralph)….
“You said that before” (Piggy) “That was murder” (Ralph
“It was dark…
there was that-that bloody dance”
“Don’t you understand, Piggy?
The things we did”
“P’raps he was only…
pretending (Piggy talking about Simon)
“it was an…
accident (Piggy)
“Coming in the dark…
he hadn’t no business crawling like that out the dark” (Piggy)
“he was batty…
he asked for it” (Piggy)
“I’m frightened…
Of us. I want to go home. Oh God, I want to go home” (Ralph)
“he touched Ralph’s bare shoulder…
and Ralph shuddered at the human contact” (Piggy)
“We was on the outside…
We never done nothing, we never seen nothing” (Piggy)
“the air was heavy…
with unspoken knowledge”
“Robert leaned lightly on the lever…
and the rock groaned”
“a full effort would send the rock…
thundering down to the neck of land. Roger admired”
“he got angry and made us tie Wilfred up…
he’s been tied for hours-waiting”
“assimilating the possibilities…
of irresponsible authority” (Roger)
“the chief was sitting there…
naked to the waist, his face blocked out in white and red” (Jack)
“the newly beaten and untied Wilfred…
was sniffing noisily in the background”
“the double function…
of the fire”
“was to be a hearth now…
and a comfort until they slept”
“there was something good about a fire…
something overwhelmingly good” (Ralph)
“there was a vicious snarling…
in the mouth of the shelter and the plunge and thump of living things”
“a complication…
of snarls and crashes and flying limbs”
biting, scratching”
“a fist withdrew and came back like…
a piston”
“Ralph twisted sideways on top of a writhing body…
and felt hot breath on his cheek”
“he began to pound the mouth…
below him, using his clenched fist as a hammer”
“he hit with more and more…
passionate hysteria”
“the night was cool and purged…
of immediate terror”
“he was a chief now in truth…
and he made stabbing motions with his spear”
“from his left hand…
dangled Piggy’s broken glasses”