Chapter 8 Flashcards
What was the social context surrounding the emergence of new right criminology?
1980’s, dominance of political ideology, “law and order” as main concept, after the recession in 1970s which caused higher crime rates and alienation (especially amongst youth).
What are the two base themes of new right criminology?
Placing responsibility for crime on the individual and reasserting punishment.
What were the two divisions of new right criminology?
Populist (related to political process) and academic (related to work of criminologists) dimensions.
What are the two perspectives in new right criminology?
Right wing libertarian and conservative.
What traits marked the rise of free-market economic policies?
- increasing globalization of world economic markets
- massive pools of labour
- lack of labour laws and minimum wage in other parts of the world
- massive outsourcing
- free trade pact between mexico, us, canada
- service economy
- high unemployment
- high inflation
What characterized global financial policies in the 1980s?
Economic efficiency, tax cuts, welfare cuts, control of unions, wealth creation. “Decade of Greed”
What are economic rationalists?
Believe that supporting the wealthy will in turn aid the poor people.
What did Canadian politicians believe would allow the economy to prosper?
Free trade
What does law and order mean internationally?
Combatting terrorism and drugs by any means necessary, little focus on human rights.
What does law and order mean domestically?
Attack on disorder in society, more police force, harsher sentences, reintroduction of death penalty.
What is deregulation?
Government stops regulating banks, stock brokers and allows them to function independently.
Why did deregulation seem like a good idea to some people?
If the market was more accessible, then more people would make money.
What was the actual result of deregulation?
Lots of white collar crime: insider trading, tax evasion, fraud, bankruptcy, inflation, class divide.
Rhetoric of populism
Criminals seen as animals or savages, especially in the case of black men, us vs. them.
Authoritarian populism
The process by which crime is conveyed in a series of moral panics about law-and-order issues, became an electoral tool.
What happened in ferguson? What was the reaction from police, mayor?
A cop shot an unarmed Black boy in Ferguson. Mayor says that the town gets around well with one another and there is no history of racial tension. The ferguson police officers target minorities, ordered by the county police sheriff.
What was the PC party’s platform on justice in 2015?
- eintroduce and pass the dangerous driving impaired act
- Reintroduce “life means life” legislation: life sentences with no chance of parole
- Crack down on criminal gangs
- War on drugs
- Protect seniors
- Barbaric Cultural Practices Hotline
What was the Barbaric Cultural Practices Hotline?
Had zero tolerance for “barbaric” practices, provided a hotline for people to report suspected forced marriages, and other things along those lines. Used to target immigrants and specifically muslim people (ex. Niqab ban). If an undocumented immigrant was reported they would have no trial, just be deported.
What was right wing libertarianism characterized by?
Competitive free-market capitalism, minimal state intervention (unless people are directly harmed by act, ex. theft).
How are humans considered by right wing libertarianism?
Rational entities with free will
What moral philosophy is right wing libertarianism based on?
Egoism, wherein the only constraints on behaviour should be to not harm others.
What is the definition of crime according to right wing libertarianism?
Crime is restrictive in nature, acts that violate the natural rights of others (infringement of physical self or private property).