Chapter 7 Flashcards
What defined the 1st wave of feminism?
The main goal was votes for white women. It was an exclusionary and racist movement that happily oppressed women of colour.
What defined the 2nd wave of feminism?
After women experienced financial independence during the war, they did not want to go back to their lives prior. They realised that getting the vote did not fix everything. They were still disadvantaged and treated unequally in most sectors.
What were the key demands of the women’s lib. movement (2nd wave)?
Equal pay, education and job opportunities.
Free and legal contraception and accessible legal abortion.
Free 24 hours nurseries under community control.
Legal and financial independence.
End to discrimination against lesbians.
Freedom from violence or sexual coercion even in marriage.
End to laws, assumptions and institutions that perpetuate male dominance and aggression towards women.
What were the laws surrounding divorce prior to 2nd wave feminism?
Woman could not file for divorce unless proving (and it was difficult to prove enough) adultery, desertion or abject cruelty. Spousal rape didn’t exist so there were high standards for what counted as abject cruelty.
What wave did feminist criminology emerge in?
2nd wave
What were the main concerns of fem. crim.?
Understand why some crimes can only be perpetuated by men or women.
Understand why crimes perpetuated against women tend to be ignored.
Issues of unfair distribution of economic and social resources between men and women.
What does fem crim say about sexist nature of criminal justice system.
Sexism is ingrained into the criminal justice and requires reform.
What is one of the main desires of fem crim?
Criminalize violence against women.
What were the general themes maintained by most branches of fem crim?
Lack of attention to crimes committed by and against women, the way femininity and masculinity is conceptualized matters in regard to law.
What is difference based fem. crim.?
Women are not just smaller men, they are unique and that difference should be accounted for in law.
What are some examples of laws that are differences based?
Infanticide (can only be committed by biological mom of newborn, negates intention)
Abortion laws (cis men cannot be persecuted under abortion laws bc… duh)
What is radical feminism?
Under the umbrella of difference based feminist criminology. Believe that women should be separated from men in order to be safe and liberated, i.e. women only spaces. They are against sex work bc they perceive it as inherently coercive. Some can also be terfs. They focus on women as victims of male violence.
What is socialist feminism?
Under the umbrella of difference based feminist criminology. Belief that men own the modes of production and they use that power to dominate and exploit women. They are not completely against sex work but believe that it consent is always at least slightly based on economic constraints.
What is marxist feminism?
Under the umbrella of difference based feminist criminology. Sees female criminality as an inherent consequence of the inequitable distribution of economic resources under capitalism. Focuses on women as victims of exploitation and women’s crimes of poverty.
What is cultural feminism?
Under the umbrella of difference based feminist criminology. Inspired by new age religion, concentrates on the development of a separate women’s culture with a desire to lean into historically feminine traits. Focuses on gender specific traits that make women superior and how women are victims of male violence.
What is liberal feminism?
Under the umbrella of sameness based feminist criminology. It specifies that all human rights should be protected, including for women. It believes the system just needs to be reformed to remove institutional barriers.
What is standpoint/intersectional feminism?
It expands feminism to include all women, not just middle class white ladies. Understands that there are specific experiences only held by women who experience multiple strands of marginalization.
What defined the third wave of feminism?
Starting in the 1990s, it took a post-structural approach. Disrupts taken for granted conceptions of gender and sex, establishes they are not the same and gender is a social category that is performed. Emphasizes issues of intersectionality.
What was the main goal of the 3rd wave (in relation to criminology)?
Address overrepresentation of women in criminal justice processes and intersectional differences of experiences of justice.
What is crime?
Male violence and institutionalized inequality and discrimination.
What are the focuses?
Unequal position of women in society, victimization of women, victim status of female offenders.
What is the cause of crime?
Oppression and economic dependency on men and the state. Criminality is a function of patriarchy.
What is the response to crime?
Confrontations of institutions of male domination.
How to prevent?
Economic, social, political power and equality, anti-sexist training programs for judiciary and other sections of the criminal justice system.
How should the justice system be operated?
Provision of gender-specific services and support systems within criminal justice and welfare spheres.
What is the sexualization thesis?
Women are dealt with in the criminal justice system on the basis of their adherence to gender related criteria, what is labelled as criminal depends on perceived sexual behaviour of the woman.
How was female crime been examined historically?
It hasn’t really. The small amount of analysis was was linked to narrow biological view of how women are, that saw them as antithetical to crime. If they committed crimes they were also deviating from their gender norms.
What were the socialization theories?
Some theorists explained crime through different socialization. If women were incorrectly socialized they could be criminal.
What were the four common threads between early and contemporary theorizing?
Sexualized double standard, deserving/undeserving offending, whose harm counts?, usual suspects in female offending.
What were the four key areas of investigation since 1990?
Explaining and responding to men’s violence towards women, investigating intersectionality, thinking about problems associated with equality and how they manifest in the criminal justice system, explaining and responding to women’s violence.
What did Lombroso say about criminal women?
They are often only identified when commit infanticide because its a woman only crime, more likely to have victimization history.
What is the double bind of sexualization thesis?
Women not perceived as real gang members because they can’t live up to masculine ideals. If they tried to though they’d be labelled lesbians.
What are the main critiques?
Some approaches do not adequately deal with class, ethnicity and race, men and women should be understood in terms of their mutual relationship to each other, seeing women as victims undermines their autonomy, incarceration spiral (more criminalization for male offenders against women is problematic in the existing system).
What are the political orientations of NRC, Marxist and Labelling?
NRC: Circle, conservative
Marxist: Triangle, radical
Labelling: non-geo, liberal
What are the political orientations of all the feminist views?
Radical fem.: triangle, radical
Lib. fem.: square, liberal
Standpoint: non-geo, liberal
Marxist fem: triangle, radical