Chapter 8 Flashcards
What Treaty ended the war of 1812?
Treaty of Ghent
What did the Rush-Bagot Agreement accomplish between the 2 countries?
Limited naval powers on the Great Lakes for the U.S. & British Canada.
What were the 2 countries involved with the Rush-Bagot Agreement?
US & British CANADA
What gave U.S fishing rights off parts of Canadian coasts and set the border between U.S. and Canada as far west as the Rocky Mountains?
Convention of 1818
What is the line that separates the U.S. and Canadian border called? (7^2)
49th Parallel
What Treaty gave U.S Florida?
Adams-Onis Treaty
How much did we pay out for Florida?
$5 million
What did the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 accomplish regarding to Florida?
Spain gave up Florida
What did the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 accomplish regarding Texas?
US gave up rights to Texas
What did the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 accomplish regarding US geography?
It made US transcontinental
What was the Monroe Doctrine