Chapter 8, 13, 14, 15, & 16 Terms Flashcards
Understand depositional history, how site formed over time.
Object or material made or modified for use by hominins.
Unremovable human activity.
Natural materials with environmental info about site
Space, location, and temporal association of artifacts and features.
Examines contemporary societies into past human behavior. Ex.: learning ways from existing tribal groups.
Experimental archaeology
Observations of modern behavior as testable ideas about interpretation of archaeological patterning.
Bering Land Bridge
Priest Jose de Acosta said species crossed Asia to enter New World. During Pleistocene lowered sea levels exposed floor of Bering Sea.
Dry land 1300 miles connecting Asia and Americas, existed ruing Pleistocene epoch.
+100 pound animals like mammoth, mastodon, giant bison, horse, camel, and sloth. At kill sites were knives, scrapes, and finely flaked and fluted projectile points with animal DNA or blood.
Llive in camp for short time as food resources come to season.
Stay in camp for long time as there are local plant and animals.
Hunter gathers in Near East 12 kya, collector types with sedentary settlement.
Craft specialization
Neolithics had more time for cloth weaving, pottery making, and metallurgy.
Evolutionary process, requires permanent genetic transformation of wild species by selective breeding with natural processes.
Cultural activity, farming based exploitation by humans to domesticate plants and animals.
Neolithic plants
Species tend to grow in long dry season following short wet period. Pollen, starch, and phyloliths are abundant, taxonomically distinctive, tough shell, and wind dispersal. Preserve poorly in open site based on soil acidity, draining, and weathering.
Neolithic animals
Most domesticates were maintained for meat and stayed that way, until 4 kya when changes in herd (age and gender ratio), slaughter pattern, and popularity of breed brought new use for livestock. Oxen plowed, horse carried, cattle and goat milked, and sheep wooled. Animal waste became fertilizer for agriculture.
Urban ccenters supported by vicinity of lesser communities, most settled communities were hamlets, villages, or towns.
Governmental entity by political control of territory, like most modern nations.
Larger social order of states formed by language, tradition, history, economic ties, and set of shared cultural values.
Social strafication
True social classes including hierarchy or class structure based on political, economic, or social standing.
Environmental explanations to forming civilization
Arie Issar & Mattanyah Zohar say fluctuating water resources caused by major climatic changes was key factor in development of civilization in Near East. Environmental & climate changes can’t explain rise & fall of all early civilizations.
Cultural explanations to forming civilization
Explains major prehistoric changes in shaping human behavior. Transition from villages to cities & states is by economy or politics. Bruce Trigger said there’s no evidence of shaminism, but there is uniform class systems, kingship, and control of production.
Epoch where human behavior was 1 of major geomorphological and geological processes.