Chapter 8 Flashcards
Those who are online and manage their lives with both computers and mobile devices may have a hard time seeing the problems of those who don’t. And if you can’t see it, you can’t solve it.
global divide
Everywhere else (not the United States)
technology gap
The uneven distribution of technology in society, which relates to a person’s access to a given technology
information gap
The uneven adoption of technology in society, which relates to a person’s desire to use a given technology
participation gap
Comes when people have access to technology and adopt it to some extent but don’t achieve the ability to participate in the digital conversation
digital illiteracy
Not knowing the difference between a browser and a search engine or being able to distinguish news from gossip
digital natives
Didn’t witness the evolution of digital technology and don’t question what they’re consuming or how it consumes them
A minor rebellion of people who can afford the technology and are well educated but simply choose not to engage with it (Sam)
early adopters
People who continually watch for new technologies, research them, and buy them as soon as they are on the market
* Have a more utopian view on technology
Those who believe that ICTs are making the world better
Those who are between the two; people who understand that technological change creates undesirable as well as desirable possibilities
infrastructure development
Necessary to foster national development
* If a country wants to foster the perception that it is ready for international investment, it needs to ensure that the physical backbone us in place and people understand how to use it
information control
How a government approaches digital media – from news organizations to social sites – as a way to control its citizens.
digital divide
o The divide between haves and have-nots has existed with the introduction of all new technologies
o Digital technology is different, however, in that a large amount of Web content today is user generated We are both content producer and content
3 basic reasons why the digital divide exists in the US
o Three reasons why the digital divide exists in the US: technology gap, information gap, and the participation gap