Chapter 7: Training and Development Flashcards
a company’s planned efforts to help employees gain job–related KSAs so they can apply them to the job
what are the benefits of training?
more efficiency and productivity
keep up with the rapidly changing environment
employee interest, retention, and motivation
what are some costs associated with training?
Trainer’s salary
Trainee’s salary or wage
Materials and supplies for training
Development costs
Consultant’s or contractor’s service fees
Travel and living expense for trainer and trainees
Equipment costs: Audiovisual and computer
Support costs: Hours spent by clerical staff and managers
Postage, misc
Lost production (opportunity costs).
training vs development: training
Teaching specific KSAs or addressing deficiencies. Essential to functioning safely and effectively
Save $$$ (short run)
Current job.
training vs development: development
Helping employees prepare for the future
Can look similar to training, but perspective is long term
Can save $$$ (long run)
Future jobs.
Development = using formal education, job experience, relationships, and assessment to help employees become more competitive for future jobs.
phases of training
1) needs assessment (organization, task, and person analysis)
2) design (objectives, trainee readiness and motivation, principles of learning)
3) implementation (methods and learning outcomes)
4) evaluation (reactions, learning behaviors, results)
stage 1: needs assessment
Needs assessment: Identify problems/needs that the training program will address.
Organizational analysis (i.e., the context of the training)
Organization’s needs, goals and strategy
E.g., is the company growing? Downsizing? Selling a new product/service?
Resources available for training
Time, money, people
Level of support for training