Chapter 6: Selection Flashcards
selection process
deciding who does and does not make it into the company
what are the 5 steps in the selection process?
1) screening applications and resumes
2) Testing and reviewing work samples
3) Interviewing candidates
4) checking references and background
5) making a selection
what is the goal of the selection process?
the maximize hits!
the two variables here are future job performance and predicted success
miss: inaccurate prediction (person would have succeeded on the job)
miss: inaccurate prediction (person fails on the job)
hit: accurate prediction (person would not have succeeded on the job)
hit: accurate prediction (person succeeds on the job)
how do you know when the tools you’re using to select people are effective?
person-organization fit, person-job fit, reliability, and validity tests
positive correlation
weak to strong is 0 to +1
as one variable increases, so does the other
negative correlation
weak to strong is 0 to -1
as one variables increases, the other decreases
no correlation
0 means there is no observable relationship between the two variables
reliability/consistency of a test
test-retest reliability: consistency of scores over time using the same metric
inter-rater reliability: consistency of scores across judges
degree to which your test measures what it is supposed to measure
Validity in the selection context: degree to which a selection test predicts actual job performance
content validity
the extent to which the content on a test is representative of actual job content
criterion validity
correlation between selection test and and job performance scores
there are TWO ways of getting this information: concurrent and predictive validity
concurrent validity
Extent to which scores on a selection test is RELATED to job performance (both measured at roughly the same time, usually with current employees).
predictive validity
Extent to which scores on a selection test correlates with future job performance.
what selection tools to company’s use?
Cover Letters and Resumes (normal & video resumes)
Interviews (phone, computer, in-person, various structures)Interviews (phone, computer, in-person, various structures)
Employment TestsEmployment Tests
Ability, personality, knowledge, work samples & assessment centers, integrity
Background Investigations
Drug tests (May be best for safety-related or high risk or high security positions
letters of recommendations and contacting references
generally poor validity
better validity when they are focused on job-related KSA’s
can be risky (there is a chance that the person interviewing could sue and file for defamation of character)