Chapter 7- Residential Financing Flashcards
FHA - Federal Housing Administration is overseen by who?
History of FHA loans
1) FHA insures loans doesn’t give them.
2) Increases home ownership by encouraging lenders to lend.
3) US citizenship is not required.
Types of FHA Title programs.
1) Title 1, Title ll and title lll.
Title 1 FHA loan
Home improvement loan.
Title ll
Purchase, construction or refinance.
Title lll
Fannie Mae- Government started to purchase Title l and Title ll loans from lenders. Enticing because they can earn fees to sell loans and start over the loan process.
Explain FHA Insurance
Benefits the lender and paid for by the borrower.
UFMIP- Up front Mortgage Insurance- Paid for upfront
Paid for Monthly- Called MIP - Get yearly, paid monthly.
Maximum loan amount for FHA
Set country to country by congress.
Procedure to obtain an FHA loan
Go to primary lender- Bank
Conditional Commitment- ( Appraisal Process) for FHA loan.
1) Repairs required- comes from appraiser.
2) Amendatory Clause- (Escape Clause)- The borrower may cancel if appraisal is below sales price.
3) Valid for 120 days-stays with the property.
4) Only for single family or up to 4 multi-family.
5) Home inspection form must be delivered to FHA borrowers.
Qualifications of borrowers for FHA loan
Four C’s
1) Cash- down- 3.5 % minimum and can be gifted not borrowed.
2) Credit- Good not perfect.
3) Collateral- House needs to be turn key and no repairs needed.
4) Capacity- Will they qualify now and in the future.( Base salary, no commission or bonuses. (Unless can show a history.)
Qualifying ratio for FHA loans
1) PITI (divided) monthly gross income=Front End
2) Monthly obligations+PITI (divided by) Monthly gross income= back.
Is a co-Mortgagor (signer) allowed for FHA loan?
Assumption policies for FHA loans
1) Assumption with qualifying- Must qualify.
2) Novation-original borrower will be replaced
Firm Commitment
a commitment by the FHA to insure a mortgage on certain property- FHA approved.
Requirements of a FHA loan (203b)- Title ll loan.
(Purchase, construction or refinance)
1) Owner has to occupy the home.
2) No pre-payment penalty.
3) Discount points can be paid by buyer or seller ( Negotiated)
4) Max seller contribution-6% of sale price.
5) Interest rates set by market-negotiated.
6) Loan origination fee-Lenders profit on new loans.
7) Borrower cant pay termite fees or tax service fees.
What do lenders do for FHA loans
Can approve FHA loans without send to FHA. Speeds up the process. Approve to FHA standards.
FHA 203K ( Title ll ) is for?
Homes that need repair.
Home Equity conversion loan (Reverse Mortgage)
Lender pays borrower based on equity.
Qualifying criteria for Reverse Mortgage
62+ years
No loan or lots of equity.
Someone retired can have stable income.
Stays in home and proceeds are tax free.
Disadvantages of Reverse Mortgage
Higher fees and equity goes down.
History of VA loans
Increase home ownership of veterans
1) GI Bill of Rights
2) Guarantees lender up to 25%.
Procedures to obtain a VA-Guaranteed loan
4- C’s ( Certificate of Eligibility- From Primary Lender
1) Cash- Little as 0% down, can be gifted not borrowed.
2) Credit- doesn’t have to be good.
3) Collateral- Has to be move in ready- turn key.
4) Capacity- Borrower ability to qualify now and in the future.
VA Eligibility
2 years of service after 1980
90 days if deployed to war zone.
0 if disabled.
Types of properties that qualify with VA loan
Up to 4 multi-family units.
Qualifying ratio for VA loans
PITI (divided by) Monthly gross income.
Requirements of VA loan
1) Owner occupied
2) No maximum loan amount- max guarunttee
3) No pre-payment penalty.
4) factors used to determine- down payment, number of loans, Reserves, Guards, disabled.
5) Discount points- negotiable-vets can pay points.
6) Max seller contribution- 6% of sale.
7) Interest rates set by market
8) vets/non-vets can assume loan.
9) Once get guarantee commitment (approval certificate) Can only get again if paid off or paid by veteran.
VA guarantee to lender
25% of loan to max of 106,025 ?
How many VA loans can you have?
1 at a time.
Conventional loans
Any loan from a primary lender- banks get money from depositors and lends out. Non government backed.
Types of conventional loans
Conforms to Fannie May (FMNA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC)
Does not conform to Fannie May and Freddie Mac.
Loan amounts on Conforming and Non-Conforming loans (Conventional)
Up to 100%- based on market conditions.
Purpose of qualified Mortgage with conventional loans
Provides lenders with set qualification guidelines.
Application of conventional loans
Residential, purchase, refy or new construction
Who regulates conventional loans
CFPB-Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Ability to repay
Rules a lender on conventional loan uses to qualify a borrower.
Loan- to -Value ratio
Used in conventional loans (LTV)
Used to put 20% or more down.
1) Reduced risk- Less than 20% down.
2) Risk- Has PMI- Private mortgage insurance-insures top 20 % of loan.
3) PMI is to conventional loan as MIP is to FHA.- Private Mortgage Insurance.
How to Remove PMI on conventional loan.
When loan to Value Ratio is less than 78%
conventional appraisal
Procedure of Appraisal with conventional
Lender contacts appraisal Management company who assigns an appraiser.
Appraisal VS contract amount
If appraisal comes in low can only cancel if contract allows.
Loans available with Conventional
Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM)- Payment changes because principal amount changes.
Loan assumability with conventional loan
Alienation Clause *** FHA does not have this.
Buyer qualifications for conventional loan
Cash- Market Conditions
Credit- Market Conditions
Collateral-Looking more at Borrower than home
Qualifying Ratios- 1) PITI (divided by)monthly gross income= front end
2)Monthly Obligations+PITI- Monthly Gross Income= backend.
Credit Score-FICO
Secondary Financing can reduce PMI
Sub-Prime Loans (conventional)
Loans you give borrower with poor credit.
Conventional loan costs
1) Points- Fees a lender charges to give a loan.
2) Lender Fees-Loan Origination Fee- New loan fee.
Variable Rate Mortgage (conventional)
Also called ARMS (Adjustable Rate Mortgage)
1) When interest rates are high - ARMS are good
2) Lower initial rate
3) Assumable
4) No Prepayment Penalty
5) Amortized payments
6) Drawbacks is that rates change.
Index Types with Variable Rate Mortgages
- *Adjusts the interest rate on ARMS
1) Treasury Bills
2) 11th District Cost of Funds Index (COFI)
3) London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
Margins-Purposes (ARMS)
Seeps interest rate current with new loans. Set 1x, never changes.
Adjustments with ARMS
Happens periodically- Established upfront
As index goes up and down its rate changFes.
CAPS with (ARMS) Variable Rate
1) Annual- Max interest increase allowed per year
2) Lifetime- Max increase per lifetime
Floor Rate (ARMS)
Lowest allowable rate
Negative Amortization (ARMS)
When principal balance increases with a loan.
Conversion with (ARMS)
lender might convert ARMS to fixed rate if they think you might default.
Is amortized- paid off with regular periodic payments.
Assumtion with ARMS
Assuming some ones loan.
Advantage/disadvantage of ARMS
Might get lower interest rate
Disadvantage- Money loss
Truth in lending same as
Regulation Z and TLAW
Properties regulated by TLAW
Residential Property
1 to 4 plex
Properties not regulated by TLAW
1) Assumptions
2) Carry Backs
3) Leases
4) Wraps
5) Commercial
Regulations for Residential properties and 1 to 4 plex
(Enforcement Agency)
1) Loans with more than 4 payments
2) Finance charges must be disclosed
3) Terms must be disclosed
4) APR =Effective Rate- Simple interest rate+lender fees
5) 3 days to rescind on refinance only.
6) New homes not refinance
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
RESPA- More disclosure than Regulation Z
Requires full discloser of loans and settlement
It is a form- Anytime a form is used it is from RESPA
Not regulated with RESPA
Assumptions Carrybacks Lease Wraps Commercial
RESPA facts
1) Residential, 1 to 4 units
2) Limits kickbacks- why created
3) Applies when financing is federally regulated
4) Booklet “Shopping for Your Home Loan HUD Settlement costs-Form has to be given on regulated loans.
5) Closing Disclosure-provided to borrower in 3 days
6) Loan estimate within 3 days of loan application.
7) Limits are placed on taxes and insurance the lender can collect (Prorated to date of closing plus 2 months in advance) (Impoud or Reserve account)
8) Lender might not require title insurance
9) Enforcement Agency CFPB- consumer Financial protection bureau.