Chapter 7/reading Flashcards
In the article, “individualized patient-progress systems by Sales and Alves, what was most important?
The utilization of idiographic and nomothetic data for outcome assessment and progress. This form of assessment and evaluation is more individualized and allows for patient input.
_______ are the people who will benefit from the program.
In small projects the identification of stakeholders maybe ______ whereas in large projects ______ will need to be used to select stakeholders.
straightforward; strategies
Human Relations by Branch: Methods- Use- Values- Social Justice-
Methods-distant relationship
Use-forming a relationship
Values-evaluator needs to be involved with the community sufficiently
Social Justice-directly address differences in power between themselves and various stakeholder groups
What differences did Patton and Schriven see in human relations?
Patton-the interpersonal relationship b/w evaluator and use effects use; containts cognitive and emotional dynamics
Schriven-interpersonal relatinoship skills are not necessarily important
Kirkhart notes that the validity of an evaluation is influenced by_____.
interpersonal justification
LIncoln states that the evaluator should ______.
Know the community
The Maori community in New Zealand applies Kaupapa Maori to aspects of of life such as:
Respect for People
A voice maybe heard, but a voice must be seen
Watch, listen….talk
looking after people
Do not trample on the authority of the people
be humble
Heron and Reason provided strategies for designing an evaluation that included self reflection and that monitor evaluators’ engagement with communites in culturally respectful ways.
Research cycling authentic collaboration challening consensus collusion managing distress reflection and action chaos and order
What indigenous peoples prefer to speak of relationshps versus partnerships?
Maori, Native Americans, Africans- share emphasis on connectivity to include environment, ancestors, and inanimate objects
What are some techniques that evaluators can use to gather information qualitatively?
concept mapping, brainstorming, interviews, surveys, focus groups, indigenous methods
Trochim developed concept mapping which is___.
having participants brainstorm either possible outcomes or specific factors that influence those outcomes then rank them in level of importance
Buskens and Earl developed outcome mapping which is____.
deliberately using subgroups of stakeholders in the process of determining how interventions fit into the overall development process
What are boundary partners?
the individuals, groups or organizations with whom the program works directly and with whom the program anticipates opportunities for influence
Action researchers Heron and Reason (2006) want evaluators to be self-reflective, culturally respectful, and monitor their community engagement. What does their strategy of authentic collaboration refer to?
A. Allowing all voices to be expressed
B. Developing an egalitarian relationship between evaluators and stakeholders
C. Motivating stakeholders to have sustained involvement in the evaluation process
What are some sources for identifying, understanding, and determining how to approach the evaluand and its context?
A. Use guidance from one or more theoretical framework to identify factors and variables to examine
B. Review the scholarly literature to see what is already known about the issue, problem, context, and evaluand
C. Use group and individual strategies such as interviews, surveys, focus groups, concept mapping, outcome mapping, and indigenous methods
What does a logic model depict
helpful in depicting the evaluand, its process, and
its outcomes
To which kind of evaluation approach is a logic model most closely tied?
Theory based evaluation
Action researchers Heron and Reason (2006) want evaluators to be self-reflective, culturally respectful, and monitor their community engagement. What does their strategy of authentic collaboration refer to?
. Allowing all voices to be expressed
B. Developing an egalitarian relationship between evaluators and stakeholders
C. Motivating stakeholders to have sustained involvement in the evaluation process
Which of the variables shown below would be considered contextual variable(s)?
A. Local setting and time
B. Cultural characteristics of the stakeholders
C. Characteristics of program participants
Different evaluators inevitability bring their own _________ to the planning process
Cultural lenses and personal philosophical assumptions
All relevant interests need to be included
The evaluation process is dialogical in order identify stakeholders interests
The evaluation results are deliberated upon by the relevant stakeholders
Delibertaive Democratic Evaluation
International development community’s desire to approach evaluation from a human rights perspective led to CLE development. CLE conducted by donor agencies or their consultants did not instill a sense of ownership of the programs in the home country. Tall (2009) points out the need to give serious consideration to the purpose and dynamics of CLE
Country-Led Evaluation (CLE)
Theorist work through the lens of discrimination based on race or ethnicity to interrogate the eects of racism in the provision of service for communities of color. This approach provides a means to make visible inequalities related to differences in power in social, educational, and political systems.
Critical Race Theory Evaluation
Before an asssessment of a program theory you must ______.
articulate the program theory
Who was Joseph Wholey?
Evaluability assessment
-assessing whether the rpogram is ready to be managed for results, what changes needed to do so, and whether the evaluation would contribute to improved program performance
60-70s. RLF trace the origin of theory driven evaluation to him
Quick assessment of a program’s performance
Rapid feedback evaluation
the establishement of an ongoing process and outcome program monitoring system
Performance monitoring
a rigorous experimental evaluation to test the validity of causal assumptions linking program activities to outcomes
Intensive evaluation
______________are the expectations about how program clients will become engaged with the program and participate in program activities
service utlization plans
_________ the expectations about how the program will be organized and maintained.
Organizational plan
Theory driven evaluation is called _____ by Scriven.
clear box evaluation
Individualized patient progress systems: why we need to move towards a personalized evaluation of psychological treatments
Sales, ALves
individualized progress research which combines nomothetic and idiographic measures
qualitative not just numbers