Chapter 7 - Planning Flashcards
What are the 5 benefits of planning?
1) provides direction
2) reduces the impact of changes
3) promotes coordination
4) ensures cohesion
5) facilitates control
What is the cost or negatives of planning?
1) create rigidity (no deviations)
2) consumes management time
3) may replace intuition and creativity
4) cause delays in decision-making
What is an organizational goal or objective?
A desirable state of affairs that an organisation aims to achieve at some point in future.
What is an organisational plan?
The means by which the goal is to be realised.
What goals are formulated by top management?
Long term Stategic goals of the entire organisation.
What goals are used and set by middle level managers?
Use strategic goals and plans
Set medium term tactical goals and plans
What goals are used and set by lower level managers?
Use tactical goals and plans
Develop short term operational goals and plans
Goals may be publicly stated or not. Which goal is publicly shared and which one not?
Official goals - publicly in annual reports and media
Operatives goals - private goals not shared
What are the importance of goals?
- direction
- resource deployment
- motivate employees
- control
The SMART framework helps set criteria for effective goals. What are they?
S - specific M - measurable A - attainable R - relevant T - time bound
What does MBO stand for?
Management By Objectives
What is MBO about?
It is a system whereby managers and employees for everyday department, project and person - and use them to monitor subsequent performances.
Name the 4 steps in the MBO goal setting technique.
1) set clear job description
2) set potential key performance targets
3) establish checkpoints
4) degree of goal attainment @ end of period
What are the 4 advantages of the MBO technique?
1) focus on attaining goals
2) performance can be improved
3) employees motivated
4) individual goals align with org
What are the 5 disadvantages of MBO?
1) constant change
2) poor relations reduce MBO
3) ops goals may displace strategic goals
4) org culture may discourage effective MBO
5) too much paperwork