Chapter 7 Pathophysiology Flashcards
The study of how disease processes affect the function of the body
What is the function of the cell membrane?
to protect and selectively allow water and other substances into the cell
What part of the cell contains the genetic blue print for cellular reproduction?
What part of the cell plays a key role in synthesizing proteins ?
Endoplasmic reticulum
Where is the energy of the cell produced?
What does the Mitochondria need in order to produce energy(ATP)
glucose and other nutrients
What is ATP?
adenosine triphosphate
the cellular function of converting nutrients into energy
a substance that, when dissolved in water, separates into charged particles ( potassium, sodium, and magnesium are important electrolytes in the body)
Aerobic metabolism
the cellular process in which oxygen is used to metabolize glucose, energy is produced in an efficient manner with minimal waste products
Anaerobic metabolism
the cellular process in which glucose is metabolized into energy without oxygen, energy is produced in an inefficient manner with many waste products
What effect does an acidic state of the body have on the blood?
decreases oxygen carrying ability
What is normal air typically made up of?
79% Nitrogen
21% oxygen
What is the concentration of air we breath referred to?
FiO2 (fraction of inspired air)
What path does air take in the body?
from mouth/nose pharynx or nasopharynx hypopharynx larynx trachea bronchi brochiole alveoli
free from obstruction, open and clear
tidal volume
the air moved in and out in one cycle of breathing
minute volume
the amount of air breath in during each respiration multiplied by the number of breaths per minute
How much dead air space usually occupies the area between the mouth and aveoli?
150 ml
How are the broad categories of respiratory dysfunction?
Disruption of respiratory control
Disruption of pressure
Disruption of lung tissue
What is the seat of respiratory control?
medulla oblongata
What are some ways the medulla oblongata’s function can be altered?
Stroke, infection, Toxins, trauma/ICP
What type of process is inhalation?
What occurs with the diaphragm and chest muscles when we inhale?
Diaphragm contracts
Chest muscles expand
What type of process is exhalation?
What occurs with the diaphragm and chest muscles when we exhale?
muscles relax
diaphragm relax
What are some ways we an have a disruption of pressure?
if air or blood collect in the plural space
What are some ways lung tissue is disrupted?
What is hypercapina?
increased co2 in body