Chapter 7 Jyaana Vijyaana Yoga Flashcards
7-1,2 Attaching to God - when there’s nothing else to attain.
Lord Kṛṣṇa says:
Now listen Arjuna, how one can have full knowledge of
Me without any doubts, by dedicating his yoga practice to Me, and absorbing his mind on Me. (1)
I will explain this knowledge to you fully, along with the
process of its immediate realisation. Once you understand this, there is nothing else that needs to be known. (2)
One who is detached from outside enjoyment, objects of the senses, free from egoism and pride can attach oneself to God.
When deeply attached to Narayana Krishna - seeing Him as everything, with faith, must first long for Him. Meditate on Him deep, within yourself. There’s nothing that isn’t Him.
Once one perceives the Lord everywhere, inside and out, there’s nothing else to attain. Nothing else to know.
7-3 Only humans can long for Him
Where some bhaktas fall short
The realizations of saints
Among thousands of men, perhaps one strives for
perfection; even among those who strive for perfection,
only one may know Me; and among those who know Me,
maybe one alone knows Me in truth. (3)
Only human beings are able to long for the Lord. Not even the devas who are at a high level in the high lokas can strive for God-Realization. But most humans don’t understand the chance before them.
The bhaktas often are so bound by their sadhana, outside reality, by their dharma, they can’t see beyond the foundation that they have laid. They know Krishna is the Lord, that He is beyond everything yet they can’t see beyond that. - Their bhakti and devotion are only based on what they can see/experience outwardly. On the other hand, when one sees Him within one’s own Self, perceive Him everywhere.
True Vaishnavas striving to attain God change inside and let the Divine qualities awaken inside them. - completely detached from the outside world - whatever they have, offer it to the Lord, don’t desire anything but Him.
When they sit in sadhana, don’t think “When will I finish?”
In lives of saints, fully absorbed into Krishna, nothing else mattered to them. When they find Krishna within, don’t need to run to the outside looking for Heaven. They have this yearning for God, they are humble, long to awaken/realize God, help people in society with an attitude of complete surrender, know in their inner core that they aren’t the body, only see God everywhere and know no difference between themselves and God - look equally at honor and dishonor.
With such limited points of view of “Jesus and no one else”, “Krishna….” etc, none of them fully realize Him. Saints don’t criticize, have the same love and kindness for everyone.
7-4 Eightfold principles of material nature
Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and the ego;
make up the eight parts of My material nature. (4)
Everything you see in the outside reality is created with these eight principles: earth, water, fire, air, ether constitute the body and the mind, intellect, and ego. When the intellect runs after the mind and the ego runs after the intellect, one gets deluded. Doesn’t see all this as the Lord’s play.
These eightfold principles are the Lord’s material nature - called Apara Prakriti - where the mind is veiled and can’t perceive the eternal reality.
7-5 Lower Nature vs. Higher Nature - Krishna’s eight wives
This is My lower nature. But, Arjuna, know that My higher
nature is different. It is made up of the embodied souls,
which sustain this universe. (5)
All one sees in the outside world is His lower nature, Maya Prakriti, Apara Prakriti. My nature in the form of the 5 elements and the mind, intellect, and ego is limited.
It is Me, but beyond I also have a higher, supreme nature - Yogmaya - Para Prakriti
It’s the life principle, Jivabhuta (or Jivatma) - the Atma, the soul beyond the duality of pleasure and pain - through Jivabhuta that the universe is sustained. God manifests Himself through the individual soul.
‘Apara’ - lower nature aspect, ‘Para’ - higher aspect. He reveals Himself here as beyond the duality.
Eight wives of Krishna symbolize the eightfold nature of Apara Prakriti.
First perceive Him within the core of yourself, realize there is no ‘yourself’, there’s only Krishna Himself.
7-6 How creation happens, God Realization versus those in ignorance seeing “separation”
Know that all beings originate from these two natures of
mine. Understand therefore that I am the origin and the
dissolution of this whole universe. (6)
Creation happens through Prakriti. Just as the sky is the medium (cause and support) or the clouds, the whole Universe comes out of and disappears back into Krishna.
God-Realization happens when you perceive God inside without any pride about it. People dwelling in the lower nature see a difference between themselves and God. Due to ignorance, there’s this pain/suffering of “separation”.
7-7,8,9 God is holding and sustaining everything - string of pearls
There is nothing higher than Me, O Arjuna. All of this
rests upon Me, like pearls on a thread. (7)
I am the taste of water; I am the radiance of the Sun and Moon. I am the sacred syllable oṁ in the Vedas; I am the sound in ether, and the valor in men. (8)
I am the fragrance of the earth; I am the heat of fire; I am the life of all living beings, and the austerity of ascetics. (9)
Like a thread holding pearls, God is holding and sustaining His entire creation - this analogy shows that beyond one’s limited perception, everything is only Him.
Krishna is the sacred syllable ‘OM’ in the Vedas (Atma Kriya Yoga). There is none beyond Him, He pervades everything.
Krishna is the energy of light in fire, He is the Sadhana of the bhakta striving for perfection.
7-10 The creation process, Krishna in all
Know Me, Arjuna, to be the original seed of all beings.
I am the intelligence of the intelligent, and the energy of
the energetic. (10)
He is the eternal seed of all existences, nothing comes from somewhere else because there is nowhere else. Krishna gives faculty to reason, Krishna is the One in their sadhana doing the chants, gives realization and longs for realization.
All just His para prakriti / Shakti itself. Through Maya Prakriti, everything is created.
7-11 He is the cause for everything - even our impetus to change
O Arjuna, I am the strength of the strong which is without passion and desire. I am that desire in all living beings which does not go against righteous principles. (11)
It’s Me who inspires one to rise above desire, gives strength to rise above duality - see the oneness. I am this eternal perfection seated beyond any duality. I inspire one to follow the path of renunciation, which leads to perfection.
7-12 The play of the gunas, where they come from and the soul’s perspective as well as the one longing for outward perfection.
Know that all the states of sattva, rajas and tamas have
their origin in Me alone. But I am not in them; they are in
Me. (12)
All is manifested through His Prakriti - His Will. The sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic qualities evolve from Aprara Prakriti - also come from Him. This Prakriti blinds men, that makes them attached to outside reality.
The gunas come from Krishna but He is not in them because the Supreme Quality is beyond that lower nature. The Atma isn’t touched by anything - only observing. These qualities of the Apara Prakriti are “secondary” because even though they form part of the Lord’s Cosmic Body, when you’re realized you rise above them.
The one longing for outward perfection can’t perceive true perfection, true knowledge because the mind is so full of doubts and misconceptions.
7-13 The gunas’ effect on people and the perspective of a true yogi
The entire universe is deluded by these three conditions
originating from the guṇas, and fails to recognise Me, who is unchanging and beyond. (13)
By the three qualities that are the nature of the gunas, people can’t realize the mystery of the Lord that lies beyond the gunas. Ones whose minds are so focused on the outside reality hang so much onto judgement.
The gunas are there to help one reach perfection, the Divine
A true yogi isn’t bewildered or attached to either happiness or sadness - stands firm in bliss. No judgement of others because one knows that God is doing His work through each person.
7-14 God is fully alive in the devotees who cross beyond the gunas and approach Him
For this divine māyā of Mine consisting of the three guṇas is hard to overcome. But those who take refuge in Me alone, cross over it easily. (14)
How can the mind, which always dwells on pain and pleasure duality, good and bad, go beyond duality? Nevertheless it is possible. Ones who delude themselves through these gunas find it hard to practice their sadhana. But those who are fully absorbed in serving Him, chanting His Name, doing everything with an attitude of surrender, forgetting about themselves, it’s not the “I” but Him doing everything.
These devotees cross beyond the gunas and approach Him. They display some Divine qualities, He is fully alive in them! But if people are in duality, He observes the game of life from deep within them. This is how they’re dooming themselves.
7-15 Demonic people doom themselves - the mercy of God
But the unrighteous, the foolish, the lowest of people, those whose wisdom has been stolen away by māyā and those who have taken the nature of demons, do not seek refuge in Me. (15)
What’s the use of any other knowledge other than knowledge of the Self? Souls attached to the world who do evil are far away from God. These demonic people doom themselves - happy to be in the darkness. Ones whose minds aren’t focused on Hell will never go to Hell. Those who fear Hell will go to Hell.
People in the outside world without any awareness of God develop evil tendencies. Nevertheless, God always guides and opens the door to opportunities - it’s up to the individual to embrace them or not.
7-16 The four kinds of devotees
Four types of devotees worship Me, O Arjuna: The
distressed, the seekers of knowledge, those who desire
wealth, and the jñānī who truly has knowledge. (16)
Four kinds of devotees who come to Him:
1) Arto: the suffering ones
2) Aartharthi: know that all comes from God, seek Him only to fulfill material desires
3) Jijnyasur: Sole aim is God - want to know God and attain God-Realization in this life. They perceive God outside themselves. Serve Him when He is present as a Deity but can’t see beyond that.
4) Jnani: Realized souls who abide completely in God consciousness. For them, there’s nothing other than Krishna. All desires have ceased, including the desire to meet Krishna or realize Krishna
7-17 Levels of surrender, surrendering to a saint
Of these, the jñānī who is steadfast and ever-devoted is the best. I am very dear to him and he is dear to Me. (17)
The one who is constantly absorbed in the love of God, whose life is fully dedicated to the Lord “is the best”.
If you surrender 50%, He surrenders 50%. When there is complete surrender, Krishna fully reflects you and you fully reflect Him. When one stands firm in the love for God, without expectation, without even an expectation for His blessing, then He reveals Himself within one’s own self. Then this person becomes a source of salvation for others - If one surrenders to that saint, it’s like surrendering to God Himself.
7-18 The way that the first 3 kinds of devotees fall short.
Those who approach Me are all noble people, but I see
the jñānī as My very Self, for such a person is steady and
exclusively devoted to Me as the highest goal. (18)
The first 3 kinds of bhaktas do consider God as supreme. They think “God is there outside me and I am here.” I must do everything to serve Him and love Him.
Whatever they do, be it praying, chanting, thinking, singing, or dancing, they do everything only for God but they still see this separation between them and God. God-Realized one is simply reflecting God Himself. The realized soul knows no difference between God and himself.
7-19,20 The rare soul’s perspective compared to the ideology of the worldly person.
At the end of many births, the one who has true
knowledge surrenders to Me, realising that “Kṛṣṇa is
everything.” Such a person is very rare. (19)
Enslaved by their inherent nature, and deprived of insight
by various desires, the worldly-minded turn to other
demigods, observing various disciplines. (20)
The realized one has gone through many levels, perfecting himself through many lifetimes. Very rare is the great soul who knows that Vasudeva the omnipresent being is all that is.
Worldly people ‘want, want, want’. Those who pray to demigods do everything to fulfill their obsession with the outside. Do sadhana to gain something. They’re constantly judging, fighting, and criticizing others when something isn’t according to their way. People with an uncontrolled mind - full of desires - become blind, can’t see the reality.
7-21 It’s okay to start somewhere, even if you pray without fully understanding true nature. Power of even a little bit of faith
Understand that whichever manifestation of a demigod
any devotee desires to worship with faith, it is I that makes that faith unshakeable and firm. (21)
It’s okay for ignorant people to worship other deities not knowing His true nature. If you have faith like a small mustard seed, you can create wonders.
When you worship Krishna in the form of a deity made of wood, clay, marble, or metal, it’s through your faith that He manifests Himself into that form.
There are so many stories of the deity, the vigraha itself, eating, and/or leaving the temple. Whenever and wherever there is faith, the Lord can’t resist. Faith is the most important.
7-22 Praying to the demigods - what is really happening
Endowed with that faith, one engages in the worship of a particular demigod, obtaining their desired objects, but these objects are in fact given by Me alone. (22)
If people worship devas, demigods, fairies, entities, whatever, if they have firm belief in the deity of their choice, they’ll be rewarded for their worship. They’ll get what they ask for. It is Krishna who in that form, gives these fruits)
7-23 Soul’s fate after praying for temporary pleasures from demigod of their choice
But the reward gained by these people of limited
understanding is temporary. The worshippers of the
demigods will go to the demigods, but My devotees will
come to Me. (23)
Fruits received from demigods like Indra and Kubera aren’t permanent. Through knowledge of the Self, one perceives the Lord within one’s own Self. People running after self-enjoyments don’t know about the higher Self. They who offer sacrificial ritual for selfish motives, they go to the loka of their chosen deity and then are reborn because they missed the chance to attain Him through devotion to Him alone.
If you’re attached to the Supreme Reality, to God Consciousness, to His service, you attain your spiritual body and ascend to Him.
7-24 Seeing with outer eyes vs. the inner eyes
Not knowing My higher nature as imperishable and
supreme, the ignorant think of Me as an impersonal being who has now become manifest. (24)
Even if He is there in front of a petty mind, they’re blinded by illusion - see Him as normal.
The Kauravas couldn’t perceive Krishna’s glory - saw Him as a trickster. It’s not with your outer eyes that you see, you see with the inner eyes, the eyes of knowledge, the eyes of wisdom.
7-25 Bhaktas perspective verses ones of deluded thinking, why He doesn’t reveal Himself to everyone
I do not reveal Myself to everybody, but I cover Myself
with My yogamāyā. This deluded world does not recognize Me as unborn and infallible. (25)
Deluded ones can’t perceive the true identity of the unmanifested, can only see what He is doing outwardly. Only the bhaktas who love Him are surrendered, have faith in His glory, meditate on Him, chant His name, who are completely immersed in His love have the virtue to see the Reality and feel who He really is.
Why should He waste His time revealing Himself to limited thinking?
7-26,27 Arjuna’s and Krishna’s spiritual relationship - how the mind becomes one’s enemy - losing sight of what matters.
O Arjuna, I know all the beings that have come before,
that are here now, and those that have yet to come; but no one knows Me. (26)
Bewildered by the pairs of opposites, Arjuna, which
arise from desire and aversion, all beings are born into
delusion. (27)
Krishna knows all beings - the past, present, and future of every human being. I know them, but no one knows Me.
The true bhakta is full of devotion and love. Arjuna has Krishna fully inside him and he is fully inside Krishna.
This attraction, repulsion, and judgement in minds of the people becomes like an enemy to them. They hang onto likes, dislikes and desires due to ignorance of the Self. Due to ignorance, people fall prey to infatuation, then become blind, lose sight of supreme reality.
7-28 What people freed of delusion of the dualities are able to do
But those who perform virtuous deeds, whose sins
have ceased, are freed from the illusion of the pairs
of opposites. They worship Me, steadfast in their
determination. (28)
Those freed of delusion of the dualities, worship Me steadfast in vow of self-consecration. Jivan Mukta becomes a temple within which God is fully present - blessed souls who throughout many lives have done much penance, sacrifice, devotion, etc. There is no sin. Freed from anger, stay balanced and ever focused on God in all circumstances.
7-29 Attaining the state of Brahman in the heart, what is needed and what happens in this state.
Those who take refuge in Me and strive for liberation from old age and death, fully understand Brahman, adhyātma, and karma. (29)
Those who take refuge in Him, worship Him with firm resolution and see Him as the embodiment of Truth attain the state of Brahman in their heart. No more karma is created.
When you feel this Love that you are one with Supreme Bliss - enter into a blissful state, due to ignorance, people don’t perceive this love, even if they know it in the mind, it doesn’t make sense to them.
When the mind is free from outside reality, through chanting, through AKY, when you do charity and don’t expect a “thank you”, then you attain the state of Brahman.
7-30 Surrender of outer service to God vs. the ones who attain the inner vision of the Lord within the Self.
And those who know Me in relation to the adhibhūta,
adhidaiva and the adhiyajña, they too with their minds
fixed, can know Me even at the hour of death. (30)
Through practice, a bhakta becomes fully aware of the Lord in whatever he does. It’s possible because you know Me, you know your aim! Your goal!
A bhakta is breathing Me, thinking of Me, chanting My Name, knows that I am the sacrifice of all. When such souls depart, they are free and attain union with Krishna.
The bhakta who has completely surrendered his outer service to the Lord, but hasn’t found Him seated in his own heart or in the heart of all attains his spiritual body and eternally enjoys the Leela of the Lord.
Whereas the one who has attained the inner vision of the Lord within his own Self and the true yogi who has attained the vision of the Lord in His entire creation, attain union with Purushottama, the Supreme Lord Krishna Himself.