Chapter 6 Dhyaana Yoga Flashcards
6-1 The mind of a bhakta
Lord Kṛṣṇa says:
One who performs their prescribed work without
expecting the fruits of their action is a true renunciate and a yogī; not one who does not light the sacrificial fire and avoids their duty. (1)
Someone who works with the mind attached to the Lord, having renounced all thoughts of the world attains true knowledge of the Self and is considered a yogi and renunciate. A bhakta is not doing anything for his own benefit.
6-2 Renouncing desire from the mind
O Arjuna, understand that renunciation is the same as
yoga. For no one becomes a true karma-yogī without
giving up the desire for pleasure. (2)
“Yoga” here means the state of inaction. True yogis have renounced desire from the mind itself - mind completely dwells in the Divine. Can’t be called a true yogi if not truthful with yourself. If you bring the outside world with you (in the mind), haven’t renounced anything
6-3 Self Mastery and a what it means to have a tranquil mind
For the sage who is still seeking to make progress in
yoga, action is said to be the way; when one has become advanced in yoga, renunciation is the way. (3)
“Self-Mastery” happens when one sits in deep meditation, lets go of outside world, and focuses through “Dhyaan” on the Divine within.
The true yogi sees the world as a big cave, wherever he sits, he finds the same perfection. Mind becomes tranquil, which means it becomes free of thoughts. How easy it is for a bhakti yogi who is truly surrendered
6-4 True inner joy outside of sensual pleasures - perfecting one’s self for Grace
When one loses all attachment for sense-objects and
to performing action, and when he has abandoned all
desires, then he is considered to have reached the heights of yoga. (4)
When one doesn’t get attached to objects of the senses or fruits of actions and has renounced all desire in the mind, he has ascended to the top of yoga.
No expectation in anything one does because then you’re doing business with God.
Inner joy in dong japa because you feel God’s Love here and you crave for Him! When you do your seva because inside you there’s this joy of doing it. Even if no one asks you.
If one has this eagerness to surrender without a sense of possession, attachment or aversion, then one won’t feel pressure or pain inside oneself to do something. You’ll have the joy of doing it.
If one renounces the very thoughts of possession, attachment and aversion, one won’t perform any action in a pressured way - but in complete bliss. Those whose minds continually focus on God, for whom there’s nothing but God, gain the fruits of Yoga. Let the mind dwell on the Lord at all times.
Grace is everything, it carries the true bhakta who doesn’t think of themself. People have to perfect themselves and show they’re ready because God consciousness can be given with one touch.
6-5 Controlling the mind - true friends versus friends that aren’t really friends
One should raise oneself by one’s own mind and not allow oneself to fall, for a controlled mind is one’s friend, but an uncontrolled mind is one’s enemy. (5)
Control the mind, raise the mind. No one makes you happy or sad, no one! When the mind is deluded with attachment, wants and desires, one sees imperfectly and becomes sad. But through discipline, by renouncing everything in the mind itself, one does everything with an attitude of surrender. In this way, one lifts oneself up from normal mundane reality
But one who does sinful deeds under the impulse of evils like attraction, repulsion, lust, anger, greed, infatuation is deprived of the supreme fruit of human existence, Grace
Souls drag down and exude animal qualities or raise up and exude Divine qualities. People who “love” their dog and give him lots of attention are creating an attachment that will doom them. Friends made through attachment and worldly ambitions are not real friends.
True friends help each other to realize God.
Bhaktas always associate with other bhaktas who have the same aim of surrendering to God. But if you always associate with others who have the same tendency, create more and more bondages/attachments - like friends who drink and smoke.
One’s mind will wither be one’s own friend, or one’s own worst enemy depending on what object the mind dwells.
6-6 Slave to the mind - how to have true happiness from the mind point of view
The mind is a friend to one who has mastered it. But for one whose mind is uncontrolled, it becomes the worst of enemies. (6)
In the state of an uncontrolled mind, one is a slave to it, the senses and the body. Do everything to oppose their own spirituality.
When people tell Guruji they are sad because He hasn’t given them attention, the truth is “I feel sad but I don’t want to change anything. I’m enjoying feeling sad because this person has not looked at me or paid attention to me.”
When one doesn’t expect anything, one is free and develops true happiness.
6-7 Self Mastery
If one gains self-control and tranquillity, then the
Supreme Self is realised. He is perfectly balanced in heat and cold, pleasure and pain, honour and dishonour. (7)
When the mind and senses are controlled, they no longer run after sense objects so one can direct the senses to where one wants - now they can be focused on God - this is Self Mastery
6-8 One who truly sees oneness has complete indifference for material worth
The yogī who is fully content with knowledge and
realisation of the Self, who dwells in a transcendent state, whose senses are controlled, will see earth, stone and gold the same. (8)
One who sees oneness everywhere sees no difference between earth, stone, and gold because source of everything is God Himself. Even though they live amongst the duality and diversity of the outside world, there aren’t any unhealthy reactions happening in their minds like fear, desire, jealousy, or anger.
A true yogi, a saint, isn’t fooled by the outer reality. Happily lets go of everything but God.
6-9 What really happens when people fall in love
One who regards well-wishers, friends, an enemy, one who is indifferent, a mediator, the hateful, relatives, and even the righteous and the unrighteous, as the same, is truly advanced. (9)
When people fall in love, in the beginning they’re so intoxicated that they don’t see any differences so there aren’t judgements but later on the worldly diversity starts to reveal itself. You become aware of the outer reality and then you suffer. This suffering however, is not due to the other person.
You put yourself into that state because you let yourself fall into love.
Human love is when you put someone high up on a pedestal and the moment you hear or see something you don’t like, you become aggressive and depressive. The ones who excel are above all this, they look at everything equally. God has manifested Himself and is enjoying Himself while He is doing everything.
6-10 When one is eligible for meditation.
Setting the time and place
Remaining alone in a solitary place, controlling his mind
and body, free from any desire and sense of ownership, the yogī should constantly engage the mind in meditational absorption. (10)
With a controlled mind and without a sense of possession, or any attachment to any desire, then one is eligible to sit for meditation.
Sadhaks should find time to sit down for meditation to enter into the inner quietness of the Self - like recharging the batteries. As long as the mind is running toward the outside reality, battery is discharging.
The time and place of meditation is very important. When you set a certain time, you are inviting God to be there with you. You invite God to manifest at that moment.
6-11,12 Fix the the place and time - right type of asana - senses automatically controlled with this combination
In a clean place, he should make a firm seat which is
neither too high nor too low, covering it with cloth, deerskin and kuśa grass. (11)
Sitting on that seat, focusing the mind in concentration,
with thoughts and senses restrained, one should practice yoga for self-purification. (12)
Should have a fixed place to meditate and a proper seat/asana to sit on. Can make the seat a little softer by covering it with a cloth - kush grass on the bottom, then deer skin, then a cloth on top - or a proper seat made only of kush grass is also an option.
Bhakta should have his own asana, his own place, the right timing, the right focus. Focus the mind on God, the object of meditation - in this way, the senses are automatically under control.
6-13,14 - sit the right way and be in your strength!
He should hold the body, head and neck erect, in a
motionless and steady posture, focusing one’s gaze on the tip of the nose without looking around. (13)
Being serene and fearless, firm in the vow of celibacy, and holding the mind in check, he should fix his thoughts on Me. Sitting in meditation, he should hold Me to be the goal of life. (14)
Keep the spine straight with neck and head all in one line and fix the gaze between the eyebrows, eyes semi closed and focusing on the tip of the nose. Mind shouldn’t be focused on the tip of the nose - should be on God. If you let the mind dwell on the Divine in this way, you’ll perfect yourself.
When people meditate or do AKY, they should be fully absorbed and love doing it. Don’t think about your limitations, fully surrender to the Divine with faith and love
6-15,16 control for diet, sleep, and being along in the room when meditating
Applying themselves constantly in this way, the yogī with
a controlled mind attains a peace which culminates in
liberation, thereby abiding with Me forever. (15)
Arjuna, yoga is not for one who overeats, nor for one who fasts excessively; nor is it for one who sleeps too much, nor for one who stays awake for lengthy periods. (16)
When one has reached a certain purity by controlling the mind, body, diet, and the senses, then through meditation one enters the state of Nirvana.
Diet affects your meditation - plants are shanti, animals aren’t.
Eating too much food induces sleep and laziness, only need a moderate amount. Mind should be focused on God, not on food or a siesta. A little bit of sleep - very important so body can refresh itself in divine energy.
Sleep only enough to be able to concentrate - 6 hours or less? Don’t sleep during the day: “not good”
With diet and sleep controlled, meditation will be successful.
Also, it’s better to meditate alone, otherwise your mind will be on the other person.
6-17 Outside habits/regimen that shows control over senses, mind, and body
Yoga becomes the destroyer of sorrow for one who is
moderate in eating, recreation, the performance of action, sleep and wakefulness. (17)
When you have control over your diet and leisure time, it shows that you have control over the senses, the body, and the mind and a willingness, liveliness and excitement and enthusiasm for doing your sadhana.
There’s a time to sleep, a time to be awake, and a time to eat. The level of concentration in your dhyaan is the indicator you need for your balance of food and sleep.
6-18 vibration of the one absorbed within the Self
When the subdued mind rests in the Self alone, free from
all material desire, one is said to be well established in
yoga. (18)
When absorbed within oneself - vibration changes, established in Narayana - detached from everything which is perishable and from worldly enjoyment - one is free, only longing for God.
And in all worldly diversity, one perceives only the Divine, the Love of God. This is truly yoga - the ones always fully absorbed in serving, Love for God, automatically start to reflect Divine qualities through them.