Chapter 3 Karma Yoga Flashcards
3-1 Arjuna is confused about the difference between knowledge and action. What kind of knowledge is Krishna talking about? What is chapter 3 about in general?
Arjuna says:
If, O Kṛṣṇa, you consider intelligence to be superior to
action, why do you urge me to engage in this terrible
deed? (1)
Arjuna needs clarification about what the knowledge is and what the action is. He is saying, if knowledge is superior to action, then let me fill my mind with your knowledge. Knowledge is more important, Krishna is talking about inner knowledge: Yoga of equal-mindedness. This chapter is about how one can work in daily life and accept what God has given. Doing the work and being separate from it at the same time.
Work we do here helps us towards realization.
3-2 Arjuna is trying to understand Yoga of the self from the point of view of the mind. What is the end result of this confusion?
You confuse me with statements that seem to contradict each other; tell me for certain the way I can reach the highest good. (2)
Arjuna became confused right after Krishna said that knowledge is better than karma yoga. With this train of thought, Arjuna thinks that he should renounce action all together. Arjuna’s mind jumps ahead here, but to stop it from thinking further, he surrenders to Krishna. If Krishna says fight, he will fight.
3-3 What are the two ways to attain God as said by Krishna?
Lord Kṛṣṇa says:
O sinless one, as I have mentioned in this world there
are two paths: jñāna-yoga for those who are ready to
contemplate and analyze, and karma-yoga for those ready to act in detachment. (3)
1: Jyaana Yoga for the Sankhyans 2: Karma Yoga for the yogis - moves among the gunas and in the outside world but doesn’t have any connection to them. Disclaims that it is him doing anything, doesn’t take credit for his actions, thoughts, or senses. Free of ego, possession, attachment, desire. Both are centered within themselves - see all-pervading Lord in themself and everything. Sadhan and whatever else one does is for the worship of the Lord and serving Him.
3-4 The wrong attitude to have with Karma yoga vs. the right attitude?
Understand that no one achieves freedom from action
simply by abstaining from it, and no one ever attains
perfection by renunciation alone. (4)
First of all, we don’t abstain from works. If we do Karma Yoga with an attitude of “I won’t do this because there’s no profit” The mind is still hanging on, no freedom.
But if God is put first in all actions, it’s easy to let go. Otherwise very difficult. If all activities of the body mind and senses are surrendered completely, one sees that one is not the doer. Saints are fully guided by the Divine in every action.
When you practice the path of knowledge, you renounce the sense of doership, sense of possession and the attachment to that desire, not the performance of action all together. You transform your act into service to God.
If the idea that “God is doing everything” gets anchored inside of you, there’s no trace of ego-ism or pride. Then you’re free in all that you do.
3-5 As long as the mind is active, what happens on a karmic level?
No one can remain still even for a moment without
performing action. Everyone is helplessly forced to act by the guṇas born from material nature. (5)
There is constant creation of karma. There isn’t a single moment where one isn’t working, even while you sleep you are working. You are trapped in the game of the 3 gunas. Yogis are fully centered in the Self where the 3 gunas originate and therefore they can use them for the advancement of creation.
3-6 How do you control the senses from their root?
One who restrains the organs of action whilst still
contemplating on the objects of the senses is deluded and a hypocrite. (6)
You do this by not only controlling what you see, hear, touch, smell, or taste; also control these from the root - not remembering/ dwelling upon them
Have to to force the mind to stay put - don’t run after these sense objects. Tame the mind through Sadhana, if you’re not fully focused on God, still dance to Maya.
Don’t hang onto ideas of who you think you are, accept yourself without holding onto self-pity and remember that this outside game is just pretend.
3-7 When does true Karma Yoga start?
But, Arjuna, one who can subdue the senses with the
mind and practice karma-yoga with the organs of action,
free from attachment, is far superior. (7)
It starts when we control the senses, from the root itself - the mind. Then one is free.
Help others and then forget about it. This is freedom from action. Live in this way whether positive or negative.
Karma Yoga isn’t about caring isn’t about not caring what you do. The Karma Yogi doesn’t care about the result of an action whether positive or negative. He cares most about God - senses and mind unwavering from Him.
You can’t stop the natural tendency of the senses. We need them to perform any action. But when thay’re controlled, one excels.
If you train your mouth to chant God’s name in whatever you do, there will be a humming of it. Your mind itself will start chanting the name of God. Whatever a karma yogi does in this world, the mind is always fully focused on the Divine.
Sincerity with yourself - instead of pretending to be spiritual, but being spiritual comes when you learn to control the mind and the senses.
3-8 Which is superior, action or non-action?
You must perform your duty for action is superior to the
avoidance of action. Understand that one cannot even
maintain one’s own body without action. (8)
Action is superior to non-action, the body can’t even function without action. When you do your duty and not becoming lazy, you even perfect the “non-action” (meditation).
Perfect your actions outside to perfect the inside
First make the mind focus on the Divine, then you’ll enjoy the moment in your sadhana. - Let go of the past and future, only now is important.
Animals don’t have the ability to discriminate - do ‘good’ and ‘bad’ - no karma. They just go through the natural process of creation.
3-9 Do your duty for the sake of sacrifice
How were the Gopis an example of Karma Yogis?
Apart from action done in a spirit of sacrifice, this world
is bound by action. Therefore, Arjuna, being free from
attachment, you must act with this purpose alone. (9)
Do your duty without any attachment - do it for the sake of Sacrifice alone.
Sacrifice happens when you act in a way that won’t bind you to this world: Not for the aim of gaining something but to attain the Lord inside you.
Do your work but give God the result. Your work is not for you, but for God. Remember Him if even just at the end of the day: “Krishna Arpanam” - offer everything to Krishna - free from karma made during the day. Free yourself by knowing that you’re doing your work for God.
The Gopis did everything for Krishna. In love with Him. The Gopis still did their duties, Krishna is the aim of the work they do. They even looked upon their children as Him. This is the state of sacrifice.
Find time to think of Him during the day, even if it’s for 2 minutes! These 2 minutes that you spend with Him are more important than anything else.
If Krishna is your everything, you can watch a horrible movie but when you close your eyes, you see only Krishna. Movie won’t touch you at all.
Start by doing all actions with an attitude of sacrifice.
3-10 How can we have every need provided?
In the beginning, the Lord of all beings created humans,
along with the sacrifice, saying: “By this shall you prosper; this shall be the cow of plenty granting all your desires.” (10)
If you do your duty in a state of sacrifice, charity, and austerity, there is no need to worry. Sacrifice happens when we try our best to control the senses, give our knowledge to help others, use the body to serve others.
Through us God acts - our Swadharma (ultimate duty)
With perfected attitude of sacrifice, you become an instrument of God - become a salvation to others.
God created humans for the pleasure of manifestation (Sagun Brahman - God with a form)(there is also Nirgun Brahman - formless), not how the mind understands pleasure of enjoyment.
He manifests Himself into the creation through human beings, gives them the instrument of sacrifice to awaken and attain realization - not to fall back into illusion. - This is why in the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita, it’s said that God is inside you, untouched by anything.
3-11 When we serve other beings we show a deeper understanding.
By this, may you nurture the gods, and in return the gods
will nurture you. In this way, nurturing one another, you
will obtain the highest good. (11)
When you serve the sages, saints, animals, birds, all God’s species, you show that you’ve realized the soul inside you is the same soul in all. In this way, you’ll be nourished with punya and merit 10 times over in return. Nourishment of the Devas, which are the Lord’s servants who bless you on the Lord’s behalf, is Amrit - Divine nectar of immortality. But this service shouldn’t be done for personal aim, but out of sacrifice/surrender.
3-12 Relationship between giving and taking in the Universe
The gods, pleased by sacrifice, will bestow on you the
enjoyments you desire. One who enjoys the gifts of the
gods without offering them anything in return is verily a
thief. (12)
There is a balance in the Universe about giving and taking. If there is an imbalance in just giving or just taking, one has to rebalance it. If an imbalance happens, attachment and greed can happen and one loses oneself.
In the state of sacrifice and doing one’s duty without worry or doubt, God will look after one. If you are surrendered, no need to worry about outer needs.
3-13 Manava Seva is Madhava Seva
The righteous who eat the remnants of sacrifices are freed from all sins. But the sinful ones who cook only for their own gratification eat only sin. (13)
Service to humanity is service to Narayana. Serving others with a selfless attitude/pure heart is Narayana seva and releases you. Serving in this way is Sadhana and prayer.
The ‘evil ones’ enjoy everything only for their own self gratification.
3-14,15,16 What needs to happen materially for sacrifice to be achieved?
All beings are sustained by food; food is produced from
rain; rain comes from sacrifice; and sacrifice is achieved
through action. (14)
This ritual action comes from the Vedas and the Vedas
come from the Supreme Lord, therefore that all-pervading divinity is ever established in acts of sacrifice. (15)
O Arjuna, one who does not follow this cycle, which has
been set in motion, lives in error. Revelling in the senses,
he lives in vain. (16)
Action/activity must happen. Doing sacrifice outside also means things like charity, helping others, performing austerities. If you’re aware of the Self, you know that whatever you do, it is the soul, it is Narayana Krishna Himself doing these activities. Realized soul perceives Him in everything.
Yogis know it’s only Narayana within who makes them think and act. Narayana dances in every part of them. Do their duty with great determination. If one doesn’t do one’s duty, trapped in the wheel of sensual pleasure, creates confusion in oneself but also in the world, because all are connected.
Take every opportunity remember Him and chant His name. This time will slip away if you become lazy. Awake now!
3-17 When one is satisfied in the enjoyment of the Self, what happens to “I”?
But the person who delights in the Self, who is satisfied
with the Self, who rejoices in the Self, for him there is
nothing left to achieve. (17)
Here, there is no “I”, no separation, no duality. Tere exists no work needed to be done. One is established in the true identity - Narayana Tattva.
One’s identity is Narayana alone, God alone.
The realized soul continuously absorbed in the Divine Self doesn’t have any attitude of “I must not do” or “I must do”. No pressure like “How am I doing?” or “What am I doing?”
Realized soul is free from that.
3-18 The rules of the scriptures/vedas for the one who is completely surrendered.
For such a person there is nothing to gain from
renouncing or performing action, nor is he dependent on
any other being. (18)
The scriptures/vedas have so many rules about what one has to do or should not do. But the one who’s completely surrendered/realizes it’s only God doing everything he is not bound by what he has to do or has not to do.
This one is not controlled by the senses or controlled by the scriptures.
Scriptures don’t compel him to do or not do anything because there’s nothing for him to abandon nor can he fail by not doing something. Why?
Because he is guided by the Lord Himself, he is not bound by his mind.
One isn’t centered in any identity of the mind or the senses. In this state, outside doesn’t matter and inside doesn’t matter.
3-19 God-realized souls act through their…?
Therefore, always perform that work which ought to
be done without attachment. For one who acts without
attachment attains the Supreme. (19)
Act through their intuition. It’s not them. They are guided.
Perform the work needed to be done without attachment - then you’ll attain the highest. Again and again Krishna reminds Arjuna to do his dharma. Fight!
Do this kind of work where you’re not attached to your duty. Know that it’s not you who’s doing it, but the Supreme inside of you. That’s your dharma.
3-20 Does a man of knowledge have any personal goals?
Verily, by karma-yoga alone did Janaka [2] and others
reach perfection. Indeed, you should act bearing in mind
the welfare of the world. (20)
A man of knowledge has no goal of his own. Whatever he does is for the maintenance of the world. He doesn’t receive any person gain from it. Free from selfishness. In this way Arjuna, do your action. Pick up your arms without attachment.
Prahlad Maharaj always did his duty in remembrance of the Lord. King Janaka, other saints, attained perfection in one lifetime. Follow in their footsteps.
Arjuna still sees God as separate from himself. Make your mind see that in every action of yours, it’s Krishna Who’s doing it. Remind your mind! As long as you still have an ego identity, remind your mind!
Until your mind has transformed and completely changed, keep reminding yourself of this.
Make the mind focus on the Divine continuously with Japa.
3-21 How has humanity evolved? How does this relate to what Arjuna is receiving?
Whatever an eminent person does, other people also do;
whatever standard that one sets, the world follows. (21)
Everyone takes the example of an emminent person. Krishna is giving Arjuna this knowledge to spread. Awaken this feeling and give positive impression on the world. If you do something good in life, people take it as an example and try to do it in their lives.
Humanity evolves by humans taking the example if emminent persons.
Be strong in your path so that you can also help others find their way in life. Don’t have fear to talk about your path. Know that you’re doing something for humanity. People love you or don’t love you. Be neutral to all. Love all!
Don’t be afraid to talk about God because He’s the only reality. If you can share the joy of your life with people and help them to rise, it’s a big blessing.
3-22 It is your duty to go and talk about your path because…
For Me, O Arjuna, there is nothing in all the three worlds
which needs to be done, nor is there anything for Me to
gain. But despite this, I continually engage in action. (22)
This is your duty because it’s God’s duty inside of you. Possible to do so in an unattached way.
Krishna’s purpose is to elevate the mind and the soul, remind people why they have come. One has to attain an even higher reality than Moksha, has to attain Narayana Himself.
When God manifests here, He isn’t bound by anything. He still does His duty.
3-23,24 What if God does not perform His actions? And what happens when a man doesn’t do his duty?
For if I did not continuously engage Myself in action, the
world would follow My example. (23)
If I did not perform action these worlds would perish;
I would be the author of confusion and the cause of
destruction for living beings. (24)
If God, as the creator sustainer and destroyer, doesn’t perform His action at any time, great harm will come to the world. The Lord is the ideal “Person”, He never neglects His duty. - If He did, others will take His example.
If He were to renounce His action, others would laze around. They would become bored, waste time/energy, therefore hanging onto dualities of Love and hate, joy and sadness.
When a man doesn’t do his duty, there’s confusion which will spread everywhere in society. Like when someone is depressed, they start talking about their depression to another person who isn’t strong. The other person will take part in that depression and also become too weak to do his duty.
This is why it’s so important for Arjuna to stand tall, be strong, and fight.
And if you do your duty properly, it’s a great blessing to others.
3-25 What does the identity of an ignorant person look like? What do they always look for? What is true Seva?
Arjuna, just as the ignorant act with attachment to their
work, so should the wise act without any attachment,
thinking only for the welfare of the world. (25)
The ignorant ones are people who look for gratification of the “I” “I” “I”. Very attached to what they’re doing. Then when they do something, they sing their own glory. “I have done this” “I am the greatest one”.
Krishna says that if these tamasic-like people can do like this, you can do the opposite. The wise glorify God over themselves. Even though God resides within. No pride in such knoledge. No personal motive because you act for the betterment of the world. But one with a tamasic motive - goal is always personal.
Forget about yourself and think about others. That is true Seva!
3-26 Why is it important to first be wise and be strong within yourself before talking to others about this knowledge?
The wise should not disturb the minds of the ignorant who are attached to work. Instead by performing work with devotion, one should inspire others to do likewise. (26)
The wise shouldn’t confuse the minds of the ignorant who are attached to work. Most people today are happy in the small worlds they’ve created. If you start talking to them about God, they will feel fear.
They’ll say “you’ve gone crazy!” because there’s a lack of understanding.
“Pearls to pigs” quote from Jesus. Don’t give this knowledge to them yet, be centered in yourself.
Just by being strong in yourself - being rooted and radiating this love, you’ll automatically inspire others.
When you have sincerity inside you, don’t need to talk to people to inspire them. So give them a nice smile from the heart.
Mother Teresa and Gandhi are dead now but they are still inspiring people because of what they were radiating and giving.
Inspire people to the degree to which you forget about yourself and how sincere you are in your path.
3-27 What is the relationship between all actions and the gunas of Prakriti?
What are the two “I’s”?
What is God attached to?
All actions are being performed in every way by the guṇas within material nature. One whose mind is deluded by the sense of individuality, thinks, “I am the doer.” (27)
All actions are entirely done by the gunas of Prakriti, so the one bound by the three gunas (thinks that “I” “I” “I” am acting) is attached to the fruit of Prakriti.
Mind, intellect, ego are all active.
He identifies so much with the body and its 23 elements associated to the body. He claims that he’s the doer, that it is he who reflects, hears, sees, eats, drinks, sleeps, walks, etc.
Don’t go into this game when pride blinds you. Krishna is doing everything, not you!
There are two “I’s”: “I” which is full of pride and “I” of the Self - full of humility.
We sing God’s Glory because of the example He has given but He is not attached to that glorification. He is attached to this Love that we express. He longs for this love.
And in the presence of egoism, one doesn’t see Him. Even if He is near.
3-28 One with the inner truth and their relationship to the gunas?
But he who knows the truth, O mighty armed one, sees the difference between the guṇas and action. He recognizes how they act on one another and, through this awareness, he remains unattached. (28)
The one with the Truth inside observes the interplay of the gunas - but not attached to them.
The one who knows that these qualities are not the Self becomes a true yogi.
Through your Sadhana, when you introspect, you see that all these qualities are separate from you. If something bad happened in your day today, you’ll feel it during your meditation. But your soul is untouched.
This is why Krishna says be centered in the Self. That way there is no attachment, this one just observes.
3-29 One who is arrogant and proud and their relationship to the gunas?
Those who are deluded by the guṇas within material
nature, are attached to the actions produced by them.
However, one of perfect knowledge should not unsettle the ignorant who do not see the whole truth. (29)
The one who’s arrogant and proud is attached to the gunas. No knowledge. They rely on enjoyment, which is a product of the 3 gunas. They are bound by it.
Go slowly with them. Let them first see the changes inside you. Be the example, they will change. Don’t go into your weakness, center yourself in the Truth.
3-30 The importance of making an effort in life.
If the mind is centered in the Self, of what is it under control?
Dedicating all your actions to Me, with a mind centered
in the Self, free from desire and selfishness, with your
emotions held in balance, you should engage in battle. (30)
If you don’t make an effort in life, if you don’t go into your power and fight all this negativity inside and outside, you won’t move forward.
Perform all your actions and dedicate them to Krishna with a mind centered in the self - free from desire and selfishness
If the mind is centered in the Self, it’s under the control of the Atma, the Self. Like that, you are free. - ‘Krishna Arpanam’. With a clear mind, sincerely say this.
Surrender all these actions to Krishna. Remember why you’re doing the action.
Whatever you’ve done during the day, close your eyes, and put it at My feet. Engage yourself. keep trying. By doing it every day, by constantly doing it every day, it becomes your strength. This is your power.
Offer everything, all good punya, to Krishna and Guru Who will look after you. Transform all of your responsibility for your actions. Get rid of feelings of hatred, grief, joy, love, possessions. Offer them to Krishna, He will transform them. Carry on doing your duties.
3-31,32 Is everyone qualified to pursue what Krishna is teaching?
What is it that you need?
Those people who have faith, who are free from envy and always practice this teaching of Mine, will be released from karma. (31)
But those who disregard My teaching and those who do
not practice it — know them to be seriously deluded,
devoid of reasoning, and therefore lost. (32)
Yes. The people who try to follow the teaching are released from the bondage of works.
He says that you just need faith, trust, and try to follow what He’s saying. He isn’t imposing here.
Whoever tries to put this teaching into practice and love like He loves will be released from the effect of the 3 gunas. If you surrender all your actions to Krishna, you’ll be transformed. Whether you practice Sadhana or not, you’ll attain salvation.
Whereas if you don’t understand something, you have no right to criticize it. If you criticize what Krishna is teaching, you are criticizing something that is coming from the deep spirit of God.
3-33 Will we be free by renouncing our duties?
Everyone follows their nature, even an enlightened
person, so what will repressing it do? (33)
We are driven by our own nature to act. In the end, we won’t be free by renouncing our duties.
3-34 What does being trapped in the game of the senses look like?
When you judge others, what is really happening?
Where does evil come from (as described in the scriptures)?
Desire and aversion arise when the senses rest in the
objects they perceive. One should not allow oneself
to come under their sway, as they are obstacles on the
spiritual path. (34)
Attachment and aversion for sense objects abide in the sense organs. Let none come under their sway, for they are the obstacles of the soul in its path.
Whatever you come into contact with, always a certain attraction or repulsion. These are the games of the sense objects. If you give way to this game, become trapped.
If you let go of attraction and repulsion, see the oneness in all, you’ll attain supreme bliss.
When you go into the game of judgement, it becomes a big obstacle to self realization. When you judge others, you’re actually judging yourself. The fault that you see in others is indeed inside of you.
Be vigilant! Don’t go into it.
Spiritual people think of others as sinners, themselves as the best. Here, the mind is already corrupted.
Evil as described in the scriptures comes from attraction and aversion. Normal deeds inspired by faith and devotion make one strong.
Let go of vices which are cherished in the heart, keep the mind focused on God! Even if one can’t let go of the world, but the mind runs to the Divine for even 5 minutes a day, one will be free.
3-35 What does Krishna say about doing the duties of others?
It is better to carry out one’s own duty incorrectly, than
it is to carry out the duty of another perfectly. Death is
better in one’s own duty, for the duty of another is filled
with danger. (35)
Do your dharma and don’t do the duty of another. Even if poorly done, do your dharma. It will bring danger otherwise.
If you don’t accept the outside what God has given you, you’ll never be able to handle a greater duty when it’s given to you.
Accept where God has put you and flow with it until He clearly calls you to go elsewhere.
If you develop this trust, then you’re free.
Better to die doing your own duty - Where God has put you. If you die in the true dharma of why you have come here, it is your salvation.
But in order to do one’s duty, you have to love what you are doing. That’s true wisdom.
3-36,37 Why then is man compelled to act in a sinful way? a.k.a. Not in line with his own dharma?
Arjuna says:
But what is it, Kṛṣṇa, that causes one to stray even against one’s own will, as if compelled by some force? (36)
Lord Kṛṣṇa says:
It is the desire born of the guṇa of rajas [3] and the
resulting anger. That is the all-devouring, sinful enemy of
the world. (37)
Often in life you have a feeling about something. You know that what you’re about to do is ‘not good’ and yet you do it. Or you have this deep feeling that you must do something but you always do the opposite.
This force of nature is desire. It is anger born of the rajas guna. Attraction and repulsion to objects of senses are the two thieves that constantly rob man of his spiritual wealth.
The force behind this is an automatic reaction of the mind.
Desire comes from the mind, leading to more desires. Eventually one isn’t fulfilled and anger comes. All this starts with the mind’s reaction.
This desire is the enemy of man. Must have knowledge to overcome desire. Without knowledge, desire won’t be controlled. With knowledge of the Self, you’ll learn to control desire.
3-38 Desire as described by the mirror metaphor.
Just as a fire is enveloped by smoke, a mirror is covered
by dust, and an embryo by the amnion, so is this world
enveloped by desire. (38)
Desire is everywhere, many kinds and many forms. Desire is like dust that accumulates on a mirror. When this happens, the mirror can no longer reflect.
Someone with an impure/sinful mind can’t correctly dudge things. Don’t know what is ‘good’ and ‘not good’.
Knowledge, deep truth, gets covered by ignorance. Desire alone makes the mind restless.
It is through desire that one becomes evil and does sinful acts. Control this desire. Be wise!
3-39 How does greed arise?
How do you transform desires?
Can desires be killed?
O Arjuna, knowledge is veiled by desire, and desire is
therefore the great enemy of the wise. Desire burns like an insatiable fire. (39)
The fire of desire is insatiable, it grows more and more. As long as you keep on enjoying the objects of this world, your appetite for enjoyment also grows. You become greedy.
The enemy of desire won’t allow discrimination, dispassion, or true love to awaken. Without discrimination, one gets attached to the objects of the senses, can’t know the real truth.
If the mind is rooted in negative qualities, very difficult. Focus the mind on the Divine and spiritual progress.
Wise one should avoid having desires. They are the enemy of all beings. The other desire, longing of the heart, is the gateway to Heaven.
Desires cannot be killed, can only be transformed.
Can train yourself to transform the desires of the mind through meditation and performing your duty - accepting the Will of God. Then they transform from rajasic to sattvic in nature.
So when you feel anger, instead of acting on it, try to control yourself. The anger will leave and transform itself.
These desires can’t be killed because it’s you who created them.
But through spiritual practices and sadhana, desires can be transformed
You can still have a nice house etc etc, but when you become spiritual, all worldly enjoyments are transformed - God becomes the ultimate desire.
It starts with a thought. Don’t go into it. Push away weaknesses about not being able to do your sadhana, too tired etc.
Be careful, be watchful. Don’t go into it. Otherwise it will make you dance left and right. In the mind and also on the outside.
3-40 What are the ‘seats of desire’?
The senses, the mind, and the intellect are said to
be desire’s abode. Through these, desire deludes the
embodied Self by concealing Its wisdom. (40)
The seats of desires are the senses, the mind, and the intellect.
If the mind, the intellect, and the senses are not under control, they take over.
The spiritual seeker shouldn’t waste time in entertaining these desires. Be aware of desire at the beginning itself and remove it. If at the beginning itself you don’t entertain the intention, you’ll be free.
If you feed desire and let it grow, it is very difficult to do your japa.
3-41 Why should the senses be controlled first? What are some examples of controlling them?
Therefore, O Arjuna, you should control the senses first,
and slay this source of sin that destroys both knowledge
and discrimination. (41)
First control the senses, they are easier to control because they are outside. Control too much sleep, what you’re eating, what you are doing in your actions.
Don’t let the mind dwell on worldly perishable things. This brings sorrow. Use all the senses in a constructive way: transform them by serving God, hearing His glory, chanting, concentrating on Divine Names. Use the hands, the touch, to serve God through action.
Keep yourself busy with the right things. If you start running after desires and entertain them in the mind, it will destroy knowledge and discrimination.
People without discrimination really can’t think.
If one’s knowledge and discrimination are veiled by desires, life will be difficult.
If you have knowledge and the power to discriminate, desire has no power. This leads to a pacified mind, calm mind focused on the Divine.
3-42 Relationship between the body, senses, mind, intellect, and the Self.
The senses are superior to matter, the mind is superior to
the senses, the intellect is higher than the mind, and the
Self is even greater than the intellect. (42)
The senses are greater than the body - the senses control the body.
The mind is greater than the senses - the mind controls the senses.
The intellect is greater than the mind, and the Self is greater than the intellect.
The game of the Self is greater than the game of the mind, senses, and body.
When one controls the senses, one controls the mind and the intellect. Then true love awakens. A controlled mind is your best friend.
When the intellect shows its power, knowledge will help. This wisdom of the Self is greater than the intellect. If you have this wisdom, the Lord reveals Himself.
3-43 How will the desire for the outside world disappear?
O Arjuna, knowing that which is greater than the intellect
and steadying yourself by your spiritual strength, slay
this enemy in the form of desire, which is difficult to
overcome. (43)
So knowing that which is greater than the intellect and fixing the mind with the help of the intellect in Karma Yoga, slay this enemy of desire - which is difficult to overcome.
Through meditation, make your mind single-pointed towards God.
When you realize the Supreme Divine Narayana is inside you, then desire for the outside world will disappear.
If you do everything in this world with an attitude of surrender, you’ll attain Him. But without controlling the senses, it won’t be possible.
If you give in, you’ll bring about your own damnation.
Once you take your first step in helping yourself, God will help you. In this human body, God has given you the power to find Him!
If you make yourself strong, He will carry you!