Chapter 7: Genito-urinary system Flashcards
What are the two hormones in combined hormonal contraceptives? What three forms can they come in, can you think of the brand name of any of these?
Oestrogen and Progestogen COC pill
e.g. Microgynon (Ethinylestradiol + Levonorgestrel) Cilest (Ethinylestradiol + Norgestimate)
Combined transdermal patch (Evra)
Combined vaginal ring (NuvaRing)
What guidelines should be followed when providing contraception to under 16’s?
Fraser Guidelines
IUD’s are less appropriate for women with increased risk of _____?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (an infection of the upper part of the female reproductive system- uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, and inside of the pelvis) - Not for <25yrs
COC’s reduce the risk of what conditions?
PIDOvarian + endometrial cancers (the progestogen reduces endometrial)benign breast disease
What is the difference between monophasic and phasic COC’s?
Monophasic contain the same amount of oestrogen and progestogen in each tablet. Most commonly used. Phasic contain different amounts in each tablet- i.e. some of the tablets in the strip may contain 30 mcg of ethinylestradiol and some may contain 40 mcg. These are usually used for those that do not have a withdrawal bleed or have breakthrough bleeds on monophasic.
What oestrogen do the majority of COC’s contain?
COC’s and surgery?
Discontinue 4 weeks before major surgery/ leg surgery/ immobilisation Re-start at next period at least 2 weeks after re-mobilised
POP’s aren’t an issue- can keep these going through surgery as no risk of clots with oestrogen-free
Above what BP should the COC be avoided in ?
Over 160/ 95 mmHg
What is the mechanism of action of COC’s?
Stop follicles (containing an egg) developing in the ovary and prevent ovulation (release of an egg from the follicle to travel down the fallopian tube to the uterus) through suppression of Luteinising hormone and Follicle stimulating hormone.
What is the mechanism of action of POP’s?
Alter cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration (creates a hostile environment)
Some (desogestrel) inhibit ovulation- this has become a much more common MofA rather than just altering mucus
What kind of contraceptive is the contraceptive Injection? What do women need to be warned of with these?
Long- acting Progestogen only
Last around 3 months (12 weeks) at a time
Menstrual disturbance- troublesome bleeding reported
How long does the subdermal implant provide contraceptive cover for?
up to 3 years Implant should be removed within 3 years of insertion
Two types of Intrauterine devices?
Copper- toxic to sperm Progestogen only (levonorgestrel releasing- called Intrauterine system)
In terms of cancers, which may the COC protect against, and which may it increase the risk of?
Protect against: Ovary and endometrial cancer
Progestogen reduces risk of endometrial
Small increased risk of: Breast and cervical cancer; risk diminishes after 10 years of stopping.
What are some of the side effects of the COC?
Abdominal cramps Leg cramps Nausea breastchanges depression hypertension Headaches irregular bleeding (NB: does not appear to cause weight gain!)
Other than contraceptive purposes, what can COC’s/ POP’s be used for?
Reducing menstrual pain and bleeding- medical terms?ACNE
If a woman has one of the risk factors for VTE/ CV disease (over 35, obese, FH, migraine with aura, heavy smoker) caution is advised. IF a COC is going to be used, what strength?What about if they had 2 or more risk factors?
One risk factor- exercise caution, go for lower strength Oestrogen (ethinylestradiol 20 mcg. Usual strength= 30- 35 mcg)2 or more: avoid use of a COC
What is the criteria used to assess whether a woman with pre-existing medical conditions would be suitable for a COC?
UKMEC scoring(Medical Eligibility criteria for contraceptive use) Risk benefit analysis for prescribing guidance
What assessments are needed prior to starting a COC/ POP?
Relevant HistoryBPBMIFor COC’s- reassess BP after 3 months, then yearly after that
What are the instructions for initiating the COC?
Can start it on any day of the cycle
Day 1 = first day of period If starting on day 6 or later- contraceptive precautions needed for 7 days
Same applies if switching from a POP to a COC- use contraceptive precautions for 7 days
Name some Progestogens? Which can be used as Long acting progestogens?
LARC’s: Norethisterone Levonorgestrel Medroxyprogesterone Etonogestrel
In terms of cancer risk, what can progestogen only contraceptives do?
Small increased risk of breast cancers as with COC’s, diminished after 10 years of use.
Breast cancer is a contra-indication
Small increased risk of cervical cancer with Injectable progestogen use.
Progestogen protects against endometrial cancer
Side effects of POPs?
Oral use:NauseaDepressionHeadachesBreast discomfortAppetite disturbanceMenstrual irregularities
What are the instructions for initiating the POP?
Start on day 1 of cycle (first day of period), no extra protection needed, as cannot start on any day of cycle like COC’s.
Take continuously- no pill-free interval with POP’s! A new blister is started directly the day after the previous one. Should get no withdrawal bleeds- however women who experience some irregular bleeding should possibly switch to a different method (bleeding irregularity has been reported in up to 50% of women using Cerazette)
After a couple of months of treatment, bleedings tend to become less frequent.