Chapter 7: Fetal Period Flashcards
Fetal period
The period beginning from the 9th week till birth.
How is the fetal period characterized?
- Maturation of tissues and organs.
- Rapid growth of the body.
Crown-rump length. The length of the fetus is usually indicated as the CRL (sitting height).
Crown-heel length. Measurement of the vertex of the skull to the heal (standing height).
Correlated with the age of the fetus in weeks.
CRL at the beginning of the 3rd month
Head is 1/2 of the CRL.
CHL at the beginning of the 5th month
Head 1/3 of the CHL.
CHL at birth
Head is 1/4 of CH length.
Face becomes human looking at
During the 3rd month.
Limbs become longer at
The 3rd month.
External genitalia are differentiated at
The end of the 3rd month.
Lanugo hair covers the fetus at
Starting from the 4th month.
Vernix caseosa
The skin of the fetus is covered by the fatty substance called vernix caseosa.
Vernix caseosa at
The 5th month.
Skin wrinklage until
The end of the 6th month.
Why is the skin wrinkled?
Due to the absence of the subcutaneous fat.
Testes descend to scrotum at
Just before birth.
Fetal movements since
The 5th month.
Duration of pregnancy
- Starting from the first day of last menstruation: about 280 days (40 weeks).
- After fertilization: 266 days (38 weeks). More accurate.