Chapter 3: Second Week Of Development Flashcards
What is implantation?
Process by which the blastocyst becomes embedded in the superficial layer of the endometrium.
What is the time of implantation?
Starts at the 7th day and is completed on the 11th day.
Site of implantation
In the endometrium of the upper part of the posterior wall of the uterus (near fundus). It occurs in the upper part of the anterior part less frequently.
What kind of condition is the endometrium is at during implantation?
Endometrium (lining of uterus) is at the secretory phase of the endometrial (menstrual) cycle. This phase is characterized by:
1. Increased thickness of endometrium.
2. Increases number and size of endometrial cells.
3. Glands are spiral and rich with secretion.
4. Arteries are spiral showing arterio-venous anastomoses.
Step 1 of implantation
Starts by adhesion of blastocyst by its embryonic pole to the endometrium at the implantation site.
Step 2 of implantation
Trophoblast proliferate at the embryonic pole to form a new layer of cells that has no cell membranes called syncytiotrophoblast. This layer secretes proteolytic enzymes that erode the endometrium and form an implantation cavity.
Step 3 implantation
Blastocyst becomes embedded inside the implantation cavity.
Step 4 implantation
At the 9th day, the site of penetration by the blastocyst becomes blocked by fibrin clot.
Step 5 implantation
On the 11th day, endometrial epithelium overgrows and covers the fibrin clot.
What are the changes of the blastocyst during implantation?
- Trophoblast differentiates into the outer synctiotrophoblast and inner cytotrophoblast, starting at the embryonic pole then extends all over the blastocyst.
- Formation of amniotic and yolk sac cavities.
- Formation of double layered embryonic disc (epiblast and hypoblast).
Abnormal sites of implantation
Placenta Previa and Ectopic Pregnancy.
Placenta Previa
Implantation occurs at the lower segment of the uterus. There are 3 types:
1. Placenta Previa Parietalis.
2. Placenta Previa Marginalis.
3. Placenta Previa Centralis.
Placenta Previa Parietalis
The margin of the placenta is near the internal os.
Placenta Previa Marginalis
The margin of the placenta covers the internal os.
Internal os
The inner opening of the cervical canal of the uterus.
Why is Placenta Previa life threatening?
- It leads to antepartum (before birth) maternal hemorrhage.
- May lead to death of fetus.
What is a recommendation treatment for Placenta Previa.
Cesarean section is highly recommended in case of placenta Previa.
Ecoptic Pregnancy
Blastocyst is abnormally implanted outdid the uterus. It has three sites:
1. Tubal.
2. Ovarian.
3. Omental.
Uterine tube, which occurs in ampulla, isthmus, or intramural parts. In this case, rupture of the tube is expected at the 8th week of the pregnancy leading to severe internal hemorrhage.
Surface of the ovary.
Peritoneum (abdominal or pelvic).
The endometrium of the uterus after implantation of the blastocyst. It is called decidua because it sheds during labor. It is exaggerated secretory phase of the endometrium.
- Latin word deciduus, meaning falling off or shedding.
Features of Decidua
- Increased thickness of the endometrium.
- Increased number and size of endometrial cells.
- Glands become spiral and show arterio-venous anastomoses.
Parts of the Decidua
- Decidua basalis.
- Decidua capsularis.
- Decidua Parietalis.
Decidua basalis
Part of the decidua that lies between the implanted embryo and myometrium.
Decidua capsularis
Part of Decidua that covers the embryo, separating the embryo from the uterine cavity.
Decidua Parietalis
Part of Decidua that lines the rest of the uterine cavity.
Fate of Decidua
- Decidua basalis: persists as the maternal part of the placenta and is known as the decidual plate.
- Decidua capsularis and Parietalism come in contact and fuse together obliterating the uterine cavity. They degenerate at last.
8th day of the second gestational week
- Blastocyst is partially implanted.
- Trophoblast layer differentiates into inner cytotrophoblast and outer synctiotrophoblast, starting at the embroyonic pole of the blastocyst.
- Cells of the inner cell mass (facing the blastocele) become cuboidal to form a layer known as hypoblast.
- Amniotic cavity appears within the cells of the embryoblast. The cells adjacent to cytotrophoblast secrete amniotic fluid and are known as amino last cells. Amniotic cavity separates between the amnioblast and epiblast of the embryonic disc.
- Epiblast and hypoblast form a bilaminar embryonic disc.
9th and 10th days of the second gestational week
- Blastocyst is completely embedded inside the endometrium.
- Site of penetration is closed by fibrin clot.
- Flat cells (Heuser’s membrane) from the hypoblast line the blastocele, which is transformed into primary yolk sac.
- Synctiotrophoblast extends to surround the cytotrophoblast of the whole blastocyst.
- Lacunae (empty spaces) appear in the synctiotrophoblast (lacunar stage).
11th and 12th days of the second gestational week
- Endometrial epithelium grows and covers the fibrin clot (implantation is completed).
- Lacunae are filled with maternal blood to form utero-placental circulation.
- Extra-embryonic mesoderm is formed from the wall of yolk sac. It is formed between cytotrophoblast (externally) and embryonic disc with amniotic and yolk sac cavities (internally). Multiple spaces appear in the extra embryonic mesoderm.
13th day of the second gestational week
- Fusion between spaces in the extraembryonic mesoderm leads to formation of extraembryonic coelom (chorionic cavity). Now the blastocyst is termed chorionic vesicles and it’s wall is called chorion. The chorionic cavity separated between the somatic (somatopleuric) and splanchnic (splanchnopleuric) mesoderm.
Somatic mesoderm lines the cytotrophoblast and covers the amniotic cavity while splanchnic mesoderm covers the yolk sac. - Connecting stalk is part of the extraembryonic mesoderm that connects the caudal end of the embryonic with the chorion.
- New generation of cells from the hypoblast line the primary yolk sac to form the secondary yolk sac.
- Pinching off a large part of the secondary yolk sac with marked reduction of its size.
- Formation of allantois that extends from caudal wall of yolk sac to the connecting stalk.
- Primary chorionic villi start to appear from the chorion.
Wall of chorionic vesicle that secretes the chorionic gonadotropin (CG) which maintains the corpus luteum (source of progesterone in the ovary) for 4 months.
What is the chorion formed of?xxx
- Somatic extraembryonic mesoderm.
- Cytotrophoblast.
- Synctiotrophoblast.