Chapter 7: Climate history of the earth Flashcards
Ice age
is a long interval of time (millions to tens of millions of years
- global tempertures are cold
- large areas of earth are covered by continental ice sheets and glaciers
- the most recent ice age began approximatly 3 millions years back and continue today
ice age cycle
within ice age multiple shorter periods of warm temperature when glaciers retreats (inter glacial) and colder temperature when glaciers advance (glacial)
Inter glacial
- glacial periods are much longer than inter glacial periods
- glacial periods (10,000 to 90, 000 years)
- inter glacial periods (10,000 to 30, 000 years)
- currently, we are in the interglacial period than began about 11,000years ago
- the last period of glaciation peaked about 20,000 years ago, during this period. the global average temperature was 5 c colder than today
- locally as much as 22 c colder
causes of ice age and glacial and interglacial cycles
- changes in ocean & atmospheric circulation patterns due to plate tectonics
- varying concentrations of atmospheric CO2
- volcanic erruptions
glacials and inter glacials occur in
regular repeated cycles due to cyclic changes in earth orbital charactaristics (milankovitch oscillations)
- earths tilt
- ellepticity
- precision
proxies will have
- different resolution
- give information for different periods
climate reconstruction
collecting the piecewise climate information from different climate proxies
climate indicators that can be measured from ice core samples
- volcanoes occured: the amount of dust (ex: volcanic debree) in each annual layer
- composition of atmosphere: the composition of air bubbles trapped in ice
- temperature: isotopic concentration of water
chronology: arrangment of data in time (200,000 years). depth: 3087 m
stable isotope analysis
oxygen has 3 natural isotopes
- 18O - small amount - used for isotope analysis
- 18 is the atomic mass
- heavy isotop (more mass)
- 17O- smaller amount
- 16O - most abundant - used for isotope analysis
difference between 16O and 18O
- 16O:
- light
- takes less energy to convert into vapor (can easily evaporate)
- 18O:
- heavy
- more energy
- high if it parcel is warm
- 18O/16O is also high
a less ratio of 18O/16O when
an air mass moving from tropics (more precipitation) to higher latitudes
Ocean sediments
- isotropic analysis
- sea organisms posses shells (CaCO3) containing more heavy oxygen if the organisms live in cold water (glaciers)
- pollen analysis
isotropic analysis
if the portion of heavy oxygen in sea shells
- go up in years where the temperature is colder (glacial)
- go down in years when temperature is warm (inter glacial)