Chapter 7 - Brownian Motion and Martingales Flashcards
What is a stochastic process?
A stochastic process is a sequence of values of some quantity where the future values cannot be predicted with certainty.
What is the definition of Standard Brownian Motion (Wiener Process)?
A stochastic process Wt is a Wiener Process if:
1. W0 = 0
2. Wt has continuous sample paths
3. For t > u >= 0
Wt-Wu ~N(0, t-u)
4. Independent increments
Wt-Ws is independent of Wu for u<s
What is a martingale?
The exp
Explain what a Markov Process is.
A Markov process is one where If we know the latest value of the process, we have all the information required to determine the probabilities for future values. i.e. having the whole historical values would not help us any further
Why is a Weiner Process Marvok?
A Weiner process is Markov as the increments are independent, so we only need to know the current point to determine probabilities for the future. Having the historical paths will not help us any further.
What is the formula of a Brownian Motion Process constructed out of a SBM?
Zt = Z0 + mut + sigmaWt
mu - drift parameter
sigma - diffusion parameter (volatility)
Wt - Standard Brownian Motion (Wiener Process)
What is the definition of Brownian Motion Process?
- Wt has continuous sample paths
- For t > u >= 0
Wt-Wu ~N(mu(t-u) , sigma^2(t-u) - Independent increments
Wt-Ws is independent of Wu for u<s
What is the Covariance of a Wiener Provess?
Cov(Ws,Wt) = min(s,t)
Cov(Ws + Wt - Ws, Ws) = Cov(Ws,Ws) + Cov(Wt-Ws,Ws) = var(Ws) + 0 = s
Can we use the cov(Ws,Wt) = min(s,t) to prove a process is a Weiner Process?
What is the formula for a Scaled Weiner Process?
Xt = sqrt(c)*W_(t/c)
i.e. time has been slowed down if C>1 and sped up is c<1
What is the formula for a Scaled Weiner Process?
Xt = t*W_(1/t)
What is the formula for a Correlated Weiner Process?
Zt = pWt1 + sqrt(1-p^2)Wt2
Wt1 and Wt and independent Weiner processes
p is the correlation coefficient between Zt & WWt1
What are the downfalls to using Brownian Motion to describing movement of the market indices?
- Good in the short run
- Bad as certain to become negative in the long run
- and daily movements off 100 will occur just as frequently when the process is at level 100 or at level 10,000.
What is the Geometric formula for a Geometric Brownian Motion Process?
St = exp(Zt)
where Zt=Z0 + mut + sigmaWt (the brownian motion process)
A martingale is a stochastic process such that:
For a stochastic process Xt, s<t
E[Xt|Fs] = Xs
E|Xt|< inf for all t
In words, the expected value of the process at time t give we are at time s and we know all the information up to and including S
What is the formula to show a stochastic process Xt is a submartingale?
W[Xt|Xs] >= Xs
What is the formula to show a stochastic process Xt is a supermartingale?
W[Xt|Xs] < Xs
What other properties do we know of a Weiner Process?
- All Wiener processes are a martingale
- All Wiener processes are Markov (due to independent increments)
- Cov(ws,wt) = Min{(t,s)
- Sample paths are not differentiable anywhere
What drift does a submartingale have?
Submartingale has a positive or 0 drift
What drift does a supermartingale have?
Supermartingale has either a negative or 0 drift