Chapter 7 - Across system Intervention Techniques Flashcards
The normalization of behavior
reformulate problem in client’s words to make sure that the social worker understands
calling attention to something
pulling together patterns of behavior to get a new understanding
Reframing and Relabeling
stating problem in a different way
Phases of Intervention
- Engagement
- Assessment
- Planning
- Intervention
- Evaluation
- Termination
Role Play Technique 4 stages
- Preparation/Explanation of activity
- Preparation of the activity
- Role Playing
- Discussion/debriefing after
Live Modeling
Watching a real person perform desired behavior
Symbolic Modeling
Filmed models demonstrating desired behavior
Includes self-monitoring where client is filmed performing behavior
Participant Modeling
Individual models anxiety-evoking behaviors and then prompts client to engage in behavior
Covert Modeling
clients asked to visualize particular behavior as another person describes imaginary situation in detail
Coping and Mastery Model
Coping model: fearful and incompetent then gradually becomes better
Mastery: no fear and is competent from the beginning
Emotion Logs Include
a) disturbing emotional states
b) the exact behaviors engaged in
c) thoughts that occurred when the emotions emerged
Steps of Conflict Management
- Recognition of conflict
- Assessment
- Selection of appropriate strategy
- Intervention
If above doesn’t work you can use structuring techniques like:
- decrease amount of contact between parties in early stages
- limit scope of issues that can be discussed
- decrease amount of time between problem-solving sessions
Goals of crisis intervention
a) relieve impact of stress w/ emotional/social resources
b) return client to previous level of functioning
c) strengthen coping mechanisms
d) develop adaptive coping strategies
Format of Crisis intervnetion
time limited (4-6 weeks)
focuses on here and now
high levels of involvement from SW
Trauma-Informed Care elements
Environment Staff Appearance Staff Behavior Organizational understanding Treatment Considerations
Anger Management Techniques
Relaxation Exercises
Cognitive Techniques
Communication Skills
Environmental Change
Stress Management Steps
- clients monitor stress levels and identify stress triggers
- assist clients in identifying what aspects they can control
Cognitive Restructuring Steps
- Accepting that self-statements, assumptions, beliefs determine their emotional reaction to life’s events
- Identify dysfunctional beliefs and patterns that underlie problems
- Identify situations that evoke these dysfunction cognitions
- Substitute functional self-statements in place of self-defeating thoughts
- Reward self for successful coping efforts
* * self-monitoring is key** and paying attention to subtle shifts
How to facilitate empowerment
- relationship that meets client’s needs and gives access to support/resources
- educate client to increase skills/capacity to be able to help self
- help secure resources to meet needs
- unite client with others to enable social/political action
Change Strategies (3)
Modify Systems
Modify Individual Thoughts
Modify Individual Actions
Group Work - Problems + Contraindications
should be directed toward the group as it is the agent of change
Contraindications: client who is in crisis/suicidal, needy for attention, actively psychotic
Strategic Family Therapy
- active, brief, directive, task-centered
- more interested in behavior change than understanding
- problem resolution by altering feedback cycle
- concepts: pretend technique, first-order changes, relabeling
Structural Family Therapy
- aims to restructure family
- looks at boundaries within (enmeshment/disengagement) and outside of family
- observe/manipulate interactions within therapy sessions
Bowenian Therapy
- improve intergenerational transmission process
- eight theoretical constructs:
1. Differentiation
2. Emotional Fusion
3. Multigenerational transmission
4. Emotional triangle
5. Nuclear family
6. Family projection process
7. Sibling Position
8. Societal regression
Goals (what should they include?)
a) criteria - what behavior, how often, over what period, and under what conditions
b) method for evaluation - how will progress be measured?
c) schedule for evaluation - when, how often, and on what dates or intervals of time will progress be measured?
Primary Prevention
Goal to protect people from developing disease, injury, or engaging in behavior in the first place
ex: immunizations, controlling hazards in home, regular exercise
Secondary Prevention
Occurs after disease, illness, injury. Aims to slow the progression and limit long-term impacts
ex: screening those with risk factors, modifying work assignments for injured worker
Tertiary Prevention
Focuses on managing complicated, long-term diseases, injuries
Goal is to prevent further deterioration and maximize quality of live
Ex: pain management, support groups
Case Recording “Rules”
Clear, unbiased representation of facts, written record of all decisions, free of value judgments, timely, and include only info that is directly related to service delivery