Chapter 7 Flashcards
Egocentric thinking where inanimate objects are alive and have feelings and intentions
Preoperational children exhibit this which is the tendency to focus on one part of a stimulus or situation and exclude all others
Young children do not believe that processes or actions can be undone to reverse the effects
Preoperational children will not understand the laws of conservation and that a substance is not transformed by its appearance
Pre-operational reasoning
Appears in young children from 2-6 and is characterized by a dramatic leap in the use of symbolic thinking that permits young children to use language interact with others and play using their own thoughts to guide behavior
Zone of proximal development
The gap between the child’s competence level, what he can do alone, and what he can do with assistance
Upper limit is accomplish with skilled partner
Adults tend to naturally give child scaffolds
Guided participation
Apprenticeship in thinking
A form of sensitive teaching in which the partner is attuned to the needs of the child and helps them him or her to accomplish more than the child can do alone
The expert partner provides this that permits the child to bridge the gap between his or her current competence level and the task at hand.
Recognition and recall memory
Ability to recognize a stimulus which has previously been encountered. Almost perfect in 4-5 year olds
Recall is the ability to remember without it having to be seen. This is much poorer in younger children
Corpus Callosum
250-800 million connective fibers that connect the two brain hemispheres which allows them to communicate and work together. This grows and myelinates during early childhood
episodic memory
This refers to the memory for events and information acquired during those events
Executive function
fine motor skills
Advances here allow children to take care of themselves and responsibility for their own care
Gross motor skills
Allows for the development of mastery of their environment
Growth hormone
They are secreted from birth and influences growth of nearly all parts of the body. Deficiens show slowed growth but growth supplements can be administered and stimulate as needed.
guided participation
They are secreted by the body and are released into the blood stream by glands. They influence cells via gentic instructions
Infantile amnesia
this is when each of the hemispheres begins to become specilized to carry out different functions and they communicate with one another. It begins before birth and is influenced by genes.
memory strategies
To help remember items, use techniques such as chunking. See as early as 4 years old categorizing containers and sizes
Knowledge of how the mind works and the ability to control the mind
morality of constraint
This is when children are aware of the rules and see them as sacred and unalterable. Children believe rules can not be changed.
The human brain has the ability to change its organization and function in response to experience throughout the lifespan. It is not absolute.
Pre-conventional reasoning
Young children who display cognitive reasoning at the properational stage are at the lowest level of Kohlberg’s scheme.
preoperational reasoning
It appears in young children from ages of 2 to 6. it is characterized by a dramatic leap in the use of symbolic thinking that permits`young children to use language
private speech
self talk which makes up 20-50% of utterances of children ages 4 to 10.
Piaget believes this is a result from cognitive developmenet and indicative of cogitive immaturity. This plays a role in self regulation. Used as you get more olde rprivately to accomplish tasks.
Project Head Start
One of the most early successful early childhood education programs in the united states
Recall Memory
The ability to come up with idea on their own
Recognition Memory
The ability to recognize once it is examined.
private speech plays a role in it. The ability to control ones impulses and appropriately direct behavior, it increases throughout preschool years.
An expert partner provides this which permits the child to bridge the gap between his or her competance level and the task at hand.
See this type of memory in episodic memory
theory of mind
zone of proximal development
See effective scaffolding works within the zone of proximal development. This is the gap between the child’s competence level, what he can do on his own, and with assistance. The top level is completely.