Chapter 7 Flashcards
Subsidiary ledger listing individual creditor (supplier) accounts.
Accounts payable ledger
Subsidiary ledger listing individual customer accounts.
Accounts receivable ledger
Special journal normally used to record all payments of cash; also called cash payments journal.
Cash disbursements journal
Special journal normally used to record all receipts of cash.
Cash receipts journal
Information system principle that prescribes an accounting system to conform with a company’s activities, personnel, and structure.
Compatibility principle
General ledger account, the balance of which (after posting) equals the sum of the balances in its related subsidiary ledger.
Controlling account
Information system principle that prescribes the benefits from an activity in an accounting system to outweigh the costs of that activity.
Cost-benefit principle
Information system principle that prescribes an accounting system be able to adapt to changes in the company, business operations, and needs of decision makers.
Flexibility principle
Component of an accounting system that interprets, transforms, and summarizes information for use in analysis and reporting.
Information processor
Component of an accounting system that keeps data in a form accessible to information processors.
Information storage
Journal normally used to record all purchases on credit.
Purchases journal
Information system principle prescribing that its reports be useful, understandable, timely, and pertinent for decision making.
Relevance principle
Journal normally used to record sales of goods on credit.
Sales journal
List of the balances of all accounts in the accounts payable ledger and their totals.
Schedule of accounts payable
List of the balances of all accounts in the accounts receivable ledger and their totals.
Schedule of accounts receivable
Segment operating income divided by segment average (identifiable) assets for the period.
Segment return on assets
Any journal used for recording and posting transactions of a similar type.
Special journal
List of individual subaccounts and amounts with a common characteristic; linked to a controlling account in the general ledger.
Subsidiary ledger