Chapter 7 Flashcards
What are the three criteria that klockars (1995) describes that can be used to determine whether or not force is excessive ?
- Criminal law, which states that an officers use of force shall not constitute a crime.
- Civil liability : which relates to the idea that an officers use of force shall not cause injury to an individual to the point that the courts would award payment to the person or his or her heirs.
- Fear of scandal: where the nature of the officers behavior would result in embarrassment to the department.
According to McEwen (1996) what is the difference between excessive force and excessive use of force?
Excessive force: is present when an officer applies too much force in a specific situation.
Excessive use of Force: is officers legally apply force in too many incidents.
Two types of Excessive Force that Fyfe (1995) defined
- Extralegal Violence or Brutality: Occurs when officers willfully and wrongfully use force that exceeds the boundaries of their authority.
- Unnecessary Force: Is force used by well intentioned officers who are unable to handle a situation and resort to force too quickly or needlessly.
Explain the Fleeing Felon Doctrine
Allows police officers to use deadly force against any fleeing felon and required that police weigh the dangerousness of shooting a suspect and his or her from with the probability of immediate or future harm caused by the suspect if he or she escaped.
- Started With Edward Garners death*
What have studies found regarding the impact of Tennessee VS Garner (1985) on police Use of deadly force ?
Page 316
Approximately what percent of the population age 16 or older has a face to face contact with the police each year ?
16.9% according to national survey in 2008
About how many of these contacts resulted in a threat or use of force by the police ?
About 1.4% in traffic stops
What is the percentage of citizens who felt that the force used against them was excessive ?
What are the demographic characteristics of residents who had contacts with the police in which force was used ?
74% of persons felt the threat or use of force by police was excessive force
What are the demographic Characteristics of citizens killed by the police ?
Are police killings of African Americans increasing or decreasing ?
Which officer characteristics have been found to be related to use of force ?
Terrill and Paoline (2013) found WHAT percent of police departments used a use of force continuum?
Which use of force policy area is most frequently addressed by police department policies, which is least frequently addressed?
Tennessee vs Garner