chapter 5 Flashcards
How have police responded to charges of racial profiling for traffic stops? Does research validate police assertions?
They have responded to the charges by noting that most aggressive police practices and traffic stops occur in high crime areas, and that high crime areas frequently are inhabited primarily by minorities.
When was the term Detective first used ?
In 1840s the London police created a detective unit in 1842
Describe KuyKendalls (1986) Historical periods of Criminal Investigation
- Detective as Secretive Rogue(1850-1920)
- Detective as Inquistor(1890s-1960s)
- Detective as Bureaucrat (1940s-1980s)
- they began to place more emphasis on investigative procedures and the associated paper work as are duly of the increased legal constraints and administrative
Nationally what percentage of a departments sworn personnel are assigned to a detective unit ?
What does the Preliminary Investigation Entail ?
According to Wren Vs United States (1996), When are Pretextual Stops reasonable?
They are reasonable as long as the officer has probable cause to believe that a violation had occurred
On average , how long do officers spend on preliminary investigations ?
What are the types of cases assigned for follow-up investigations? Which receive the least attention ?
- Walk-through’s
- Where-are-they’s
- Whodunits (receives least attention)
Walk through’s
Is when suspect has been identified and apprehended
When suspect has been identified but officers have been unable to make an apprehension
When the preliminary investigation did not result in identification of the perpetrator.
receives least attention
How are most crimes solved ?
Most are solved because of arrest made by patrol officers or because the victim was able to supply the name of the suspect .
Explain the findings of the RAND Study (1977) of investigative practices ?
Found that detectives did not generally solve cases by hard work , inspiration or science but instead focused on and solved easy cases
How did Eck(1983) Classify the cases facing investigators?
- Weak Cases: cannot be solved regardless of investigative effort (unsolvable cases)
- Cases with moderately level of Evidence: can be solved with considerable investigative effort (Solvable cases)
- Cases with strong evidence: can be solved with minimum effort ( Already Solved Cases)
What have Researchers Found Regarding How detectives select cases and conduct investigations?
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