Chapter 7 Flashcards
What is perception?
- Interpretation of sensation
Selective perception is termed?
True or false: sensitivity to touch can be demonstrated in the womb.
- True
When Is a sense of smell evident? When is a sense of taste evident?
- Smell= prenatally
- Taste= evident at birth (newborns react with facial expressions)
At what age does a fetus show sensitivity to sound? At what age post-birth does a baby’s sense of hearing improve?
- 28 weeks in the womb- evident
- 6 moths post birth hearing improved significantly
Babies are soothed by _____ frequency sounds
- Low
By ___ months babies can use sound to locate direction and distance
- 7
Newborns can perceive _____ but few colours
- Contrast
By 3 to 4 months, colour vision improves in babies to the same as adults due to the maturation of colour ______ cells
- Receptor
What is the visual acuity of a newborn? What is visual acuity?
- 20/400 to 20/800
- Visual acuity is the clarity of visual images
Why is the visual acuity of a newborn so poor?
- The neural circuits that govern visual accommodation (flexing of the lens) are not functional in a newborn
True or false: by 1 year, visual acuity is the same as adults
- True
Habituation studies reveal that at 1 month old, babies can differentiate blue & _______, and ____ from green
- Gray
- Green
At __ to __ months of age, infants begin to organize visual stimuli together
1 to 3
When perceiving faces, 1 month olds tend to focus on the ____ of the face/ head, whereas 3 month olds tend to look at the ____ of the face
- Edges
- Features (eyes, nose, lips)