Chapter 7 Flashcards
Marriage gradient
Tendency for men to marry women slightly below them in age. Puts high status women at a disadvantage.
assures that we share common assumptions, experiences and understanding of the world.
Marriage squeeze
When there is more of one sex and they hold the power.
exogamy (AKA: Incest taboo)
prohibits us from marrying within specific groups of people such as relatives, and people of the same sex. sets up boundary.
we will marry people similar to ourself. gives us a sense of stability.
the tendency to choose a mate whose personal or group characteristics differ from our own.
Men will marry below them in economic status
Women will marry above them in economic status
Residential propinquity
we select people where we hang out. we find them in common places we frequent.
Complementary needs theory
people seek as spouses those whose needs are different. ?
Parental image theory
We seek partners who are similar to our opposite sex parent.
Stimulus-value-role theory
3 stages: 1. Based on exchange, stimulus stage (I’m attracted to you. 2. Values- 3. Role stage-person analyzes the others behavior and potential as spouse and parent. (Are you who you say you are.
Closed fields
A small number of people who are likely to interact whether they are attracted or not
Open fields
Characterized by large numbers of people who do not ordinarily interact with each other.
Operant conditioning
the process of increasing the frequency of a behavior by reinforcement.
What does socialization mean?
Cognitive development theory
Focuses on the discrete stages of development (based on development of the brain and nervous system) which all infants and children pass though at about the same time.
Means taking in new ideas and information to fit their environment.
adjusting your framework of understanding to fit in a new experience
Development systems approach
Views child growth and development as taking place within a complex and changing family system that both influences and is influenced by the child.
Looking-glass self
The self concept that develops from our sense of how others view us. We imagine how others view us, how others judge us,
The term “child free” is used to describe
a marriage where partners do not choose to have children.
The incest taboo is an enforcement of?
stimulus-value-role theory? 3 stages
a three-stage theory of romantic development proposed by Bernard Murstein; 1-stimulus brings people together, 2-value refers to the compatibility of basic values, 3-role has to do with each person’s expectations of how the other should fulfill his or her roles
complementary needs theory
theory of mate selection suggesting that we select partners whose needs are different from and/or complimentary to our own
open field
a setting in which potential partners may not be likely to meet, characterized by large numbers of people who do not ordinarily interact; such as beach, mall, or large campus
closed field?
a setting in which partners may meet, characterized by small numbers of people who are likely to interact; such as class, dorm, or party
Verbal communication?
Expresses the basic content of the message
Nonverbal communication?
Expresses the relationship part of the message
Always agreeable and act helpless
Correct and reasonable
Mutual affirmation?
Includes: 1. Mutual acceptance 2. Liking each other 3. expressing liking in both words and actions.
The ability or potential ability to influence another person or group to get people to do what you want them to do.
The major types of commitment operating within marriage include which of the following?
structural commitment
The view that violence stems from family stress and a lack of community support is the ____ model of family violence.
What percentage of American parents spank their children?
According to the text, an act carried out with the intention or perceived intention of causing physical pain or injury to another person is known as
According to survey research, the number of women who report expressing violence toward their male partners is
about the same as that of men
When comparing victimization rates and annual household income, we find that
victimization occurs within all income levels
Sibling violence
is the most common form of intrafamilial violence
Sexual and other forms of abuse occur more frequently in household with
____ refers to the process in which a sexually abused child’s sexuality develops inappropriately and the child becomes interpersonally dysfunctional
traumatic sexualization
The view that violence stems from social systems that have traditionally placed women in a subordinate role to men is the ___ model of family violence
When do women stay in violent relationships?
when they are economically dependent
When they believe their children need a father
When they are afraid of being along
When one partner says, “I work so hard to come home to this!” and the other says, “This is the best I can do with no help!” it is an example of
complaining and defensiveness
When one partner yells “You’re wrong!” and the other, “I only did what I was supposed to do!” it is an example of
confronting and defensiveness
T/F The value placed on family privacy contributes to a reluctance to report suspected family violence
T/F Violence by children against parents has been the most neglected form of family violence
The aspects of the halo effect?
- aesthetic appeal- preference for beauty. 2. glow of beauty- assuming they are good people. 3. status- we achieve by dating that person.
Marriage gradient?
tendency for women to marry men of higher status.
Intensive mothering ideology?
Portrays mothers as the essential caregivers, who should be child centered, guided by experts, and emotionally absorbed in the labor-intensive and financially demanding task of childrearing.
Cognitive development theory?
child develop their cognitive abilities through interaction with the world and adaptation to their surroundings. (This included assimilation- making new info into understanding. and Accommodation- adjusting framework around new experiences.)
Developmental systems approach
the growth and development of children takes place within a complex and changing family system that both influences and is influenced by the child.
styles of child rearing?
Authoritarian childrearing, permissive, authoritative
common couple violence
erupts during an argument striking in the heat of the moment.
Intimate terrorism
when one partner tried to dominate and control the other
3 phase cycle of violence?
- Gender, 2.Power/control 3. stress 4. Intimacy