Chapter 7 Flashcards
What are the prerequisites to be a president in the U.S.?
- “Natural born” citizen
- At least 35 years of age
- Resident in the U.S. for at least 14 years
All U.S. presidents have been…?
- White (except Obama) and male
- 42 to 77 years of age
- Christians
Who are least like to become president?
Who are more likely to become president?
Governors and House of Representatives
What are some professions besides lawyer that presidents had?
- Mining engineer (Hoover)
- Peanut farmer (Carter)
- Baseball team executive (George W. Bush)
- Hat Salesman (Truman)
George Washington, after serving 2 terms as the nation’s first president, declined to run again. What did he establish?
Established an unwritten 2 term precedent
Who challenged George Washington’s 2 term precedent?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
How many terms did FDR serve?
What is the 22nd amendment?
Restricts any one person from being elected to the presidency “more than twice,” or from acting as president for longer than two and a half terms
What presidents were impeached?
Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson
What president resigned?
Richard Nixon
Who was defeated for reelection?
John Adams
What did George Washington do during his presidency?
- Rejected entrapment of royalty such as being called “your majesty”, preferring instead to be called “Mr.President”
- consulted constantly with the other branches
- established the executive’s influential role in crafting public policy
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
Declared that the U.S. would thereafter regard as an “unfriendly act” any attempt by a European nation to increase its possession or otherwise intervene on the American continent
A statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere. Name the document.
Monroe Doctrine
What did Andrew Jackson do during his presidency?
- dismissed office holders
- forcing out cabinet members who angered him
- using his constitutionally authorized power to veto congress’s bill to recharter the 2nd national bank of the U.S.
- introducing the so-called spoils system
What did Abraham Lincoln do during his presidency?
- without Congress in session, proclaimed a blockade of Southern ports and called on the Northern states to provide 75,000 soldiers for battle
- he unconstitutionally suspended the writ of habeas corpus, by which anyone arrested is to be brought before a judge or court to determine if there is sufficient reason to hold the person for trial
- the president also spent freely from the U.S. Treasury without congressional approval
What president’s bold exercise of authority essentially reinterpreted Article II into a source of executive authority during emergencies?
Abraham Lincoln
What did Theodore Roosevelt do during his presidency?
- ushered in a new era of presidential authority
- gambled political on bold assertions of power
- first president to travel to foreign land in 1901
- encouraged a revolution in Panama
- began building the Panama Canal
- negotiating war settlement between Japan & Russia
- sent the nation’s naval fleet around the world
Who was the first president to travel to foreign land?
Theodore Roosevelt