Chapter 7 Flashcards
Acute responses to exercise
How does the cardiovascular system respond?
Blood is pumped through the aorta and then goes to arteries, then arterioles, then capillaries and then reutns to the heart via venules that then become veins.
- The heart pumps harder and therefore is an increase in stroke volume, enabling more blood to be pumped out per beat.
Cardiovascular system
Heart, blood vessels and blood
Respiratory system
All airways and lungs
Muscular system
All muscles (slow-twitch and fast-twitch)
Stroke Volume
The amount of blood squeezed out of the left ventricle per beat
The small grape-like structures found at the end of the bronchioles in the lungs. Their structures greatly increase the surface area over which gaseous exchange can occur.
Arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-V02 diff)
The difference in concentration in artieral blood contrasted to venule blood.
The smallest blood vessels in the body, which are often the site of gaseous exchange.
Diastolic blood pressure
The pressure blood returning to the heart after it has been throughout the body.
Gaseous exchange
The movement of one gas in one direction and the movement of another gas in the direction this gas has come from.
- When oxygen moves one way in the body and carbon dioxide moves in the other direction.
Lactate inflection point (LIP)
The point at which maximal lactate production is matched by maximal lactate removal - this means there is no accumulation of lactate.
Motor unit
The motor neuron and all of the fibres it controls/stimulates.
Oxygen deficit
A period of exercise where oxygen demand is great than the body’s ability to supply oxygen. Typically, this happens at the start of exercise and then increases in intensity once steady state has been reached.
Range of motion (ROM)
The angle through which a joint can be moved.
Systolic blood pressure
The pressure on the arteries as blood is forced out of the heart.
The body’s attempt to maintain a stable core temperature.
Tidal volume
The amount of air inhaled per breath.
The process by which blood vessels decrease in diameter.
The process by which blood vessels increase in diameter.
VO2 maximum (VO2 max)
The maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken up (respiratory), transported (cardiovascular) and utilised (muscular).
- Measured in ml/kg/min
Cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute ( Q = SV x HR).
Maximum heart rate
max HR = 220-age.
Acute cardiovascular responses
- Increased heart rate
- Increase stroke volume
- Increased cardiac output
- Increased systolic blood pressure
- Increased redistribution of blooding to working muscles
- Increased venous return to the heart
- Decreased plasma levels
Blood pressure
Given as two numbers
- Top number is systolic blood pressure, which is the arterial pressure as the heart pumps out blood during each beat.
- The lower number is diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure as the heart relaxes/fills before the next beat.
How does the Respiratory system respond?
As exercise intensity increases, the actions of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles also increase, while create larger lung volumes during inspiration.
- As a consequence, the concentration of air inside the lungs lessens compared with that external to the body, and air is inhaled.
How does gas move?
Gases will always move from areas of high concentration to low concentration.
What happens to oxygen when it enters the alveoli?
It is in higher concentrations than the surrounding capillaries so it diffuses across the alveolar-capillary membrane
- Into the capillaries to commence its journey to the heart and then be pumped out to the rest of the body as needed - especially working muscles.
What happens to carbon dioxide when it enters the alveoli?
It is in higher concentrations in the capillaries than the alveoli, so it moves into these small structures to then be exhaled.
What happens when oxygen-rich blood in the capillaries reaches the muscles?
Oxygen will diffuse into the muscle and carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the muscles to be returned to the heart, and then to the lungs to be exhaled.
Acute respiratory responses
- Increased respiratory rate (RR)
- Increased tidal volume (TV)
- Increased minute ventilation (minute vetilation = TV x RR)
- Increased gaseous exchange
- Increased diffusion rate
Oxygen deficit
There is a period of time where the body’s oxygen demand exceeds the supply of oxygen from its systems.
- The body;s respiratory, circulatory and cardiovascular systems cannot act quickly enough to satisfy the demand for oxygen
- Resulting in an oxygen deficit.
The amount of extra oxygen required to perform the activity if all the energy could have been supplied aerobically.
- While oxygen deficit continues, the body must obtain ATP from its anaerobic energy systems, relying on PC splitting, utilising the ATP_PC system or anaerobic glycolysis to supply ATP anaerobically.
Steady State
Aerobic training will greatly speed up a person’s ability to supply oxygen to working muscles as well as to extract oxygen in larger amounts once it is transported there.
- Once the performance of the aerobic in nature, the energy system increases its contribution and becomes the major supplier of ATP, steady state is achieved.
When the body is in steady state, oxygen supply equals oxygen demand, and this contributes to:
- Lactic acid breakdown, removal and conversion back into useful forms
How does the muscular system respond?
The muscles will extract as much oxygen as required, with a linear increase in amounts as exercise intensity increases.
- Gaseous exchange occurs due to concentration gradients - oxygen moves into the muscle and carbon dioxide moves out.
- Blood is pumped back to the heart via the veins, then gets pumped to the lungs where carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen, and then returns to the left side of the heart in a oxygenated state.
What happens when muscles contract?
They require more fuels - the higher the performance intensity, the faster the fuels need to be suppleid in order to match demands
- PC is the preferred source and preferred food fuels such as carbs, blood glucose and liver glycogen.
- However, during periods of low intensity exercise, the body preferentially calls upon fats to fuel muscle contractions and keeps carbohydrates in reserve for higher intensity efforts.
What happens when muscle temperature increases?
Apart from allowing joints to move through a fuller range of motion (ROM), increased muscle temperature leads to increased enzyme activity.
- These enzymes are critical in terms of breaking down and using fuels, allowing oxygen to be maximised when producing aerobic energy, and importantly to the breakdown and removal of metabolic by-products.W
What happens as muscle contractile forces increase?
Due to increase workloads, more and more fibres must be recruited to enable stronger and faster contractions to occur.
- To enable this, the brain stimualtes more motor units and hence muscle fibres.
Why will metabolic by-products increase?
In direct response to increased exercise intensity, it will start to accumulate when the lactate inflection point (LIP) is exceeded.
- Tends to occur at intensities above 85% maxHR.
- Main by-products that accumulate above LIP tend to be H+ ions.
- Increased muscle contractions will be accompanied by increased waste such as CO2.
These wastes, along with H+ ions, are removed quicker when an active recovery is performed.
Acute muscular responses
- Increased muscle temperature
- Increased oxygen extraction/VO2 difference
- Increased enzyme activity
- Increased production of metabolic by-products
- Increased motor unit recruitment