Chapter 7 Flashcards
Intensely positive feelings and desires for an-other person. Passion is based on the rewards of involvement and is not equivalent to commitment
Personal Relationships
A relationship defined by uniqueness, rules, relational dialectics, and commitment and affected by contexts. Personal relationships, unlike social ones, are irreplaceable
A decision to remain with a relationship. One of three dimensions of enduring romantic relation-ships, commitment has more impact on relational continuity than does love alone.
Something put into a relationship that can-not be recovered should the relationship end. Investments, more than rewards and love, increase commitmen
They guide how partners interact
Relational Dialectics
Opposing forces or tensions that are normal parts of all relationships. Three relational dialectics are autonomy/connectedness, novelty/predictability, and openness/closedness
One of four responses to relational dialectics; involves balancing or finding a compromise between two dialectical poles
One of four responses to relational dia-lectics, in which friends or romantic partners assign one pole of a dialectic to certain spheres of activities or topics and the contradictory dialecti-cal pole to distinct spheres of activities or topics
One of four responses to relational dialec-tics. Segmentation responses meet one dialectical need while ignoring or not satisfy-ing the contradictory dialecti-cal need
One of four responses to relational dialec-tics. The reframing response transcends the apparent con-tradiction between two dia-lectical poles and reinterprets them as not in tension
Relational Culture
A private world of rules, understand-ings, and patterns of acting and interpreting that partners create to give meaning to their relationship; the nucleus of intimacy.
Refusal to discuss issues that are creat-ing tension in a relationship. Stonewalling is especially cor-rosive in relationships because it blocks the possibility of resolving conflicts
4 responses to dialect tensions
neutralization, separation (selection); segmentation, reframing
4 Horseman of the Apocalypse
Critisism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling