Chapter 7 Flashcards
Confidence and expectancy:
A generalized sense of confidence about the future, characterized by a broad expectancy that outcomes are likely to be positive.
Optimism def:
Psychology defines optimism using 2 broad terms:
Explanatory style
Expectancy value models of motivation:
1: behavior is organized around pursuit of goals:
•the more important the goal, the greater the value, the more motivation to act.
•expectancy=a sense of confidence/doubt about the attainability of the goal value.
Explanatory Style:
Your style for explaining adversity.
Habitual and Automatic
Solidified by late childhood.
Acts as filters(Filters in what fits, filters out what contradicts)
Can run along 3 dimensions: Permanence, Pervasiveness, Personalization
3 Dimensions of Explanatory Style:
Permanence, Pervasiveness, Personalization
How one explains the extent of the cause: Stable vs. Temporary
How one explains the extent of the effects: Specific vs Global
How one explains where the cause of the event arises: Internal vs. External
Learned Optimism:
Characteristic use of a flexible explanatory style in which one has learned to make external, variable, specific attributions for ones failure.
Done by consciously challenging any negative self-talk.