Chapter 7 Flashcards
Asepsis ?
The increase of transmission infection,not only in health care facilities but also in home
Tiny usually microscope ,entities capable of carrying on living process ( are harmless nonpathogenic ) and most individuals don’t produce disease and pathogenic cause specific disease or infections
What is involve implementation of policies and procedures in hospitals and other health care facilities to minimize the?
spread of healthcare associated infection to patients and staff members
What techniques aid the accomplishing asepsis ?
The absence of pathogenic microorganisms divide two Medical asepsis and Surgical asepsis
Medical asepsis ?
Consists of techniques inhibit the growth and transmission of pathogenic microorganisms ( also know clean technique and is used in many daily activities, such as hand hygiene and changing of patients bed lines)
Surgical asepsis?
Consist of technical designed to destroy all microorganisms and their spores ( the reproductive cell of some microorganisms, such as fungi or protozoa )
Surgical asepsis is known as ?
Sterile technique and is used specialized areas ,such as the operating room, during invasive procedure such as urinary catheter insertion
What are the following six elements necessary for infection referred to as chain of infection?
1.infection agent ( a pathogen )
2.Reservior ( where the pathogen can grow )
- Portal of exit ( exit route ) exit route from the reservoir
4.Mode method of transmission ( method or vehicle of transportation,such as exudate ,feces,air droplet , hands , and needles
5.Portal of energy (entrance) entrance though skin , mucous lining of mouth
- Host another person or animals that is susceptible to the pathogen
What are the health care workers who have several ways to help their patients remain free of infection ?
Proper disinfection (the use of chemical that can be applied to objects to destroy microorganisms) ,
Proper use of antiseptic a substance that needs to inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms may use human
Bacteria have many different characteristics. What are they ?
round example include coccus , Oblong include vibrio , Spiral ( some are shaped like commas another like square
Aerobic Bacteria Grow?
Grow only in the present of oxygen
Anaerobic Bacteria Grow?
grow only absence of oxygen no oxygen need
Motility ?
Possibly because of fine,hairlike projections, flagella that extend from bacterial cells
The spirochete is achieved with a wiggling motion that involves entire cell body
Some bacteria have the ability to form capsules around?
The cell wall these mucilaginous ( of thick ,sticky,slimy substance ) envelopes form when the bacteria environment hostile capsule is defense mechanism to help protect the bacteria
The streptococcus bacteria is ?
Responsible for more disease than any other organism
Rocky Mountain Spotted fever ?
It transmitted to human through bites of an infected ticket they live on many different kinds of animals
The spore forming bacteria?
Bacillus Anthracis cause acute infection disease anthrax
What are anthrax infections that occur in three forms?
Cutaneous (skin) , Gastrointestinal, Inhalation
Anthracis spores Can live in the soil for many years. How was it transmitted?
Casual Contact from Person to person doesn’t not spread ,intentional exposure biology terrrorism event mostly like contact with skin
Anthracis (bacteria ) is considered by and its diagnosed ?
Centers for disease Control and Prevention (CDC) its diagnosed when detected blood, skin lesions,or respiratory secretions and MAke sure treatment is antibiotics such ciprofloxacin or Doxycycline approved FDA and Prevention there is vaccines
Are the smallest known agent to causes disease they are not complete cells but are composed RNA and DNA
Where does the virus gain portals (entrance) to the body ?
Respiratory tract , gastrointestinal tract, broken skin
Without adequate medication Viruses be caused ?
Which Human immunodeficiency virus HIV reproduces , the immune system continues to be stressed to the point at which he can no longer fight off even the most common function
Fungi ?
(Mycotic) infection common disease human ,they belong plant kingdom although many are harmless responsible infection and mycotic infection caused by yeast and molds
Coccidioidomycosis (valley fever) and Histoplasmosis disease are examples of ?
systemic funga respiratory infection
Protozoa are where they are found ?
Single celled animals they exist everywhere natural are and found intestinal tract , genitourinary tract, respiratory tract , circulation systems of human and other animals
Protozoa are responsible?
Malaria, amebic dysentery , and African sleeping sickness
Look at your favorite picture ?
Carrier or Vector is?
Is a person or animals that does not become illnes but harbors and spread an organism causing disease in other
Portal of exit?
A microorganisms does not have the capacity to cause disease in another host without finding a point of escape from reservoir
Portal of exit example ?
From gastrointestinal,respiratory and genitourinary system or form open area on the patient body
Mode of transmission?
A contaminated vehicle is mean which organism are carried about and transported next host once they leave the reservoir
Contaminated means?
Condition of being soiled ,stained, touched by other exposed to harmful agent
Vehicle is an inanimate (non living object ) it’s called and give me an example?
Fomite example are most found in the healthcare facility commuters many people touch the commuters, medical records and charting , stethoscope,thermometer,bandage scissors,used tissue ,drinking glasses
Transmission vis is kind common contact with fomite or vector Is known ?
indirect method
When a nurse uses poor hand hygiene technique and then touches a patient while providing care bathing,reposition Transfer through ?
direct contact
Portal of entry ?
Once the microorganism has exited the reservoir and has been transmitted to a susceptible host, it has to find a way to enter the host
A host?
Organism in which another organism is nourished and harbored
Look at your favorite picture ?
What are the body’s normal defenses ?
Skin, Mouth, Respiratory tract,Urinary Tract, Gastrointestinal tract, Vagina
Nursing interventions ?
each patient care activity the nurse should ensure that infection prevention and control are routine
Infectious Processes ?
Progressive Stages , Localized (superficial wound infection), Systemic (infection affects entire body instead of single organ or part)
Infectious Processes of the progressive Stage are ?
-Incubation Stage : ( entrance of pathogen into body appear first symotoms example 1 to 3 weeks common cold , 1 to 2 influenze, 1 to 3 days mumps ) the number of days between when you’re infected with something and when you might see symptoms
-Prodromal Stage :Interval from onset of nonspecific sign and symptoms to more specific symptoms during time (For example herpes simplex begins with itching and tingling at the site during the prodromal stage, before the lesion appears)
-Acute Stage :interval when patient manifests sign and symptoms specific to type of infection (common cold like sore throat, sinus congestion, mumps, high fever) quite often in very short period of time
-Convalescence Stage: time spect recovering from an illness or medical treatment
Inflammation Response ?
- Body’s response to injury or infection
- protective vascular reaction delivering fluid, blood and nutrient to interstitial “forming” tissue in injured area
-neutralizes and eliminates pathogens or necrotic tissue and establishes a means of repairing body cells and tissue
What are the signs of inflammations frequently include?
edema (swelling), Rubor (redness), heat ,pain, or tenderness, and loss of function in the affected body part when become systemic other signs symptoms develop include fever, leukocytosis increase white blood cells ,
The inflammatory response triggered by a physical agent?
chemical agent or microorganism mechanical trauma, temperature and radiation
Chemical agents include ?
external and internal irritants, such as harsh poisons or gastric acid
Healthcare Associated infection ?
-Nosocomial infection
-infection acquired while in the hospital or other health care agency
- Develops at least 48 hours after hospitalization
-Hospital setting harbord some virulent (exceedingly pathogenic)organism making it easier to acquire an infection
Exogenous ?
(Growing outside of the body) infection is caused by microorganisms from another person an infection transmitted to the patient health care work
(Growing within body) infection is caused by patient own normal microorganisms become altered and overgrown transferred from one body site to another in fecal material and transferred to skin by hands and infect wound
Infection prevention and control team?
The occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), hospital accreditation agencies , and hospitals administrators place of strong emphasis on infection prevention and control and Infection control nurse
What are the standard precautions?
Center for disease control and prevention CDC provide guidelines to interrupt the chain of infection and transmitted of blood borne pathogen and other potentially infectious material
What are vaccinations and follow-up care health care workers for prevention ?
1.Hepatitis B (federal law requires that health care employees make available at no cost of vaccination
- Hepatitis C ( patients identified test positive (HCV) may receive a baseline test CDC center for disease control and prevention
3.Human immunodeficiency virus HIV prophylactic treatment, or postexposure prophylaxis PEP , all medical evaluations and procedure vaccines no cost
Standard Precautions with understanding the exposure to bloodborne pathogen hepatitis B Virus, HIV can produce?
Can produce illness and infection came the realization that specific precautions can be used help prevent infection
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?
Part of the US department of heart and Human services,providing facilities and services investigating prevention and control of disease
Standard Precautions?
Hand Hygiene, Gloves , Mask eye protection, face shield,Grown , Miscellaneous Guidelines
Performing hand hygiene with soap and water steps ?
1.look for visible soiling ,breaks, or cuts in skin
- Determine the amount of contaminated Hand
3.assess areas around the skin that are contaminated - Adjust the water to appropriate temperature
5.wet hands and wrists under the running water always keeping hand lower than elbow
6.leather hands with liquid 1teaspoon
- Wash hand thoroughly with firm circular motion and back hand ,palms ,wrists,each individual finger
8.wash for 20 second 8,rinse wrists and hand completely
Latex allergy ?
Cause individuals to have reaction to certain protein found natural rubber latex , product manufacturers from milky fluid derived from rubber tree found Africa and Southeast Asia( prevention wear powder free gloves , wash pH balance soap ,apply non-oil based
Contact Precautions report to nurse before entering?
4.Patient transport (limit transport of patient medical nece)
5.Patient Care Equipment
The CDC recommended the following guidelines for handling linen ?
Placed soiled in laundry beg in the patient room
Treat all lines through the infections
Airborne Precautions ?
Patient know or suspect to be infected with infectious agent transmitted person -person
Examples of disease airborne ?
tuberculosis, measles,chickenpox, disseminated herpes zoster
Patient Placement of Airborne ?
Place patient in Aire (airborne infection Isolation Room) , Montair air pressure daily
Keep door closed wear surgical mask N-95 mask or higher
Limit transport and movement of patients medically necessary purposes
,Personal Protective Equipment PPE , wear fit tested NIOSH approved this test adequate fit of respiratory
Droplet Precautions?
patient known or suspected to have serious illness transmitted by larger particle
Droplet example Invasive Haemophilus ?
influenza, including meningitis ,pneumonia,epiglottitis and sepsis
Droplet example Invasive Neisseria ?
meningitis disease , including ,meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis
Example of serious bacteria respiratory infection spread by droplet transmission including?
Diphtheria (pharyngeal)
Mycoplasma pneumonia,
Pneumonic plague,
Streptococcal pharyngitis,
scarlet fever
Example of serious viral infection that spread by droplets transmit ?
Adenovirus, Influenza,Mumps,Parvovirus ,Rubella
Droplet transmit patient Placement ?
Private room 3 feet from other patient or visteros patient transport limit transport and movement of patients medically necessary purposes and wear a mask
Single most important and basic preventive technique used to interrupt the infectious process ?
Hand hygiene
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Precautions TB?
Infection strains of these bacteria multi drug resistant Which makes the treatment of the infection very difficult
The best way to prevent the transmission of pulmonary TB and symptoms?
isolate and symptoms last longer than two weeks includes fatigue,unexplained weight loss , dyspnea, fever night sweat, hemoptysis( cough of blood ) , OSHA and CDC guideline require n-95 mask or up
Surgical asepsis or sterile technique?
Is complete removal all of microorganisms,include spores,from object
Isolation Technique ?
Standard precautions- First tier of CDC isolation guidelines -Second -tier is disease specific isolation (transmission categories airborne, droplet, contact precaution )
-Isolation Consideration
- Psychosociaal/emotional deprivation
-Specific Disease
-Pulmonary Tuberculosis TB
Specimen collection techniques for the patient Isolation ?
1.Wound (culture)specimen
2.Blood culture Specimen -syringes ,needles , culture media bottles
- Stool culture Specimen
- Urine Culture Specimen
Surgical Asepsis ?
-compete removal of all microorganisms including spores
-technique and use and teaching patients
- principle of sterile technique
-purpose of surgical hand scrub
-opening sterile packaging
-sterile field
-pouring sterile solution
-donning sterile gown and gloves
Cleaning DIsinfection and Sterilization?
-Aseptic also referred to a bacteriostatic soultions and bacteriostatic means microorganism
- Removing forign material
-Disinfection- used to destroy microorganism
-Sterilization -method of killing all microorganisms including spores - two types physical and chemical
Infection prevention and control for home and hospice settings ?
Home setting
-basic principles of hygiene
-educate about hand hygiene,food preparation , tube feedings lines, waste container , body fluid