Chapter 68, Lean Production Flashcards
Lean Production
originated in Japan where all employees are involved in putting into operation a series of working practices that will help the business meet the demands of the consumer efficiently
Different aspects of lean production
- Stock levels JIT
- Jidoka to reduce rejects
- Productivity reducing unit costs
- Reduction in storage space needed
- Kaizen
- quality circles
- Time-based competition
- Ergonomics
- Cell Production
- Lead time for design
Time-based Competition
attempt to reduce the time taken between generating ideas and it going into production
Total Quality Managment TQM
considers the efficient use of all resources used in the production. all employees are responsible for the well being of the business. Finding ways to prevent mistakes rather than inspect them
gives the ability to detect and reject faulty goods as early as possible. Uses Andon Light system using green amber and red
‘continuous improvement’
Quality and Quality Circles
employees between 4 and 10 in numbers are allowed to meet during working hours to discuss problems and pass on these suggestions on to management.
levels of stock are kept low in order to reduce the amount of space needed to store stock
Kanban: helps organise the flow of components onto the production line at the right place and the right time.
Benefits of JIT
- reduced costs due to less held stock
- less cash tied up in stock
- less likelihood of damages
Risks of JIT
- any delay form supplier can be damaging
- any serious errors
- substantial set up cost with JIT
Cell Production
a form of teamwork where employees are placed on different teams responsible for a particular part of the production.
looks at the relationship between employees and the capital equipment (machinary)