Chapter 66: GI Disorders (Discussion 9) Flashcards
Caused by: damage to swallowing center or mechanisms
- 5, 9, 10 CNS injury
- Polio/encephalitis
- Myasthenia gravis/botulism (muscle failure)
- Deep anesthesia
Achalasia: esophageal sphincter fails to relax
Gastritis: inflammation of gastric mucosa
- Bacteria
- Excessive aspirin or alcohol
Can lead to
- Gastric atrophy –>
- Pernicious anemia (can’t absorb B12)
- Achlorhydria (can’t secrete acidic enough fluid)
- Weakened gastric barrier –> gastric ulcers
Peptic Ulcers
Excoriated areas of mucosa
- Increase acid + pepsin content
- Treat with acid-suppressant (ranitidine)
- Irritants: smoking, alcohol, aspirin
- Helicobacter pylori
- Treat with antibiotics
Pancreas (affecting small intestines)
Loss of pancreatic secretions (lose a lot of digestion capability)
Pancreatitis - inflammation of pancreas
Blocked by gallstones (can cause pancreatitis)
Sprue (affecting small intestines)
Malabsorption of fats + other nutrients
- Non-tropical sprue: toxic effects of gluten
- Remove rye/gluten from diet
- Tropical sprue: unknown bacteria
- Treat with antibiotics
Can also cause:
- Osteomalacia - softening of the bones
- Lack of coagulation
- Macrocytic/pernicious anemia
Large Intestine
Constipation: slow movement of feces
- Obstructions (tumors, adhesion, ulcers, etc.)
- Spastic sigmoid colon
Diarrhea: rapid movement of feces
- Rapid dehydration due to loss of H2O/electrolytes
Enteritis: intestinal inflammation due to infection (cholera)
Psychogenic: nervous tension –> stimulation parasympathetic which promotes bowel movement
Ulcerative colitis: non-healing ulcers (has unknown hereditary component) - sometimes requires removal of entire colon
Response to over-distension or irritation
- Loss of stomach contents –> metabolic alkalosis
- Loss of small intestine contents –> metabolic acidosis
- Nausea: awareness of excitation of vomiting center