Chapter 26: Urine Formation I: Glomerular Filtration and Blood Flow (Discussion 1) Flashcards
Functions of Kidney (4)
Excretion of waste products/foreign chemicals Regulation of: H2O and electrolytes, fluid osmolarity, arterial pressure, acid-base balance Secretion, metabolism and excretion of hormones Gluconeogenesis
Kidney Dynamic Range
Capable of increase or decreasing 10x for most electrolytes and water intake in 2-3 days Maintain near constant ECF/ICF fluid volume Maintain concentration of electrolyte
Kidney Anatomy
Kidneys on posterior wall of abdomen outside peritoneal cavity
Renal artery and veins supplying blood (high amount of flow for size ~1.1L/min)
Urine transport
- Ureter: transports urine from renal pelvis (kidney) –> bladder
- Bladder: stores urine until excreted out through urethra
Nephron (Definition and Structure)
Functional unit of the kidney (urine formation ~1.5L/day)
Complex of vasculature and tubules that exchange solutes and H2O: Filtration occurs from the glomerulus into the bowman’s capsule (BC)
~1 million in each kidney
After 40 y.o. lose about 10% per 10 years (remaining nephrons adapt and compensate)
Nephron Blood Supply
Afferent arteriole –> glomerulus (capillary bed) –> efferent arteriole –> peritubular capillaries –> veins
Afferent and efferent arterioles have separate regulation of pressure
Glomerulus has high hydrostatic pressure for capillaries (~60mmHg)
Nephron: Filtrate Path
Bowman’s Capsule –> Proximal Tubule –> Loop of Henle –> Distal Tubule –> Connecting Tubule –> Collecting Tubule –> Collecting Duct
Loop of Henle: Thin descending limb –> Thin ascending limb (part way) –> Thick ascending limb
Connecting tubules combine into a collecting tubule which combine into collecting ducts (each collects from ~4000 nephrons)
Types of Nephrons
Cortical nephrons:
- glomerulus in outer cortex
- short loop of Henle
Juxtamedullary nephrons:
- Glomerulus deeper in cortex
- long loop of Henle(extends into medulla)
- Vasa recta (specialized peritubular capillaries)
- Important for formation of concentrated urine
Urinary Excretion
Urinary Excretion rate (rate of solute excretion) = Filtration rate - Reabsorption rate + Secretion rate
Filtrate fluid is nearly identical to plasma w/o plasma proteins: Ca++ and Fatty acids mostly found bound to plasma proteins –> largely absent from filtrate
- Filtration only: creatinine
- Filtration + partial reabsorption: most electrolytes
- Filtration + total reabsorption: amino acids/glucose
- Filtration + secretion: acids/bases
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR): Amount of plasma that is filtered by glomeruli (~20% renal plasma flow)
Filtered through special capillary membrane (3 layers)
1) Endothelium: fenestrae (holes), neg. charge
2) Basement membrane: collagen/proteoglycan filaments, neg. charges
3) Epithelium: podocytes + slit pores, neg. charges
GFR Equation
High GFR is beneficial:
1) Quick removal of waste products
2) Filtering entire body fluid many times/day (~180L/day)
Filterability depends on size (smaller) and charge (+ better)
GFR=Kf (PG –PBC –πG +πBC) G=glomerulus BC=Bowman’scapsule
Factors that increase GFR
Increase PG
- Increase Pa
- Decrease afferent arteriolar resistance
- Increase efferent arteriolar resistance (but larget increase in efferent arteriolar resistance will lead to an increase in plasma [protein] –> decrease in GFR)
Factors that decrease GFR
Strong sympathetic stimulation –> vasoconstriction –> GFR (note: mild sympathetic stimulation will only have a minimal effect). Occurs in:
- Brain ischemia
- Defense reaction (fight/flight)
- Severe Hemorrhage
Renal Vasoconstrictors
Increase afferent resistance, decrease GFR
- Epi and norepi
- Endothelin
- Angiotensin II preferentially constricts efferent arteriole –> increase GFR and increase in Na/H2O reabsorption
Renal Vasodilators
Renal blood flow, increase in GFR
- Nitric Oxide
- Prostaglandins (counteract constrictors)
- Bradykinin (counteract constrictors)
Pressure diuresis/pressure natriuresis
Changes in renal excretion of H2O/Na+ due to change in arterial pressure
(H2O and Na+ movement very closely linked throughout filtration and the rest of the kidney tubules)