Chapter 6: The black Scholes pricing formula Flashcards
Lemma 15.
process followed by f, value f derivative
Assume that a stock price S follows the Geometric Brownian motion
dS = µS dt + σS dB
where µ and σ are constants.
Let f = f(S, t) be the value at time t of any derivative contingent on the value of S at some t = T .
Assume f(s, t) is twice differentiable with respect to s and differentiable with respect to t. The process
followed by f is
df = [(∂f/∂S) µS + (∂f /∂t) + (1/2)(∂^2f/∂S^2)σ^2S^2] dt +
(∂f/∂S) σS dB.
(by Apply Ito’s Lemma with a(S, t) = µS and b(S, t) = σS.)
process followed by f, value f derivative
∆f = [(∂f/∂S) µS + (∂f /∂t) + (1/2)(∂^2f/∂S^2)σ^2S^2] ∆t +
(∂f/∂S) σS∆B.
where ∆B is a normally distributed random variable with zero mean and variance ∆t
THM 16
portfolio of variable quantity of shares ∂f/∂S of shares and −1 derivatives; no arbitrage
∂f/∂t + rS ∂f/∂S + (1/2)σ^2S^2 ∂^2f/∂S^2 = rf
boundary conditions
To obtain prices from the Black-Scholes PDE we impose boundary conditions,
e.g., for a European
call option with strike X and expiring at time T the boundary condition is f(S, T ) =
max{S − X, 0} for all S.
For a European put option with strike X and expiring at time T the
boundary condition is f(S, T ) = max{X − S, 0} for all S.
unique sol
a unique solution by
imposing a further boundary condition at S = 0. with one already
if S_t = 0 at any time 0 ≤ t ≤ T , S_t = 0 for all t ≥ T and hence f(0, t) = e^{−r(T −t)} f(0, T ) which provides us with a boundary condition. (BANKRUPT)
E.g., European call options, f(0, t) = 0. (For numerical purposes we may impose boundary
conditions at S = ∞).
EXAMPLE: f(S, t) = e^{rt}S^{1−{2r/σ^2}}
is a solution of the Black-Scholes PDE (checked)
Consider a derivative on certain stock with single payoff at time T > 0 amounting to S_T ^{1−{2r/σ^2})
where r is the constant interest rate. Assume that 1 −{2r/σ^2} > 0. Find the value of the derivative
at time 0 ≤ t ≤ T .
Consider a portfolio consisting of e^rT derivatives and write v(S, t) for the price of this portfolio;
we have v(ST , T ) = e^{rT} S_T ^{1−2r/σ^2) = f(S_T , T ).
• Both v(S, t) and f(S, t) are solutions of the Black-Scholes PDE, and
• v and f have the same values at the boundary: v(0, t) = f(0, t) = 0, and v(S, T ) = f(S, T ).
But there is only one solution of the Black-Scholes PDE satisfying a given boundary condition and
this forces v(S, t) = f(S, t) = e^{rt}S^{1−{2r/σ^2}}
So the price of one derivative is e^{rT}e^{rt}S^{1−{2r/σ^2}}
= e^{-r(T-t)}S^{1−{2r/σ^2}}
Theorem 17 (The Black-Scholes pricing formulas).
Consider a European option at time t on stock with spot price S, with strike price X and expiring at time T .
Let σ be the annual volatility of the stock, and r the T -year interest rate. Define
d_1 = [log(S/X) + (r + (σ^2/2))(T-t)]/σ(√(T − t))
d_2= [log(S/X) + (r- (σ^2/2))(T-t)]/σ(√(T − t))
= d_1 − σ√(T − t)
Then the price of the call option at time t is
c =
SΦ(d_1)− Xe^{−r(T −t)}Φ(d_2)
and the price of the put option is
p =
Xe^{−r(T −t)} Φ(−d_2) − SΦ(−d_1)
where Φ is the standard normal distribution function
risk-aversion of
investors does not affect the value of derivatives given as solutions of the Black-Scholes PDE. Since
this formula holds regardless of amount of risk-aversion and we might as well assume that investors
are risk neutral.
(∂f /∂t) + rS(∂f /∂S) + (1/2)((∂^2f /∂S^2) σ^2S^2 = rf
Notice that µ does not appear here! The quantity µ − r is the excess return that investors demand
when investing in an asset whose volatility measure is σ.
risk neutral investors
Risk-neutral investors only care about the expected return of their investments, and they do not care about uncertainty regarding these returns. Hence all investments in a risk neutral world must have the same expected return r equal to the risk-free interest rate.
Definition (The principle of risk-neutral valuation)
Let f be the price of a derivative which
pays H(S_T ) for some function H at a future time T . In our risk-neutral world the stock price has expected return r, the risk-free T -year interest rate. In a risk-neutral world the current value of the
derivative f(S, 0) is the present value of the expected value of the derivative payoff at time T , i.e.,
f(S, 0) = e^{−rT} E~ ( H (S_T ))
where E denotes expected values in our risk-neutral world.
digital or binary options
Consider a derivative on a stock which at expiration time T pays £1 if ST ≤ a, for some positive number a, and zero otherwise
Let the
volatility of the stock price be σ and assume all interest rates are constant and equal to r.
Apply a
risk neutral valuation argument to show that, for any 0 ≤ t ≤ T , the value of this derivative equals
e^{−rT}Φ [[log(a/S) - (r- (σ^2/2))(T-t)]/σ(√(T − t))]
where Φ is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.
digital or binary options
Apply a
risk neutral valuation argument to show that, for any 0 ≤ t ≤ T , the value of this derivative equals
e^{−rT}Φ [[log(a/S) - (r- (σ^2/2))(T-t)]/σ(√(T − t))]
where Φ is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.
We are assuming S follows the process
dS = µSdt + σSd
for constants µ and σ, and so at time 0 ≤ t ≤ T , log S_T is normally distributed with mean log S +(µ − (σ^2/2))(T − t) and standard deviation σ√(T − t).
In a risk neutral world we set µ = r and now log S_T is normally distributed with mean log S + (r −(σ^2/2))(T − t) and standard deviation σ√(T − t).
The event S_T ≤ a is equivalent to the event log S_T ≤ log a and so the probability in this risk
neutral world of the event S_T ≤ a is Φ [(log (a)−(log S+(r− (σ^2/2)(T −t))] / [σ√ (T −t)])
= Φ ([log (a/S)−(r− σ^2/2)(T −t))]/[σ√(T −t)])
In our risk neutral world the value of the derivative is the present value of the expected value of its payoff,
e^(-r(T-t) * Φ ([log (a/S)−(r− σ^2/2)(T −t))]/[σ√(T −t)])
Lemma 18
∫_[X, ∞ ] (y-X)φ(y) .dy
Se^{rT}Φ(d_1) - XΦ(d_2)
d_1 = [log (a/S)+(r+ σ^2/2)T]/[σ√(T )])
d_2 = [log (a/S)+(r− σ^2/2)T]/[σ√(T )])
=d_1 - σ√(T )
and thus
c = SΦ (d_1) − e^{−rT} XΦ (d_2)
in our risk neutral world (Back to European call/put options)
*logS_T is normally distributed with mean log S + (µ −σ^2/2)T and
variance σ^2 *T
*in our risk neutral valuation argument we set µ = r
- Risk-neutral investors also
expect the current value of the derivative f(S, 0) to be the expected value of the present value of
the derivative payoff at time T , i.e. f(S,0) = e^{-rT} E~ (H(S_T)) - case where H(y) = max{y − X, 0} with X being the strike price of the call option.
We have c = e^{-rT} E~ (max{ST − X, 0})
Let φ be the density function of the lognormal random variable ST in our risk neutral world
c = e^{-rT}*∫_[X, ∞ ] (y-X)φ(y) .dy
lemma 18 and put option
a similar argument shows that the price of a European put option with strike price X is
p = Xe^{−rT}Φ(−d_2) − SΦ(−d_1
The parameters European options are the spot price of the stock, the strike price, time to expiration, the interest rate, and the volatility σ of the stock price.
The first four parameters are always known; but volatility is not directly observable. One can estimate historical volatility by analysing the time series consisting of prices of the stock at previous times in the past
but issues as some periods of time are more volatile than others
ou dont need to memorize the exact form of the Black-Scholes PDE, HOWEVER, you will be expected to know its significance, and you will be expected to know how it is derived.
you are expected to know how to prove all statements proved in lecture except for the following:
you dont need to memorize the exact form of the Black-Scholes PDE, HOWEVER, you will be expected to know its significance, and you will be expected to know how it is derived.
The Black-Scholes pricing formulas, however, you will be expected to know their significance