Chapter 6: Telecommunications + Networking Flashcards
Computer Network
A System that connects Computers (Compu’s) + Other devices (i.e. Printers) via communications media so that data + info can be transmitted among them
Consist of Nodes + other thing
Refers to Transmission Capacity of a Network, it’s stated in bits per second
(we use very large bandwith, in mill/billions, if it’s less than using the Internet takes more time, 5G Infrastructure Towers?)
Transmission Capacity of a Communication Medium
Local Area network (LAN)
Connects 2 or more devices in a limited geographical region, usually within the same building
i.e. LAN could be in a Classroom (box-like router thing)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
A Network that covers a large geographical area.
WAN’s typically connect multiple LAN’s
i.e. Internet in Uni Campus = WAN, connects diff college building LAN’s?
A Communications processor that routes messages from a LAN to the Internet, across several connected LAN’s, or across a wide area network such as the Internet
Enterprise Network
Organizational interconnected networks consisting of multiple LAN’s + may also include multiple WAN’s
Corporate Backbone Networks
High - speed central networks to which multiple smaller networks (i.e./such as LANs + Smaller WANs) connect
Software - Defined Networks (SDN)
An emerging tech,
With SDN, dec’s controlling how much network traffic flows across network devices are managed centrally by software
The Software dynamically adjusts data flows to meet Bu + Application needs
LAN’s = connected via a switch (which allows connections to multiple devices, manages ports, manage VLAN security settings) and switch connected to Router (which directs data to a network)
That router connected to other routers which connected to WAN, this connects Routers as well as the Remote user to the WAN
Digital Signals
Discrete pulses that either on or off,
Representing a series of bits (0s + 1s, 0 = off, 1 = on???)
This quality allows digital signals to convey info in a binary form that can be interpreted by compu’s
Modem or Modulator-demodulator
Converts digital signals to analog signals (this process called Modulation) + analog signals —>/to digital signals (this process called Demodulation)
The name modem is a contraction of Modulator-Demodulator
Analog vs Digital vs Brain/Neuron Spiking Signal
Neuron spiking signal similar to previous two signals?
Communications Media + Channels:
Communication Channel
A pathway or medium communicating data from 1 location to another
Communications Media
Is the Physical media used to send data (i.e Twisted - pair wire, (wire in desk in classroom) Coaxial Cable, Fiber Optic Cable (expensive_, Satellite, etc)
Then the three cables in i.e section are listed again
Adv vs Disadv of Wireline Communications Channels
Twisted Pair:
Widely Available
Easy to work with
Slow (low bandwidth)
Subject to interference (it Copper wire?)
Easily tapped (Low Security)
Coaxial Cable:
High bandwidth per twisted pair
Less susceptible to electromagnetic interferences
Relatively Expensive + Inflexible
Easily Tapped (low to med security)
Somewhat difficult to work with
Fiber - optic Cable:
Very High Bandwidth
Relatively inexpensive (depends on industry?)
Difficult to tap (good security)
Difficult to work with (difficult to splice)
Common LAN Protocol
Many orgs use 100-Gigabit Ethernet, where network provides data transmission speeds of 100 gigabits (100 billion bits) per second
Transmission Control Protocol/internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
4 Layers
Packet Switching
Network Protocols:
Internet Protocol (IP)
Is Responsible for DIsasembling, DElivering + REassembling the data during transmission
Before data are transmitted over the Internet, they are divided into small, fixed bundles called packets
i.e HELLO! = divided into 6 packets, P1 = H, P2 = E, P3 = L…. P6 = !
Packet Switching
The transmission tech that breaks up blocks of data into packets
i.e. Someone send message from NYC –> LA
It broken up into packets + go through diff routes and get to LA (diff internet centers?)
Packet Switching P2
Each packet carries info that will help it reach it’s destination, i.e.:
The sender’s IP adress
Th eintended recievers IP Adress
of packets i the message
+ # of the particular packet within the message
Packet Switching P3
Each Packet travels Independently across the network + can be found through diff paths in the network
When packets reach their destination, they reassembled into original message
3 Basic Functions of TCP
- Manages the movement of Data packets between compu’s by establishing a connection between the compu’s
- Sequences the transfer of packets
- Acknowledges the packets that have been transmitted
4 Layers of TCP/IP Reference Model
- Application Layer:
Enables client application programs to access the other layers + it defines the protocols that applications (apps) use to exchange data
- Transport Layer:
Provides the app layer with Communication + Packet Services
- Internet Layer:
Responsible for ADdressing, ROuting, + PAckaging Data Packets
- Network Interface Layer:
Places packets on + receives them from, the network medium which can be any networking tech
Sender moves down from Application + Network interface
Receiver goes from Network Interface to Application (i.e when you send an email)
Page 19 of slides
Types of Network Processing
Distributed Processing
Divides processing work among 2 or more compu’s which enables compu’s in diff locations to communicate with one another via telecommunications
(not like dial - up internet?)
Client/Server Computing
This links 2 or more Compu’s in an arrangement in which some machines (called servers), provide computing services for user PCs (called clients)
Peer-to-peer Computing (P2P)
A type of Client/Server districbuted processing wehere each compu acts as both a client + a server
World Wide Web
A system of universally accepted standards for SToring, REtrieving, FOrmatting, + DIsplaying info via a client/server architecture
Internet (“the Net”)
A Global WAN that connects approx 1 mill organizational compu networks in more than 200 countries on all continents, including Antarica
Internet Backbone
The Primary network connections + telecommunications operated primarily by large telecommunications comp’s
A network that uses internet protocols so that users can take adv of familiar app’s + work habits
Connects parts of the intranets of diff orgs
Internet Connection Methods 1.
Service: Dial-Up
Description: Still used in U.S where Broadband isn’t available
ICM 2. DSL (Digital Subscribe Line/Loop,via%20a%20copper%20telephone%20landline.)
Broadband Access via Telephone Comps
ICM 3. Cable Modern
Access over your cable TV Coaxial cable
Can have degraded performance if many of your neighbors are accessing the Internet at once
ICM 4. Satellite
Access where Cable + DSL aren’t available
ICM 5. Wireless
Very Convenient, and WIMAX will inc the use of Broadband wireless
ICM 6. Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH)
Expensive + usually placed only in new housing developments
Addresses on the Internet
Internet Protocal (IP) Adress
Internet Coopeation for Assigned Names (ICANN)
Top Level Domain (TLD), i.e.:
.com,.edu (for edu institutes), .mil, .giv (for gov entity/website), .org
https:// = Protocal Host name
healthline= Website
/apparel/ = Directory
skirt.php? = Filename
sku=123&lang=en§=silk = Query Parameters
skirt.php?sku=123&lang=en§=silk = URI
Top - Level Domain (TLD)
The domain at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet
The TLD names are located in the root zone (rightmost zone) of the name
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Which is in charge of maintaining the DNS root zone
Today IANA distinguishes the following groups of TLDs:
- Country-code top-level domains (ccTLD)
2 letter domains established for countries or territories
i.e ae = stands for UAE, stands for Germany
- International country code top-level domain (IDN ccTLD)
These are ccTLDs in non-Latin character sets (i.e. Arabic or Chinese)
- Generic top-level domains (gTLD)
TLDs with 3 or more characters
gTLDS initially consisted of: .gov, .edu, .com, .mil, .org, + .net
In late 2000, ICANN introduced: .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, .pro
In June 2012, ICAN revealed nearly 2k app’s for new TLD’s
IP Adress i.e (in a IPv4 adress, dotted - decimal notation)
- 1
|. |
|. |
V. V
- 1
= 1010110 .00010000 .111111110 .000000001
One byte (1010110) = 8 bits (00010000 ?)
32 bits ( 4 x 8) or 4 bytes
The future of Internet Services
Start with Arpanet in 1969
Other famous Comps came after that, time to shine
Netscape, Yahoo, Amazon and the likes
Facebook, Firefox, and Skype alright
Other things in the slide 30
How Covid19 Impact Network Services inUAE
Before Cvd:
Not many things online besides Zomato, Sivvi, and
After Cvd in 2020 (in future):
Noon, Delivered, Talbot, lots of things online
The Dubai Mall too
World Wide Web (WWW)
A system of universally accepted standards for SToring, REtrieving, FOrmatting, + DIsplaying information via a Client/Server architecture
Nit the same as Internet
Web Site
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Network App’s
E - Learning + Distance Learning
Virtual Universities
+ Telecommuting
Network App’s: Communication
Can be?:
Electronic Mail (E-mail)
Web-Based Call Centers
Electronic Chat Rooms
Voice Communication
Intermte Telephone (VoIP)
Continued from previous flashcard:
Unified Communications (UC)
Simplifies + integrates all forms of communication (I.e
Voice, Voice mail, Fax, Chat, Gmail, Instant messaging, Short Message service, presence (location) service + Videoconferencing) on common hardware and software platform
Network Apps: Collaboration:
Microsoft Sharepoint
Google Docs .
IBM Lotus Quickr
Electronic Telconferencing uncng,,
Docs .
Collaboration 1. Workflow
2 or more Individual’s who act together to perform some task
The movement if information as it progresses through the sequence of steps that make up an org’s work procedure
Workflow Management makes it possible to pass doc’s, info,+ tasks from 1 participant to another in a way that is governed by the org’s rules or procedures
Virtual Group (Team)
Virtual Grouos conduct Virtual Meetings , that is, they “meet” electronically
Virtual Collaboration (or e - collab)
The use of digital technologies that enable orgs or individ’s who are geographically dispersed to collaboratively Plan, Design, Develop, Manage + research Prod’s, Serv’s + Innovative App’s
A process in which an org outsources a task to an undefined, generally (a) large group of people on the form of an open call
(Mongolian man + Kite + Electronic Windmills )
Synchronous Collaboration
All team members meet at the same time
The use of electronic communication tech that enables 2 or more people at different locations to hold a conference
Participants in 1 location can view participants, doc’s + ithe representations at game
The latest form of Videoconferencing which enables participants to seamlessly share data, voice, + animation by electronic means pictures, graphics
I.e use this in room = showcase all people in meeting
Asynchronous Collaboration
Occurs when team members cannot meet at the same time