Chapter 1: Introduction to Information Systems Flashcards
IT Components
Next few Flashcards
ITC 1. Hardware
Consists of devices such as: the Processor, Monitor, Keyboard + Printer (Tangible items)
ITC 2. Software
A program or collection of programs that enable the hardware to process data (non - tangible, i.e. Microsoft Word)
ITC 3. Database
A collection of related files or tables containing data
ITC 4. Network
A connecting system (wireline or wireless) that permits different computers to share resources
ITC 5. Procedures
(These) are the instructions for combining the above components to process information + generate the desired output
ITC 6. People
Individuals who use the hardware + software, interface with it, or utilize its output
Why should I study Information Systems (IS)
Become more of an informed user
IT offers Career Opportunities (high paying?)
Managing Info Resources (hard process to do?)
Why should I study Information Systems (IS)? Part 2
- You benefit more when you understand what is “behind” IT applications (apps) ()
- You can provide valuable input ()
- You can recommend + help select IT Applications ()
- You’ll be aware of new Tech ()
- You understand how IT improves Performance ()
- Understanding IT is very beneficial to Entrepreneurs
Why Study IT?
IT = vital to modern Bu + providing many lucrative career opportunities:
I.e.: Programmers, Bu Analysts, Systems Analysts + Designers
Career opportunities will remain strong in the future (robots won’t replace them)?
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Executive in charge of the IS function
(Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Operations Officer (COO) are also MIS related)
Managing Info Resources is Difficult + Complex because
- IS has an enormous strategic value to orgs
- IS’s are very expensive ($$$) to acquire, operate + maintain
- Evolution of MUS function within the org
Facts —> Information Process
- Facts are digitized into Data (i.e. umbers + Letters like 122, ABC)
- This Data is interpeted? + put into context which makes it into Information (i.e. 122 = Speed of a car at a particular speeding camera)
- Information is used in certain situations + context? to then make knowledge (i.e Numbers show Speeding at one area = Gov can make alternative routes)
Traditional Function of MIS Department
Managing Systems Development + Systems Project Management
Managing Computer Operations
Staffing, Training + Developing IS skills (in org?)
Providing technical services (personal i.e. IT serviceperson comes to help teacher with showing screen on big monitor)
Infrastructure Planning, Development + Control
New (Consultative) Functions of MIS Department
Initiating + Designing Specific strategic IS (specific Functional area IS? like for Marketing?)
Incorporating the Internet + E - commerce into the Bu
Managing system integration including; Internet, Intranets, + Extranets (in + outside org stuff networks?)
Educating the MIS staff about the Bu
Partnering with Bu - unit executives
Managing outsourcing (sending one non - primary function of Bu to chosen contracted company?)
Proactively using Bu + Technical knowledge to seed innovative IT ideas
Creating Bu alliances with Bu partners
Major Capabilities of IS’s
Perform high speed, high volume numerical computations
Provide fast, accurate communication + collaboration within + among orgs
Store huge amounts of info in easy -to-access yet small space
Allow quick + inexpensive access to vast amounts of info, worldwide
Interpret vast amounts of data quickly + efficiently
Automate both semiautomatic Bu processes + manual tasks
Overview of computer based systems table + i.e’s from slides:
- Functional Area Information Systems (FAIS)
Functional Areas of Bu = things like:
Productions & Operations Management (hardest to make/change?)
Supports activities within specific functional area (i.e System for processing payroll in HR? department)
2 IS’s that support entire Org
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems:
These provide communication among Functional Area ISs (i.e. ERP between Marketing + Finance?)
This integrates all Func areas of org
i.e. Walmart checkout point-of-sales terminal (i.e cash register???)
- Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
Support the “real time” Monitoring, Collection, Storage + Processing of day from the org’s day to day operations
Processes transaction data from Bu events
i.e.e Oracle, SAP System (Systems, Applications, and Productions),production%2C%20HR%2C%20and%20finance.
Interorganizational Information Systems (IOS)
Supports many Interorganizational Operations
Supply Chain Mangaement (SCM) System?:
Manages Flow of Products, Services + Info among Orgs
i.e. Walmart Retail link system connecting Suppliers to Walmart
Electronic Commerce (e - commerce) systems:
Enables Transactions among orgs + between orgs + customers
Support for Organizational Emp’s
Clerical Workers
knowledge Workers’ Office Automation Systems (OAS)
Business intelligence (BI)
Expert Systems (ES)
Dashboards (aka Digital Dashboards)
IT Changes the Manager’s Job
Decision making = the most important managerial task
IT changes the way managers make decisions
IT provide near-real-timie info (fast + current?)
Managers have less time to make decisions
IT provides tools for analysis to assist in decision - making
IT also Reduces # of Middle Managers
It (meaning IT) makes Middle Mang’s more productive, and as consequence, reduces # of Middle Mang’s required
Will IT Eliminate Jobs? (0 o 0)
Competitive advantage of replacing people with IT + Machines is inc rapidly
Inc the use of IT in Bu also
Creates new Job categories + Requires more emp’s with IT knowledge + skills (makes new jobs?)
IT Affects Quality of Life
IT has changed way we work
Smartphones provide constant access to: text, email + voice communications
Lines between time at work + leisure time at home have become blurred
Survey indicates that emp’s take Laptops + Smartphones on Vacation
Robotics used in Industry:
Manufacturing (make cars)
Farming Operations (plants+ waters seeds)