Chapter 5: Data + Knowledge Management Flashcards
Data —-> Information —-> Knowledge
- Facts are digitized into data (I.e. numbers like 27, 17, etc)
- Data is put into context (analysed?), like 22 mph or 17 mph = speeding numbers makes Information
- Information is used + put into context of specific? situations to create knowledge (I.. e find reason for why people speeding on a road = Gov can make solutions for those people like alt routes)
The confirmation or validation of an event or an object (I.e. its a fact that Elephants can’t jump)
Information Age
The present time, during which infinite quantities of facts are available to anyone who uses a computer
Raw facts that describe the characteristics of an event or object (I.e. Unit price, Product #, etc)
Data converted into a menaingful and useful context (based on numbers, who is Jerrys best Cu based on sales, its Target at $272,000)
Business Intelligence
Info collected from multiple sources such as:
+ Industries that analyse patterns, trends + relationships for strategic decision making
Skills, Experience + Expertise coupled with Info + Intelligence that creates a person’s intellectual resources
Knowledge Worker
Individual valued for their ability to interpret + analyse info
Difficulties in Managing Data
- Data Inc’s exponentially with time
- Multiple sources of data
- Data Degradation: I.e. Customers move to new addresses, change their names, etc
4.Data Rot: Refers primarily to the problems with the media that data is stored (I.e in old times, magnets could disrupt phones/data storages? Cause problems)
- Data Security (protect data?), Quality (good or bad qula data?), and Integrity (truthful/good data or not?)
- Gov regulation (like with Patriot Act, Cookies need permission)
Multiple Sources of Data
- Internal Sources (Corporate Databases + Comp doc’s)
- Personal Sources (Personal Thoughts, Opinions + Experiences)
- External Sources (Commercial Databases, Gov Reports + Corporate Web Sites)
Data Governance
An approach to managing info across an entire org
Master Data
Sum of all data relevant to org operations???
Master Data Mamgement
Ways to manage said data of org???
Database Approach include
- Old: Data Hierarchy
- New: Relational Database Model
Data Hierarchy
Data Hierarchy Term (DHT) 1. Bit (Binary digit)
Represents the smallest unit of data a computer can process + it consists only of a 0 and 1 (0 for no electric current, 1 for a current?)
DHT 2. Byte
A small group of eight bits that rep’s a single character (i.e. Letter, #, or a symbol)
DHT 3. Field
A column of data containing a logically grouping of characters into a word, a small group of words (e.g Last Name, Social Security #, etc)
DHT 4. Record
A logical grouping of related fields in a row (I.e. Students name, courses taken, the date + the grade(
DHT 5. Data File
Logical grouping of related records is called a data file or a table similar in appearance to an Excel Spreadsheet consisting of multiple columns + multiple rows
DHT 6. Database
Logical Grouping of related data files (aka database tables)
Hierarchy vs Databases
Seen after this card.
My thoughts/trying to remember class stuff:
Hierarchies make it difficult to access data sometimes/let specific apps access specific data
Database = more streamlined/efficient?
Database Management Systems Minimize these 3 Problems
- Data Redundancy: The same data is stored in multiple locations (i.e Photos In Phone, that takes up storage)
- Data Isolation:
Apps can’t qccess data associated with other apps (like WhatsApp not accessing contacts, you have to type it then)
- Data Inconsistency: Various copies of data don’t agree (with each other?)
Database Management Systems (DBMS)
A set of programs that provide users with tools to create + manage a database
DBMS Maximizes these 3 things
- Data Security: Because data are “put in 1 place,” there’s a risk of losing a lot of data at 1 time
Therefore Databases must have extremely high security measures in place to minimise mistakes + deter attacks
- Data Integrity: Data meet certain constraints, I.e. there no Alphabetic characters in Social Security number field
- Data Independence: Apps + Data are independent of one another, Apps + Data aren’t linked to eachother, so all apps are able to access the same data
Relational Daatbase Model
Things like a Car, A person, an Object?
A Specific car/object, like a Blue Car?
Something that describes an object (color?)