Chapter 6: Strategic Awareness Flashcards
What is the police’s PURPOSE statement?
Why do we come to work - to ensure New Zealanders…what?
Be safe, Feel Safe
What is the Police Mission?
ss - S
S - safe
To be the ‘safest’ country
What is the police Vision?
V - haVe…
V - haVe
To ‘have’ Trust and Confidence of All
What is police Motto
tt - T
tt = Together = T
Safer communities ‘together’
What are our police goals? x3
(also known as:
Prevention First outcomes and Strategic Outcomes
- also CONNECTED (but not) to our govt. targets.)
- Prevent crime and victimisation (connected to 10,000)
- Target and catch offenders (connected to 25%)
- Deliver more responsive police service (connected to 90%)
New strategic outcomes - ie. govt. stats
(Related to our PURPOSE = be safe feel safe)
What are the main ones? x3
Be safe:
Reduce serious crime by 10,000 fewer victims
Reduce maori offending by 25%
Feel Safe:
90% trust and confidence
(90% customer satisfaction)
What are the “components” of the SPT in PHPF - R, B, T
What is contained in the middle of the Our Business Document - our strategies? (the WHAT we do)
(x4 strategies)
Prevention First
Turning of the Tide
Safer Journeys
Wellness and Safety
What is prevention first - what are the 4 parts (that move in a circle?)
What came into force april 4 2016 - re. wellness and safety at work?
Health and Safety (At work) Act 2015
= Worksafe
What are the 4 priorities of the Wellness and Safety strategy?
- Leadership - Effective leadership of staff
- Capability - (training) Build Organisational capability
- Manage - Actively manage hazards and risks
- Improvement - Continually improve through measurement and monitoring
What are the activity areas for the Safer Journeys Strategy?
- Speed
- Distractions/restraints (in-car behaviour)
- Impaired drivers
- Vulnerable road users
- High Risk behaviours
- Network maintenance efficiency (roads)
How does the Road Policing Action Plan contribute to the “why” of our strategic imperatives - x 4
- Deployment: Staff undertaking right activities at the right time to prevent road trauma
- Technology: Automating activities, lifting productivity
- Understanding: Improving understanding of the road policing environment.
- System: Consolidating work to support “safe system” approach (road, car, driver)
What are the TOTT objectives x4?
“Prevention” - reduce maori offenders entering the Criminal Justice System
“Reduce re-offending” - those who enter, few come back.
“Change Behaviour” - Alternative Resolution process to change behaviour
“Reduce Road Risk” - ID risks for Maori and mitigate them
Looking at the right hand side of Our Business, “How we do it”, what are the three headings?
Our People
Our partnerships
Our transformation program: “The Safest Country” policing 2021
Our People - what are the 5 things we aspire to be, ie. OUR PEOPLE ARE:
first 3 = we want them to feel…
last 2 = we want them to be…
- Valued
- Safe and feel safe
- Equipped and enabled
- High performing
- Victim focussed
Our partnerships - Who are the three identified partners on the OB poster that we are working together with?
- Iwi and Communities
- Social, Justice, Transport, security sectors
- Business partners
5 principles for Delivering and Enabling our business?
(tricky to remember these… )
- DEMAND: Responding to demand
- ENABLING: (understanding and improving) our business
- EVIDENCE: Evidence Based Policing
- PARTNERS: Network (partners) of pub. safety and harm reduction
What are the 3 core components of Prevention First?
these have been around for a while…‘pillars’
- Change mindset
- Deploy to beat demand
- 6 Drivers (one new one) - recognise and respond to the drivers of DEMAND
What are the 3 points of the crime triangle?
What are the 6 DRIVERS of DEMAND?
used to be 5 drivers of crime
- Families
- Youth
- Alcohol
- Roads (Road policing)
- Organised crime and Drugs
- Mental Health (NEW!)
Why has the labelling of drivers changed from Drivers of Crime to ‘Drivers of Demand’?
Recognised that not all ‘drivers of demand’ are for police to attend criminal activity.
MINDSET - was focussed around what three things?
hint: Think of the triangle…
V - 3 points to note
O - 2 points to note
L - 2 points to note
- Victim Focus
- case management
- repeat victimisation
- graduated response
- Offender Management
- appropriate dealing with offenders
- alternative resolution
- Locations
- Repeat locations
- relationships between time and place
What is the heading of F1, PHPF
What is the tool that is introduced in F1 and what is it?
What 3 things does F1 aspire to do?
Cascading document designed to connect people to our business - ‘outcomes and activities’
- Connect people to Our Business
- Help people understand their purpose
- Help people understand how their role contributes to Our Business
What is F2 of PHPF - heading?
What are the tools for F2?
What 3 things does F2 aspire to do?
CHPT - Culture of a high performing team.
CTT - Culture Transformation tool
- Shift mindset - culture driven from inside
- Explains qualities of high performing teams
- Explains CTT - Culture Transformation Tool = where we have been and where we want to be in the future to deliver on our outcomes for NZ.
F3 of PHPF - What is its heading?
What are the tools for F3? x2
What does F3 aspire to do? x2
PRL: Principal Responsibilities of Leadership
SEE: set, enable, expect
- Help leaders understand their purpose and expectations
- Equip leaders with tools
What are F4 and F5 of PHPF headings?
What are they in simple terms?
F4 : CAPABILITY - tools to improve performance.
F5 : PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT - talk about performance in a way that is meaningful and helpful.
What are the Characteristics of a High Performing Team?
PHPF: Definition of UNITED - (in short x2)
Share same vision, aspirations, values.
Trust intentions beyond question
PHPF: Definition of Committed to Excellence - (in short x4)
- Be the best we can be
- Encourages each to excel irrespective of capability.
- Want to be successful as a team rather than looking out for ourselves.
- Remain committed to the cause
PHPF: Definition of Accountable and Responsible - (in short x2)
Accountable for our own performance
Take responsibility of our own performance
PHPF: Definition of Supportive of one another - (in short x2)
Support each other as members of team
Embrace similarities and differences
What are police wanting leaders to move towards in terms of culture. ie. away from a ?-based culture towards a ?-based culture
Away from Prescriptive-Based Culture to a Principle-based culture.
What are the two tools of the F3 - Leadership framework, and what are they about?
SEE stands for what, and what does each mean?
PRL stands for what, and what are the 4 points
SEE - Set Enable Expect
= set strategy, standards, outcomes and activities
= enable people to deliver the outcomes - tools needed
= hold people accountable for delivering outcomes
PRL - Principle Responsibilities of Leadership
what managers need to focus on to deliver on their purpose.
= Strategy ie. SPT, level purpose statements
= Standards ie. quality of work, outcomes
= Capability ie. Improve SKE
= Culture ie. Individual SOM and MINDSET