Chapter 6, Section 3 Flashcards
How did Roosevelt come to be the president?
He took over after William McKinley was assinated
Who shot William McKinley?
Leon Czolgosz (chol-gosh) while pretending to shake hands with McKinley
Where was McKinley shot?
Pan-American expo in Buffalo, NY
When was McKinley shot and when did he die?
shot on 09/06/1901, died on the fourteenth
Who was Leon Czolgosz?
- anarchist (wide movement around the world in this time period)
- tried and executed for murder i October of 1901
Age of Theodore Roosevelt when he took office
42 years old- youngest to take office at this time
What set him apart from previous presidents?
- was very young
- took a hands on approach
- tried to solve coal strike (no military involvement)
- known for toothy grin
What does bully pulpit mean?
where a person uses their position to get their message/point across
all modern day presidents use this (ex. Trump tweeting)
What did Roosevelt stand for?
- progressivism
- end of child labor
- wanted suffrage
- wanted to clean up the
government - prohibition
What was Roosevelt’s childhood like?
- sickly (had asthma)
- stayed inside and read a lot
- became in involved in sports as a teenager
- came from wealthy New York family
- both wife and mother died when he was 26
-went to Dakota Territory and
worked on his ranch
-returned to politics 2 years
later - was a “people person”
What was the Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902?
-May 12, 1902
-150,000 miners went on strike in eastern PA
-United Miners Workers of America (UMWA)
3 reasons why the coal miners went on strike in 1902
-wanted higher wages
-wanted shorter hours
-wanted recognition of their union
What did people fear would happen when the strike continued?
They were afraid it would cause a national disaster
What happened when Roosevelt pushed for the use of an arbitrator?
Union agreed, owners did not
What three things happened when Roosevelt threatened to take over the mines?
-owners agreed to arbitration
-workers got shorter work week and higher pay
-did not have to recognize union
What three things happened when Roosevelt threatened to take over the mines?
-owners agreed to arbitration
-workers got shorter work week and higher pay
-did not have to recognize union
Why was this strike momentous?
It was the1st time that the gov’t. stepped in to protect the interests of the workers and public.
Three areas that Square Deal focused on…
-limiting the power of the monopolies
-promoting public health and safety
-improving working conditions
What was Roosevelt’s social program called?
Square Deal
Who were the two candidates in the election of 1904? Who won?
-Theodore Roosevelt (R)
-Alton Parker (D)
-landslide victory for Roosevelt
Roosevelt’s quote regarding the Square Deal
“I promise to see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less.”
What was Roosevelt’s opinion regarding large businesses and monopolies?
He believed that big businesses were important to the country’s growth but believed companies should behave responsibly
In 1901 these three men joined their railroads together?
J.P. Morgan, James Hill and E. H. Harriman
What was the name of the new, combined railroad in 1901?
Northern Securities Company
Why did Roosevelt have the U.S. Attorney General sue the Northern Securities Company?
for breaking the Sherman Antitrust act
What was the ruling of the court case dealing with the Northern Securities Company?
Supreme Court ruled against NSC and ordered it to be broken up
What were the “bad” trusts?
-were not in the public interest
-sold inferior products, competed unfairly,
-corrupted public officials
Why did railroads need regulated?
-railroads commonly gave best customers discounts
-big corporations paid less to ship their goods than smaller companies (farms suffered)
What was the Elkins Act of 1903?
-prohibited railroads from accepting rebates (discounts)
What was the Hepburn Act of 1906?
-strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) by giving it the power to
-set maximum railroad rates
-regulate companies involved in interstate commerce
Stupid, weird, gross things companies thought were ok to do in the early 1900s
-add formaldehyde to (rotten) eggs to hide odor
-adding saw dust to bread (in place of flour)
-candy coloring was toxic
-some medicines mostly contained heroin or opium (doctors were kinda dumb)
What gross, appalling book did Mr. Upton Sinclair write that made everyone realize how much rat poo and poison they were eating?
The Jungle
What two acts were prompted by the Jungle?
-Meat Inspection Act of 1906
-Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
What was the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906?
-forbid the manufacture, sale, distribution of food and patent medicine with harmful ingredients
-required food and medicine containers to have accurate labels
What was the Meat Inspection Act of 1906?
- required federal inspection of meat shipped across state lines
Roosevelt believed in conservation… What is conservation?
regulated the use of natural resources
Who was John Muir and what was his opinion?
a tree hugger who wanted federal reserves and land to be protected from the industry
In what ways did the people of the 1800s demonstrate natural resources being unlimited?
-lumber companies cleared large amounts of land (w/o replanting trees)
-farmers plowed up the Great Plains (dust bowl)
-ranchers overgrazed the prairies
-mining companies polluted rivers and created soil erosion
-cities polluted rivers and created garbage dumps
How did Roosevelt’s and Muir’s opinion differ when it comes to the environment?
Basically… Muir believed in preserving national parks, Roosevelt believed the same thing, but thought there should be a road paved for economical benefit
What was the Newland’s Reclamation Act of 1902
-irrigation projects in the West to make the land productive
-established the U.S. Forest Service
-Gifford Pinchot became chief of it
-added almost 150 million acres to the national forests
What was the Antiquities Act of 1906?
-protected all historic and prehistoric sites on federal land
-cannot excavate without a permit