Chapter 6 REVENUE Flashcards
What are the key risks when an order is taken?
- orders taken from customers who cannot pay on a timely basis
- orders not recorded properly
What are the key control objectives when an order is taken?
- only supply customers who are likely to pay on time
- record orders correctly
- fulfil all orders
what are the key controls activities when an order is taken?
- obtain credit checks
- authorise credit limits
- review credit limits regularly
- check credit remaining before taking order
- use sequentially numbered order forms
- check inventory levels before confirming orders
- match customer orders with despatched notes
What are the key risks when goods are dispatached?
- incorrect goods dispatched
- customers dispute as to whether goods were received
- goods dispatched but not recorded
what are the key controls objectives when goods are dispatched?
- orders dispatched quickly and to the correct customer
- all orders dispatched
- all dispatches are recorded
what are the key control activities when goods are dispatched?
- examine goods outward for quality, quantity etc
- record goods outwards on sequentially numbered goods despatch notes (GDN)
- match GDNs to invoices and follow up unmatched GDNs
- obtain customer signature on a copy of the GDN
what are the key risks when invoices are raised?
- invoices not raised or raised in correctly
- invoices wrongly cancelled by credit notes resulting in loss to the business
what are the key control objectives when invoices are raised?
- all goods dispatched are invoiced
- invoiced are raised accurately
- credit notes are only raised accurately and for valid reasons
what are the key controls activities when invoices are raised?
- use authorised selling prices to raise invoices
- check calculations of quantity x price for accuracy
- check condition of goods returned and record on goods return notes
- authorisation of credit notes
what are the key risks when sales are recorded?
- invoices and credit notes not properly recorded leading to misstatements in the financial statements
- debts recorded which are not recoverable
what are the key control activities when sales are recorded?
- only valid sales recovered
- sales recorded in correct customer accounts
- identify potential bad debts on a timely basis
what are the key control activities when sales are recorded?
- sequence checks for invoices being recorded
- match cash receipts to invoices
- send regular statements to customers
- review and follow up overdue accounts
- authorisation of bas debt
- reconciliation of receivables ledger with nominal ledger
what are the key risks when cash is collected?
- receipts allocated to wrong customer
- delays in banking could result in cash being lost
what are the key control objections for when cash is being collected?
- all receipts are recorded correctly and banked promptly
What are the key control activities for when cash is being collected?
- segregation of duties between recording and banking
- safe custody of receipt books and cash
- daily banking
- reconciliation of bank paying in slips
- regular bank reconciliations
before an auditor can test internal controls what must they do?
- identify the controls and address the given risk
- to check the control is working the auditor must make enquires, observations, inspections of assets and documents