Chapter 4 Flashcards
what does the ISA (UK) 500 require in terms of evidence?
auditors to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be able to draw conclusions on which to base audit opinion
what does sufficient evidence depend on?
- materiality
- level of assurance being given
What does appropriate evidence mean?
- it needs to be reliable and relevant
Reliable= format (written, copy, oral), source (auditor generated, third party, client)
Relevant= proves one or more of the financial statements assertions
Assertions about classes of transactions and events, and related disclosures for the period under audit.
Audit evidence is relevant if it proves one or more of?
- occurrence
- completeness
- accuracy
- cut-off - in relevant accounting period
- classification - transactions recorded in proper accounts
- presentation
Assertions about account balances, and related disclosures, at the period end
Audit evidence is relevant if it proves one or more of?
- existence
- rights and obligations - entity owns assets and liabilities are the obligations of the entity
- completeness
- accuracy, valuation and allocation
- classification
- presentation
true or false:
A sales invoice is not as relation as a purchase invoice
true or false:
a bank statement from the clients file is more reliable than a bank letter sent directly to the auditor
true or false:
an explanation from the client is more reliable when received in an email than a phone call
when would substantive testing be used? and when is limited substantive testing used?
- substantive: internal controls are not expected to be effective
- limited substantive: when controls have found to be effective through test of contols
what should the auditor do if the evidence gathered isn’t sufficient?
- attempt to find further evidence
- consider implication for the audit opinion
when reporting what is the RAPID terms used if a material problem arises that the auditor will put in the report?
R= returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us
A = accounts are not in agreement with the underlying accounting records
P= proper accounting records have not been kept
I= Information and explanations required for the audit were not received
D= directors remuneration disclosed required by law were not made
what is included in the auditors report?
Review in book page 79
What format does the report take if the auditor thinks the financial statements show a true and fair view?
- it will be unmodified
- standard wording of the ISA (UK) 700 auditors report can be used
What format does the report take if the auditor thinks the financial statements don’t show a true and fair view?
- it will be modified
- containing information for the user to explain the issues
What are the 3 additional areas the Corporate Governance Code audit process require
- assessment of risk of material misstatement
- application of materiality
- overview of scope of the audit
what is the aim of the new long form auditors report for listed companies that have to comply with the UK corporate Governance code?
narrow the expectations gap