Chapter 6 - Not Built from Word Parts Flashcards
congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis
congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the underside of the penis. Females may also have a form of hypospadias where the urinary meatus is unusually located
polycystic kidney disease
condition in which the kidney contains many cysts causing progressive interference with the ability to form urine
remal calculus (pl. calculi)
stone in the kidney
renal failure
loss of kidney function resulting in its inability to remove waste products from the body and maintain electrolyte balance
renal hypertension
elevated blood pressure resulting from kidney disease
urinary retention
abnormal accumulation of urine in the bladder because of an inability to urinate
urinary suppression
sudden stoppage of urine formation
urinary tract infection
infection of one or more organs of the urinary tract
catheter (cath)
flexible, tubelike device, such as a urinary catheter, for withdrawing or instilling fluids
stretched out (a bladder is distended when filled with urine)
minerals in the body, such as sodium and potassium, that carry an electrolyte charge. Electrolyte balance is necessary for the body to function normally and is maintained by the kidneys
involuntary urination
hemodialysis (HD)
procedure for removing impurities from the blood because of an inability of the kidneys to do so
inability to control the bladder and/or bowels
to pass urine
peritoneal dialysis
procedure for removing toxic wastes when the kidney is unable to do so; the peritoneal cavity is used as the receptacle for the fluid used in the dialysis
abnormal narrowing, such as a urethral stricture
receptacle for urine
urinary catheterization
passage of a catheter into the urinary bladder to withdraw urine
pertaining to the force and flow of urine within the urinary tract
to empty or evacuate waste material, especially urine