Chapter 6: Medicine and Drugs Flashcards
Define a medicine.
Chemical that, when taken into or applied to the body can fight or prevent disease, relieve pain, replace a chemical deficiency, or regulate how a body organ functions
List the 5 types of medications.
Antibiotics, Vaccines, Analgesics, Narcotics, and Hormones
What is the purpose of analgesics?
They relieve pain with rendering the patient unconscious.
What is the purpose of narcotics?
Relieve pain and promote sleep
What is the purpose of hormone medications?
They replace chemical deficiencies
What do vaccines do?
Release a pathogen into the bloodstream, where antibodies are produced
What is a synergistic effect?
Interaction of two or more drugs to create a greater impact
What is an antagonistic effect?
Effect of one medication is reduced by another
What is an additive interaction?
Drugs working positively together
What is creatine, and is it legal?
A legal athletic supplement that stores energy and water in the muscles, making them bigger, rounder, and fuller.
Are anabolic steroids legal? Why or why not?
They are illegal because of their terrible side effects. They stunt growth, cause liver problems, hypertension, reproductive problems, tendons to snap, and mood disorders.
What are the pros and cons of growth hormones?
They produce larger muscles, but also stimulate bones and body organs, leading to an early death.
What is blood doping and why is it dangerous?
Self-transfusion of blood previously removed to increase oxygen in blood stream. Can cause blood thickening and cardio problems.
What does caffeine do?
Provides energy for muscles by increasing fat breakdown
What are the effects of depressants?
They slow body functions inducing sleep, slowing heart rate and breath, and possible death.
List a few depressants.
Alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics, anti-anxiety drugs, rohypnol (“date rape”), inhalants, marijuana, and narcotics
List a few hallucinogens.
LSD (trips), Ecstasy (MDMA), Marijuana
What is the psychoactive chemical in marijuana?
List a few stimulants.
Amphetamines (“speed”), meth, ephedrine, cocaine, tobacco, marijuana
What syndrome can infants have if their mother drank alcohol when they were in the fetus? What are its symptoms?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Problems with growth, facial malformations, brain problems, irritability
What are the effects of tobacco on the fetus?
Premature births, infant death, low birth weights, difficulty reading/learning
What are the effects of marijuana on the fetus?
Increases risk of miscarriage, mental and physical developmental problems, high-pitched cries
What is ETS and what are its effects?
Environmental Tobacco Smoke, or second-hand smoke is responsible for 38,000 deaths annually and asthma and middle ear infections in children.