Chapter 1: Health, Mood Disorders, Stress, and Grief Flashcards
What are the 5 levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs?
- Basic Physical Needs
- Safety Needs
- Social Needs
- Esteem Needs
- Self-Actualization
What is a risk factor?
Anything that may impair health
Which of these is not a risk factor? Genetics Weight Diet Clothing
Defense Mechanisms:
What is compensation?
Doing well in one area to make up for doing poorly in another
What are the 5 facets of health?
Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual
Defense Mechanisms:
What is rationalization?
Giving false reasons or making excuses for your behavior or feelings
Defense Mechanisms:
What is denial?
Not recognizing a particular feeling or problem
Defense Mechanisms:
What is reaction-formation?
Not saying how you really feel; saying something contrary
Defense Mechanisms:
What is projection?
Putting your faults and problems onto another person; blaming others
Defense Mechanisms:
What is regression?
Acting in childish, immature ways
Defense Mechanisms:
What is repression?
Removing an unpleasant idea or memory from your mind
Is daydreaming a defense mechanism?
Suzie checks things repeatedly and has routines that she feels she must follow. What mood disorder does she suffer from?
OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
What are treatment options for those with OCD?
Counseling and medications
Suzie has anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness an increased heart rate, and feelings of losing control. What mood disorder is she suffering from?
Panic Disorder
Suzie has hallucinations, talks to herself, and has confused and disorganized thoughts. What mood disorder is she suffering from?
Suzie has extreme happiness for a few days and then depression afterwards. What mood disorder is she suffering from?
Bipolar Disorder
Can mood disorders be cured?
No, but the individual can recover.
What is an external factor?
Demand on our minds or bodies
What is a physical response?
Demands placed on us - seen through stress
What is a stressor?
Anything that triggers a reation
What is a stress response?
What the body does to react to stress
What is body strain?
The wear and tear on our bodies and minds during stress
Explain the Fight or Flight Body Response.
Nerve changes occur in hypothalamus
Nerves produce hormones that stimulate pituitary gland
Pituitary gland releases hormones that stimulate adrenal glands in kidneys
Adrenal glands produce adrenaline (or epinephrine)
Adrenaline causes heart to speed up, lungs breathe faster and deeper, muscles tense and prepare to work, and other functions like digesting food decrease
What are the effects of too much adrenaline?
Damage to organs
Outer layer of adrenal gland can produce too much cortisol, which reduces the ability of white blood cells to fight infection
What is the General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)?
The entire cycle of an individual that undergoes the fight or flight response.
Which phase of the General Adaption Syndrome involves sympathetic division of nervous system starting to operate and the fight or flight response?
The Alarm Phase
Which phase of the General Adaption Syndrome involves the body resisting dramatic changes and the parasympathetic division of nervous system restores body to normal?
The Resistance Phase
Which phase of the General adaption Syndrome involves a lowered immune response and extreme tiredness?
The Exhaustion Phase
What are the 5 stages of grief?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance
What is denial?
Denial loss has occured, refusing to discuss situation
What is Anger?
Stops denying loss, expresses bitternesss, rage, and outrage
What is Bargaining?
Loss is accepted, individual wants more time
What is Depression?
Overwhelming sadness at realization of loss
What is Acceptance?
Understands and comes to terms with loss