Chapter 2: Nutrition and Eating Disorders Flashcards
List the 6 basic nutrients.
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water
Which nutrient is the major source of energy?
Carbohydrates are converted into which sugar?
In what form are carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscles?
What foods are carbohydrates found in?
Bread, potatoes, fruits, veggies, cereal, milk, any food with sugar
What are some simple carbs?
Glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose
What organ converts other sugars into glucose?
The liver
Where are simple carbs found?
Fruits, veggies, and milk
What are some complex carbs?
Starch and fiber
Which complex carb cannot be digested?
a. starch
b. fiber
True or False:
Starch is broken down into glucose/glycogen for strorage
What foods contain starch?
Bread, cereals, potatoes, beans, peas, and grains
If fiber cannot be digested, is it neccessary for a healthy diet?
Yes, because it helps speed up the passage of food and wastes through the intestines
What percentage should carbs make up in your diet?
What are lipids made out of?
Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen atoms
Are lipids an energy source?
Yes, they are a secondary source when glucose levels drop. They provide twice as much energy as carbs.
List 6 functions of lipids.
- Build cells
- Form hormones
- Protect organs
- Regulate body temperature
- Protect nerves
- Absorbs and stores vitamins A,D,E, and K
Do the following characteristics describe unsaturated or saturated fats?
Liquid at room temperature
Found in veggies
Lowers cholesterol and risk of heart disease
Unsaturated fats
Do the following characteristics describe unsaturated or saturated fats?
Solid at room temperature
Found in animal fats and dairy products (butter)
No double bonds
Increases cholesterol production
Saturated fats
How are trans fats produced?
They are made by adding hydrogen to oils - and they increase cholesterol production.
Where can trans fats be found?
Margarine, crakers, cookies, fried foods, donuts
What percentage should lipids comprise in your diet?
What are proteins made out of?
Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Nitrogen
What are 5 functions of proteins?
Build body tissues
Produce enzymes and hormones
Produce antibodies
3rd source of energy
What percentage of your diet should be comprised of proteins?
Wha is the function of vitamins?
Regulate body processes
Do vitamins provide energy or calories?
Are the following vitamins water-soluable?
C, B vitamins, Folic acid, Biotin
Are the folloing vitamins water-soluable?
No, they are fat-soluable
Which of the folloing are more likely to be destroyed by cooking, air, and light?
Water-soluable or Fat-soluable
Which of the following are more resiliant to their outside environment?
Water-soluable or Fat-soluable
What 2 functions do minerals serve?
Regulate body processes
Build body tissue
Where are minerals found?
Occur naturally in soil and rocks
Which type of mineral is required in large amounts?
Major Minerals or Trace Minerals
Major Minerals
Are trace minerals neede in large amounts?
What are the 8 functions of water?
Makes up our cells 60-70% of body weight Transports nutrients and wastes Bathes cells Regulates body temperature Aids in digestion Lubricates joints Aids in chemical reactions
How much water is needed daily?
8-10 glasses (8 oz. each)
What is the government’s representation of a healthy diet?
Which organization released MyPlate, and when?
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in June of 2011
What is an RDA (recommended dietary allowance)?
The number of nutrients needed to be healthy
What is the equation for calculating total carb calories?
of carb grams x 4 calories = total carb calories
What is the equation for calculating total protein calories?
of protein grams x 4 calories = total protein calories
What is the equation for calculating total fat calories?
of fat grams x 9 calories = total fat calories
What is the equation for finding the percentage of a nutrient’s calories?
# of nutrient calories/total calories = % nutrient calories Nutrient = carbs, proteins, or fats
What is nutrient density?
Formula that tells how dense nutrients are in a product
What is an acceptable nutrient density?
When the nutrient composition is higher than the energy or “empty calorie” contribution
Where can vitamin A be found?
Liver, eggs, fortified milk, carrots, tomatoes, apricots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, fish, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach
List the functions of vitamin A.
Promotes good vision, helps form and maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes; may protect against some cancers
What does vitamin A dissolve in?
Where can vitamin D be found?
Fortified milk, fish; produced by body in response to UV light
What are the functions of vitamin D?
Promotes strong bones and teeth; necessary for calcium absorption
What does vitamin D dissolve in?
Where can vitamin C be found?
Citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes
What are the functions of vitamin C?
Promotes healthy gums capillaries, and teeth; aids in iron absorption; mintains normal conective tissue; heals wounds; increases resistance to infection
Where can iron be found?
Red meat, dried beans and peas, liver, prune juice, enriched farina
What is the function of iron?
Component of hemoglobin; helps with carrying oxygen to the cells and increases red blood cells; prevents anemia; increases infection resistance
What type of mineral is iron?
Trace Mineral
Where can calcium be found?
Milk products, sardines and salmon with bones, turnip greens
What are the functions of calcium?
Used in structure of bones and teeth; assists in blood clotting; functions in normal muscle contraction and nerve impulse conduction
What type of mineral is calcium?
Major Mineral
What is fitness?
The ability to have enough energy and physical strength to complete daily activities and respond to unexpected demands
What is body composition?
Body fat % as opposed to lean muscle %
What percent body composition is obese for male and female?
Male: 20% or more
Female: 30% or more
What methods can be used to test an individual’s body composition?
Skin fold measurements, bioelectrical impedance, water displacement
What is flexibility?
Ability of a body part to be bent or moved repeatedly through its range of motion without injury
What is muscle strength?
Application of force against resistance
What is muscular endurance?
Ability to perform work over time without getting tired
What is cardiovascular (cardiorespiratory) endurance?
Ability of the lungs, blood vessels, and heart to keep blood and tissues well supplied with oxygen while the body goes through periods of vigorous exercise
What is the equation for your heart rate?
220 beats per minute - your age = max heart rate
What is anaerobic exercise?
Body does not require extra oxygen for sustained activity
What are some examples of anaerobic exercise?
Sprinting a short distance, weight training (strength, flexibility)
What is aerobic exercise?
Requires a sufficient amount of oxygen for sustained activity, resulting in enlarged lungs and heart, more energy (respiration)
What are some examples of aerobic exercise?
Swimming, brisk walking, dancing, jogging, cardio exercise
What body composition does an ectomorph have?
Slender, tall, narrow hips, fingers, heads, and chests
What body composition does a mesomorph have?
Muscular build
What body composition does an endomorph have?
Stocky build, round head, short fingers, wide hips and chest
What is obesity?
An excess of body fat, a consumption of more calories than burned
List the causes of obesity.
Overeating, stress, depression, negative body image, lack of control, low self-esteem, inactive lifestyle
List the symptoms of obesity.
Hypertension (high blood pressure), gallstones, gallbladder disease, diabetes mellitus (Type 2), high blood cholesterol levels, some types of cancer
What is a BMR (basal metabolic rate)?
Amount of energy used when body is at rest
What is a BMI (body mass index)?
Relationship of height to weight (number)
What is a desirable BMI?
What part of the brain regulates hunger, appetite, and satiation?
The hypothalamus
What is Anorexia Nervosa?
Refusal to maintain normal body weight because of self-starvation
What are the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa?
Loss of 15% or more of normal body weight, excessive use of laxatives and diuretics, restriction of calorie consumption, low blood pressure, depression
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
Binging/purging cycle - more common in women
What are the symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa?
Poor self-esteem, guilt, maintaining normal body weight
What is Binge Eating?
Binging (eating a lot of food)
What are the symptoms of Binge Eating?
Obesity, trying to hide habit from family, more common in women than men
What is Pica?
eating non-edible objects (dirt, paper, clay, paint, glue, clothing)
What are the symptoms of Pica?
Malnutrition, zinc or iron deficiencies
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?
Negative thoughts regarding physical appearance
What are the symptoms of BDD?
May lead to anorexia, associated with OCD, discouraging thoughts about size, zits, moles, muscle tone, or hair